Trained at ISystems Gym in Carrollton, which will be my new main training ground. It was the BEST SATURDAY EVER with Saul and Becky.

Intuitively squat high-bar up to 405lbs x 2 and then another single without a belt.

I snatched up to 215lbs and c+jed up to 265lbs, cleaned 275lbs but it was pretty tough and I dumped it after the clean.

Clean-and-pressed up to 165lbs x 3, which fucking blew, then did some back off sets, this wasn’t that great of a press day.

RDLed up to 315lbs x 7, 330lbs x 5.

Close-grip benched 240lbs x 3.

Did a few sets of ring pull ups, which got my bis pretty legit sore the last time I did them with Saul, I did four sets today and went for AMRAP (best set was 10 though I was not touching the rings to my body towards the end of the set) so hopefully I will get a little swollertrophy out of this.

I established my shit head cred before leaving when I saw the jacked guy who was closing up the gym mixing his post-workout shake and asked, “Hey man, what’s your stack?”

He laughed and said, “My what?”

“Your stack man? What is it?”

“Yeah,” Becky added, “Is that isolate or concentrate?”

So now when I show up next time wearing my misc t-shirt they will definitely know I’m a real piece of shit.

Guy was legit mega jacked, I liked him because he was real jacked and the first thing he did upon walking into the gym was dumbbell curls. He then spent the rest of the 1.5 hours he was there doing bis and tris. I’m going to start having an arm day in my programming. “That’s real lame Brent” OH I’m sorry I didn’t know having fucking 20″ bis at 5’5″ and legit clydesdale horse shoes for tris was lame why don’t you go fuck yourself.

Iggy writes:

hey brent do you plan on competing officially in olympic weightlifting? usa needs more guys in the lower weight classes (69′s, 77′s, )

lol as if the USA is going to benefit from some shit head scrub who doesn’t c+j 400lbs @ 77k. I will be focusing on oly as a secondary goal (primary goal being flexing in the mirror) but uhhh I mean no one’s gonna give a shit about what I do.

Until I start using stanozolol.

Some fucking guy writes:

HEY BK. How much proteinz and cals is there in 1 Pound of Korean Kalbi short ribs (king cut)??? I bought 10 pounds pre marinated @ at the korean grocery store but it doesn’t say . They are really thin cut though and kinda long (like AC’s cawk no homo). And what is your name on the forums?????????????????????

I dunno, generally speaking a lbs of beef is gonna be around 70-100g of pro depending on how lean the meat is. I dunno about cals? Again that’d depend on the fat content of the meat. I don’t have a name on the forums, I just lurk the misc and popcorn.gif (and wear the t-shirt).

Shoulda done more curls today.

At the CrossFit gym I snatched up to 100k and c+jed 115k, missed a 122k jerk twice. Pulls all felt easy, I think with a better split I should be hitting some better jerks soon.

Then I went to a boba tea shoppe (while still wearing soffe shorts. I was out in public with the shorts from 11am to 9pm) and there was a too cute Vietnamese girl wearing glasses behind the counter. This is a haiku I wrote about our interaction:

She speaks softly. I
lean towards her just to be
closer, not to hear.

I went home and mobbed, then drove to Denton to train with Saul, but first I stopped by a Thai place in Denton – which was really fucking good – but it was kind of a semi-fancy place and so I looked like a real pile of shit sitting there in a sweaty hipster tee and soffe shorts.

I trained with Saul and banged out some high-bar squats at 340lbs for 10, 7, and 7, then finished up with 365lbs x 5. I also clean-and-pressed up to an intuitive triple, hit 160lbs dead-stop, then did barbell bent over rows and cheat curls. I was gonna go ring with Saul and blast my bis with some ring pull ups but it had gotten kinda late so I went home to cook and get to bed early for work.

I heard Saul laugh and I turned and he pointed out an obese guy struggling to do partial dips with all of the assistance on the assisted dip machine. I was laughing because Saul was like, legit laughing at this fucking guy, like 80s movie bad guy bully “look at this loser” laughing, but Saul said, “He’s an adult male who is too fat to be doing dips, and he got that fat in the first place,” and I couldn’t really argue with that. It reminded me of when Mariah was real upset one day because she was reading about the Fat Acceptance Movement and was reading some virgin’s blog about accepting that she was a fat fucking piece of shit and how she claimed to enjoy life as an obese fuck face. It was a pretty good blog, I’m surprised I didn’t bookmark it.

