21kg competition PR.

So I went 6 for 6 at this meet.

PRed by 21kg, went 100 –> 105 –> 110kg for the snatch, 125 –> 131 –> 137kg for the c+j. Like a 1kg PR in the snatch, more or less matched my c+j PR (I’ve hit 300lbs, 137 is like 301.5lbs but who’s counting). Things felt pretty heavy today, but fortunately I felt fast in the snatch and was also accurate enough to make all my lifts. Using a whippy bar in the c+j made the clean recovery a little harder since I’m not used to utilizing the bounce with a whippy bar but then the jerks were about ten times easier.

I weighed in at 71.7, so …

This is the only meet where my results didn’t make me want to quit lifting. My best total previously was at 85kg, I went 101/125. Last year I was 77kg and went 3/6 totaling 97/122 which was pretty dismal. I have typically only felt disappointment. People ask me how I did and I said “I don’t want to talk about it.” Oh I went to a powerlifting meet and benched less than 300lbs. Oh I went to an OL meet and didn’t qualify for anything.

A lot of familiar faces at this meet, I’ve been going to it for like 5 or 6 years now and I think the best I’ve ever done at this and really any meet was like 4/6 maybe. People were all like “great job man” it felt OK. Is this what it feels like to not be ashamed of what you do? Is this what it’s like to perform as well as you could have expected? I don’t know what this feeling is.

The meet was small, I took 3rd out of 5 guys at 77kg, doesn’t really matter, I think I qualified for the AO though so I’d like to improve my total by a lot and go.

The drive actually turned out to be not that bad. It is like 5 hours total but only 3 hours of that is driving in the middle of no where and the other hour involves navigating in urban environments so I had some visual and driving stimulation to help fight off road fatigue.

willey writes:

Hey, what mobs/stretches can I do to get my arms even when low bar squatting? A friend pointed out that my left elobw doesn’t go as far back as my right when holding the bar.
I broke my collarbone last year, but had surgery and have full range of motion otherwise, so I feel like I just didn’t get it back to full mobility yet.

Would probably be better to go ahead and start squatting high-bar.

Noel writes:

Looking forward to the tees, Brent. Don’t you find lifting gives you confidence?
(Longtime lurker and occasional poster on 70sbig main).

I always lol at “long-time lurker.” Lifting gave me confidence at first. I had a little Dunning-Kruger effect going on. Then I realized I didn’t know fucking shit and was a fucking garbage athlete so I was less happy and self-confident than I was before I lifted weights.

lambchop writes:

what will the t-shirts look like brent

The captions will be “Perfectly Normal, Perfectly Healthy,” “It’s fine,” “Turning First World Performance Into First-Rate Performance,” and now “Turning Broken Hearts Into Broken Records,” with various minimalistic, simple graphics that depict the opposite of normal, healthy things, or the opposite of people coping with problems well.

karibot writes:

Last week, I found out that my dream job was going to somebody else. I scheduled an emergency c+j session. PR.
I couldn’t pull the bar from the floor today on my 4th dl rep. Then I thought about two dudes who broke my heart. Reps 4 and 5 were for them (respectively). PR.
Mope-ility: turning broken hearts into broken records.


This would definitely be a featured story on mope-ility wod.

Leave a comment ?


  1. Congrats dude, now go bang some sluts.

    • i’m more impressed at how you managed to swing your weight around. you could probably lift in 69k. i dropped a lot of weight after i got kicked out of my former gym, but i was no where near 77k. found this new 24/7 place with a platform. i give it a couple more weeks before they kick me out.

  2. I dont know if youve seen the animated show Archer, but in the first episode of the first season theres a pretty sweet scene where a chick is complaining about her ex-boyfriend and the dude driving is continually saying “its fine” until he finally slams on the brakes and yells “ITS FINE!”

    congrats on your meet PRs

    • Archer is easily one of the top 3 things on television right now. I know exactly what scene you are speaking of…I can almost hear Chris Parnell’s voice saying “it’s fiiiine” just thinking about it.

      Oh, and solid work Brent.

  3. solid effort mate, those are some dece numbers

  4. Rip must of been proud.

  5. Congratulations. Nice lifting.

  6. We need a “She strokes me to hardness” T-shirt.

  7. Congratulations Brent.

  8. Per our convo the other night, imma need to borrow your singlet for my meet in April. Hope you don’t mind. k thx bye.

  9. If you don’t have a video it did not happen.

    Can a x-ray detect patellar tendonitis? I am having the symptoms, sore to the touch and can not front squat/clean/snatch because of it. I am able to squat after foam rolling and band stretching without any issues but it will be sore/tender the next day. Any good mobs you can recommend? I’ll send you a starbucks giftcard for your time.

  10. Sweet lifts. Did you mope-ilize before the meet? If so, how? I’d like to hear more about your mope-ilization strategies.

    I find that I do my best work when I’ve mope-ilized just enough to feel a little reckless, so that I take some risks that I wouldn’t otherwise take. But it’s easy to mope-ilize too much and zap your motivation completely. Lifting requires getting off of the couch. You feel me?

    I knew you’d understand that my story was one of victory, not defeat.

  11. Brent,

    Have you ever used mope-ility and brobility simultaneously. I think this combination could lead to shattered PRs in 2012!

  12. Careful not to make too many t-shirts. Technically it would fit the theme of the site if you had a bunch made and not a single one sold.

  13. “I had a little Dunning-Kruger effect going on. Then I realized I didn’t know fucking shit and was a fucking garbage athlete so I was less happy and self-confident than I was before I lifted weights.”

    Have you considered briefly lifting in a shitty commercial chain gym? It could be a nice visceral pick-you-up when you’re the strongest person somewhere, even if you’re smart enough to realize you’re just the big fish a weak, terrible cohort.

  14. Damnit, I had a feeling you were going to tell me to switch to high bar. I used to exclusively high bar until last summer, and fell in love with low bar once I switched.

    I also know from the comments on 70B that you love high bar a lot…hm…I’ll thinks about it

  15. nice work bro, if you ever feel down just remember that you beat my best total (236) and my best snatch and I’m 94 kg. I’ve been doing this for 3 months and have no idea what I’m doing though… hopefully I can suck less soon.

  16. Congrats on the lifts — they are really impressive!

    Lifting gave me confidence at first. I had a little Dunning-Kruger effect going on. Then I realized I didn’t know fucking shit and was a fucking garbage athlete so I was less happy and self-confident than I was before I lifted weights.

    Nice negative reframing, chief. I realise this is your schtick, but at some point in the future you might decide you want to be happy. If so you might want to stop carrying this bullshit around in your head.

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