We also spent time making fun of these WABDL old fucks who weren’t very strong and squatting to a bench that was above parallel, and two guys who were clearly on anabolics of some kind.

I just want to add that Saul’s experimenting this week by doing the Herculean Weightlifting total every training day, and he trains every day. So that is working up to a 1rm (and occasionally doing more singles for volume) in the clean-and-press, deadlift, and cheat curl every day – if he had bumpers he’d be doing the snatch and c+j with those. You guys would like Saul.

Jake writes:

Watching that video definitely gave me a bad case of yellow fever. Are all Asian girls trained from birth in the art of being fucking adorable?

They’re not being adorable, Jake, those are pathetically well-rehearsed mannerisms derived from societal cliches, if you think that’s cute you’re a jelly-dicked virgin Mormon.

Mike writes:

we’re more or less tied bro. i’m at 230+280 – with clean miss jerk at 290. i know you’re good for more, and so am i.

I’ll be checking out a gym 20mins away with oly bars and bumpers and a wider range of hours than the CF gym so if we end up training there regularly I should hopefully have more opportunity to sn. and c+j and hopefully get real fucking jacked.

I left my fb logged in at Saul and Becky’s, look what Becky did:

That’s real fucking good, Becky. I should note that I haven’t spoken to two of the people who responded in a real long time, so their first interaction with me in a couple years is making suggestions for what kind of tramp stamp to get and asking if I was sticking my fucking dick in a penis pump. So that’s real fucking good, Becky.

So what’s your sign?

Checked out a locally owned gym in Denton to do some training with Saul and Becky, the gym was actually usable for the slow lifts.

While we were signing waivers for the gym, Becky noticed my birthday and said “oh are you aware of the connection we all have? We’re all born in March!”

I said, “Oh that’s cool, we’re all Aries. Do you think it fits you?”

Then I turned to the girl at the desk, who was quite pretty, and asked her, “So what’s your sign?”

There was a pregnant moment during which all parties had to accept that I, in fact, just asked her that question, and then there was an exasperated smile from the front desk girl and hysterical laughter from Becky.

“I’m a Virgo, actually,” she says.

I said, “I could tell,” and she smiled at that too. Then I didn’t talk to her again. And fucking killed myself.

I pressed 155lbs for four sets, going 5, 5, 4, 5, and starting each set with a clean, which was fun, but could have been funner if I was pressing 160lbs.

Front squat 315lbs x 3, then 335lbs for 3 and then a double and just got flat-out stapled on the last rep. I haven’t front squat in quite some time, so it felt a little weird but the legs felt pretty strong doing this. Just not used to bottoming-out here, which should return pretty shortly.

Did some barbell rows afterwards – this is the only movement during which my hamstring still feels some tightness, though it’s not severe and the fact that I can snatch and clean and RDL what I did pre-injury makes me not worry. Should prob do some more soft-tissue tack-and-stretch and high-hammy stretching.

Later this night, they hung their rings up over a tree branch and we played around – Saul and Becky did legit gymnastics skills and I shoveled shit. I did a few dips, attempted poorly to get into an externally-rotated support, did a few ring pull ups and could not get the rings to touch my chest (they were low enough, I just could not pull my elbows and shoulders back so that the rings made contact with my body even with external rotation), and tried a few support positions. Would be interesting to do these on a regular basis and see what they do for my pressing and upper body swollertrophy.

Saul’s thing today, and this happened twice, was to say, “Brent,” and nod at me when an Asian female walked by. Both times they weren’t terribly attractive and looked pretty grumpy and just in general could not have been less approachable and I was a little confused about what action he wanted me to take, because I sure as fuck was not going to talk to them.

Unless they looked like this. Warning, this video fucking blows.

I’m going to learn to shuffle.

I’m sure if you’re reading this blog you know about my dance vid to Pretty Lights – Up & Down I Go. In fact, about 90% of you quite frankly wouldn’t give a fucking shit about me if it WEREN’T for that dance vid.

Well you probably know about Party Rock Anthem. You should also probably know a dance that’s often associated with it, the Melbourne Shuffle, and you should also know that I am going to be more committed to learning how to do the Melbourne Shuffle than I am to training. That means if there is ever a day where I have to pick between my 30min – 1 hour training session of learning the shuffle or getting swole, I’m going to choose learning how to shuffle.

If a cute geeky girl who liked StarCraft 2, ate Paleo, did the oly lifts and wasn’t a fucking douche about it, had a heart of gold, and KNEW HOW TO SHUFFLE and did it wearing Ranger panties and a tank top, if this girl asked me to hang out and hold hands at any point in the next couple weeks or months or however long it took to become proficient at the Melbourne Shuffle, I’d say, “Sorry chief, I have to go practice the Melbourne Shuffle in my apartment bedroom.” And I wouldn’t even give a fuck, I’d be completely unphased by the fact that a female gave me unprovoked attention and I’d be banging out T-steps like I should be banging out front raises for my severely lacking anterior delts.

I met Saul and Becky aka RUNITAGAIN and ThunderThighs, we’ve been hanging out and trained on Wed and will be training tomorrow (Saturday) as well. Been pretty good times, Becky is surprised that we get along well but imo we all like StarCraft 2 and lifting weights which are both full-time jobs in and of themselves so it’s hard to imagine why we wouldn’t get along.


On Wednesday, the three of us did Herculean Weightlifting’s inaugural meet. For the uninformed, Herculean Weightlifting is Saul’s brainchild, and it consists of two attempts each in clean-and-press, snatch, clean-and-jerk, deadlift, and a 1rm cheat curl with no knee flexion in the event of a tie breaker. Saul will post more information in the comments for any questions regarding the competition rules and format.

I snatched up to 97k and c+jed 120k and did real fucking shitty in everything else – my best clean-and-press was 75k and I missed an 82k press on my second attempt, then maxed my double overhand no hook grip dead at 150k, even with the excellent Rogue Eleiko knurling.

I picked up some boba tea without changing – one girl rolled her eyes at me and at least two separate groups nodded at me to their friends and then giggled derisively – and at the globo with my roommate I banged out some shitty bench presses (255lbs x 4 and a few back off sets at 225lbs for volume) and sand-bagged my high-bar squats (330lbs x 10, 5, 5, though my legs have been GGed from this for the past 2 days).

Oldman writes:

This is on my play list now too:
What does this song do for you?

What the fuck do you think it does for me?

Jake Briskin writes:

What is it about English being rapped with a Korean accent that I find so annoying

It’s the fact that Korean Americans are pieces of shit.

Brian writes:

brent is looking real swole in the recent saul video.
Also I never see you or justin online on SC2.

Me and Saul are about to play what’s your gamer id? my # is 483

Puke writes:

We can kill ourselves together, Brent. I saw the girl I really liked wearing a Greenpeace shirt the other day.

Give her a chance, bro.

Hamstring seems to be better.

Felt a little tight power cleaning but still worked up to 245lbs for a double, hit some RDLs at 315lbs. Squatting seems to be green-lighted for now.

Haven’t really done anything cool, just a bunch of squatting, benching, pressing, RDLs and curls. I hit a 250lbs x 5 bench without a belt, that’s kind of insignificant though. Squat 315lbs x 10 high bar? Hey guys I was talking to a girl named Cristina from Nationals and she told me about Jennifer Thompson, she lifts at 132lbs and benches 292lbs raw. I guess I should stop fucking blogging about training. I guess I should just stop fucking training all together.

In case you missed it from the comments, my conceptualization of the friend zone:

there is an underlying sense of failure in everything that happens to me – the girl might have invited me out but i’ve crossed the event horizon into the black hole of the friend zone. there is no escape. from the outside you see me in slow-motion, getting rejected by girls as i meet them. inside the event horizon, everything is a blur. i am friend zoned so quickly that i’m unable to keep track of how many girls do it to me.

Follow-up to the girl I’ve mentioned – she’s moved back to New Jersey, almost completely unannounced. That Saturday night was apparently a going-away thing, though she didn’t declare it as such. She was going to go to school here but after leaving her boyfriend she had expressed concern at being able to pay all her bills on her own and had also talked about going to school back at home being much easier and cheaper.

Hey Brent wanna hang out? Oh you’re out of town, that’s fine, I’m just leaving Plano tomorrow forever we’ll never see each other again it was good talking to you though bye!

Operation Fuck Competition I’m Just Flexing In The Mirror is going well, I ordered soffe running shorts last week and they came in today, I am wearing a pair now and they are real fucking short, like, my boxer briefs are longer than the shorts. Need to pick up tank tops from Target soon. I want my wardrobe to be kind of like Justin’s but not completely mirror it. I just want to be two guys wearing soffe shorts and tank tops doing curls together but not identical twin-like.

I hung out with Saul and Becky, aka antigen/RUNITAGAIN and Thunderthighs on 70sbig. They are pretty cool – Saul, your official callsign is Paleo One. He’s pretty hardcore about it and pretty awesome. He’s also an excellent StarCraft 2 player. While we were walking to a restaurant they made a stop at a sidewalk where there were some railings embedded in concrete and used them as a dip stand. Saul hasn’t had a gym to train at so he’s been doing ring/gymnastics-oriented stuff, which includes hanging from the 2nd story rafter of his apartment in front of the stairs and doing one-arm pull ups while he hangs precariously over the edge of the railing. It’s pretty safe.

I’ve made more IRL friends through 70s big than I have from actual IRL in the past six months. Nathan, Mariah, Jacob, Jake Briskin, Saul, Becky, (Thom?? Does webcam chatting count as IRL if we are ICBMs (inter-continental best mates)?) I love you guys.

To everyone speaking in bro-talk in the comments (mainly Chris and oldman), please continue. I enjoy having a mini-Misc in the comments of my posts.

Mike asks,

should all the dudes who can’t clean 188k just end it now? [] also would you hit it?

I absolutely would not bang Jang Mi-Ran. But what do you think about this:

CoolStoryBro asks,

Brent, how do you feel about this image?

I actually am friends with that guy, his name is Brandon and he was a Masters Zerg for a while before he stopped playing.

Me and Saul will be training sometime this week (I told him I have Wednesday off but upon checking my schedule this might not be the case …) and I will definitely have tank tops by then, expect mildly homoerotic pictures in the next post.

My life fucking blows right now.

Last night, as we were driving away from the airport to forage for food before Justin landed (we took separate flights back to DFW):

Mike, while looking at his phone: “There should be a Fuddruckers around here.”

Chris: “I don’t see it.”

This moment to me is the epitome of our interaction. The opportunity for productive communication is there – Chris could have responded with “Where is it” or “Give me directions,” but instead chose the intentionally obtuse response, “I don’t see it, therefore it doesn’t exist.”

+ + +

I woke up Saturday morning to Mike standing over me, pantomiming shaving his face violently, then looking distantly up out the window while pointing and saying “shhh.” He referenced scenes like this at least three times every hour, and had a prop to use as the razor 87% of the time.

+ + +

I spent the four hour flight to Newark, New Jersey sitting between Chris, who now apparently competes in the SPF 308lbs and under weight class, and Mike, who, before he started powerlifting, went on countless bulk and cut cycles when he didn’t have a show to do. Because of that experience, Mike is a master of controlling his body weight and can gain or lose weight pretty much just by thinking about it. He gained 30lbs in about six weeks? He was walking around at 270lbs for the meet. Anyways I sat between these two fuck faces and it fucking blew.

+ + +

Just as an aside, when we drove from the airport to forage for food, we didn’t actually find any. We drove for about 20min on the highway aimlessly and achieved nothing. Mission failed, special forces isn’t in our future. Mariah, does this sound familiar to you? It should.

+ + +

Chris took his shirt off for the deadlift. While he was walking around with the straps of his singlet down, he began flexing his left and right pecs alternately, which turned into saying, “COME ON DO IT KILL ME I’M HERE DO IT NOW” while flexing his pecs. Two ladies in the warm-up room, one of whom is a USAPL official from Texas, loved it.

+ + +

While training with Justin at a black-iron gym in Scranton called Peffer’s Gym, we met a guy from the 101st who was pretty cool, just this fucking guy who didn’t give a shit about periodization, Starting Strength, or ratios who benched 315lbs for reps and was a pretty jacked 240lbs. He told me to get off the books and catch some sun and vitamin D. He asked me if I was a mathematician, and when I told him I took x-rays he said, “Oh you seemed like you did something in mechanical engineering or some shit.” He also told me and Justin to go to several bars to get some tail and said it’d be easy for Justin, then pointed to me and said “you, too, two guys who are in shape, you’d get some action real easy.” I said ok.

+ + +

The girl from work I mention in the post below this one called me from work on Saturday night.

“Hey Brent, it’s Angie, some friends and I were going to go out and I was wondering if you wanted to come out with us.”

I look at Mike, Chris, Chad, and Justin in the loud, obnoxious college bar we were eating at and said, “I would actually love to go out with you tonight but I’m in Scranton, Pennsylvania. I would much rather hang out with you than the fuck heads I’m with right now.”

“You’re where?”

“Scranton, Pennsylvania. I’m getting filmed for The Office.”

“You’re lying. Are you really?”

“No not really but I really am in Scranton. I would have liked to go out with you though. Maybe next time.”

“Oh okay. Well I guess I’ll see you when you get back. Bye, I hope you have fun in Scranton!”

Guess I’ll fucking kill myself.

+ + +

I’ll let the guys do their own recap, I don’t really give a fuck about lifting anymore and if you haven’t seen my announcement on the 70s big facebook I am officially retiring from competition to train for flexing in the mirror and slaying mildly attractive pussy. They all did great though, they all missed a few attempts here and there but PRed nonetheless. Chad killed his 3rd attempt dead, something like a 15-20lbs PR like it was an 80% lift, Mike PRed on squat and bench, Chris PRed on bench and deadlift. I shoveled shit and played StarCraft 2.

Mike Kim asks:

do you think those korean star craft professionals take drugs like ritalin and adderall and cocaine.

I fucking hope so.

Some fucking guy asks:

brent u never reply to any of the comments. so how long of a “break” are u taking to rest?

I took a few days off and started rehab by day 4 which was bodyweight squats and progressed each day from there, and on Saturday I did 275lbs for a few sets of 10. RDLs started last Wednesday I think, first with the bar, then 135lbs, and on Sat I did 155lbs for like 13. Improvement has been good, and the hamstrings get less tight and feels more normal after every workout. I don’t think I can pull heavy or do the snatch or clean yet, still feels like it could pull on squats and RDLs if I move too violently.

CoolStoryBro asks:

Brent what do you reccomend for guys that cant bench their bodyweight for worksets on linear progression? Im thinking something along the lines of killing myself.

You should only kill yourself if you’re a pussy virgin mormon about it and bitch and moan and make excuses for why you’re not stronger. We all have our own obstacles to overcome. Be consistent and work hard. If that doesn’t work for you, just post on the Starting Strength boards and pretend people give a fucking shit.

A bunch of fucking guys ask:

lol there is sure a lot of negative comments. however, i would really like to know why u hate frank yang.

Because he’s fucking Frank Yang? Have you seen his videos? Have you read his blog? There really shouldn’t be any question.

Hey guys I’m gonna go I’ll talk to you here in a little bit.

I’m not suicidal.

In case you guys missed it in the comments. I fucking hate Frank Yang.

Snatched 215lbs x 2, high-bar back squat 390lbs x 5, 5, 4.

So against all wisdom I shot for the double leg and got the girl’s number.

Things that I’m doing wrong:

1.) I work with her
2.) 5 days out of a one year relationship with someone who she will always love
3.) still living with said ex, though he is supposedly leaving
4.) I should prob just fucking kill myself

She does it for me though so I will hopefully sink the shot in deep, sweep the hips, and take side mount. I have already gotten into a rather heated argument with her about whether or steroid use is a bad or good thing. She’s a pretty hardcore geek. See this video of Erin from The Office to see what our conversations are like. I enjoy them.

Update to this: I think I’m friend zoned, guess I’ll kill myself.

Update to training: I pulled my hamstring on a warm-up deadlift. I was supersetting bench and deadlift because I had 30min to train and went 135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 5, 315lbs x 3, 365lbs x 1, and pulled it at 395lbs x 1. Felt a pop, it tightened up and I couldn’t squat deep or do any pulling after. I could walk OK, though as the day went on at work it start to hurt. At home I noticed point tenderness with no bruising or swelling, iced it 4x for 20mins, today it doesn’t hurt to walk and the only thing that hurts is squatting to a toilet and hip flexion to end range with straight knees. Prob not good to lift for raw nationals though, not that I really give a shit, powerlifting is fucking checkers. It just wouldn’t be smart, either … I’m not even in 181, I weigh 163-164 at best, I’d post a shitty total injured, and the risk of making the hamstring strain worse or delaying recovery from hitting 1rms is quite frankly not worth it.

Don’t fucking tell me “I’m sorry to hear,” “that sucks, Brent,” or anything similar to that because it’s only going to fucking irritate me, I couldn’t care less that you give a shit and I couldn’t care less about totaling less than 1400lbs at any body weight. Competing mainly makes me want to fucking kill myself anyway so this should mean I’ll have a better time since I’ll be banging out curls in the warm up room with Justin.

Justin: “it’s only going to fucking irritate me,” you KNOW everyone is going to comment and say that now
me: fuck
Justin: even the guys who don’t comment
me: that’s fine
Justin: they will all fuck with you
me: lol
Justin: this will be so awesome
me: i know
Justin: I can’t wait
me: the guys who post on myh blog represent the coolest part of the 70s big community
Justin: hahahahahah, i lol’d
me: because it’s people who want to hang out with me, just a bunch of assholes who want to bust everyon’es balls

Mike Kim, who has no relation to me, writes:

i think i’m catching up brent. that was basically the same session i had today in terms of the classic lifts except a higher cj – i’ll be going for 300 this week (which is what i fs). what are your weightlifting training totals right now?

I’ve hit 107/125 with bumpers and you will have another 2-3 weeks to surpass me since I’ll be doing light lower body shit but I’m gonna get real fucking serious after recovery, hope you’ve brought enough thunder.

I could wake up earlier.

Let’s start this off with a bang:

This is a really good vid, you will like it.

Over the weekend I benched 270lbs for a double and a single, squat 440lbs x 3 low-bar with tired and sore hamstrings, pressed 170lbs x 4, and did some barbell rowing, weighted pull ups, and curls. These all match current bests, and two of those current bests are from a higher bw.

Today (Wednesday) I benched 250lbs 5, 5, 4, and 3 – this would be a stall, and I want to fucking kill myself. I low-bar squat 415lbs x 3 after this. Total workout time was 35min.

Speaking of killing myself, I’ve been benching without a spotter in quite a few recent workouts. I’m just tired of asking random scrubs for a spot, and the bar tends to stall closer to lock-out than my chest so every time it doesn’t look like it’s going to go, I’ve managed to take it into the lower pins on the rack, and I set up pretty close to the rack as well. This is how people die benching. Now that I am thinking about how fragile my mortality is I will probably start asking people to spot me.

Here is a chatlog from earlier today with my friend Shawn:

me: sup
sowen41: not too much
how about you
sowen41: you know what…
what the fuck
who the fuck drops a sup
and then nothing after
you better have had a fucking stroke or something.
or have spilt something on the key board.
it isn’t a god damn game brent.
god damned slack jawed faggots.
this is absurd.
you said hey
I made time for you
I pushed my paper work aside and thought – HEY I’ll talk to brent.
next time you wanna say ‘sup’ – might as well mail me a letter – and have the postman deliver it to the god damn corpse hanging in the fucking closet…
sowen41: next time why don’t you fucking call. I like hearing a voice in my ear when I’m getting FUCKED like this.
sowen41: maybe fucking pull out next time you bend me over and FUCK me like this…that way I won’t have to fucking have it run down my god damn thigh…
thanks brent…
thanks for FUCKING ME like this.
sowen41: nothing?
no response?
I’d be pretty short winded too after a hardcore fucking like that…
sowen41: hey brent, I hope you have a steady job… because after a fucking like this – there’s no way I can NOT get pregnant.
mother fucker.

There is a girl at work who is nervous and awkward. She is kind of like the new desk receptionist in The Office, the one who likes Michael Scott and dated Andy. I think she is cute. She’s a geek. We spent about 30 minutes having what was essentially a stream-of-consciousness conversation on her part. She is of course living with her ex who she recently broke up with (two days ago). Post thoughts and predictions in comments.

I’ve been collecting some time with a lacrosse ball and my distal extremities … hit my high gastrocs, extensor mass on my forearms, and even distal triceps. The distal triceps were lit the FUCK up by tack-and-stretch, I was sore for about 48 hours after rolling on them, but pressing and front rack seem to feel better. I will prob try another exposure or two. High gastroc tack-and-stretch also seems to help with my squat, makes it easier to keep my knees back and seems to improve the bottom position.

I am already sore.

On Sunday I benched 250lbs for 5, 5, 4, and 3 and low-bar squat 405lbs for a triple.

On Monday I snatched 200lbs for a triple and c+jed up to 255lbs without bumpers, then high-bar squat 385lbs for 3×5.

On Wednesday (tonight) I snatched up to 102kg, c+jed 125kg and cleaned 130kg twice. I felt pretty good tonight. Then I front squat 355lbs for a double, 335lbs for a triple, and did RDLs at 315lbs for 8, 7, and 6, which was pretty terrible, I had the white noise sensation fading in and out of my ears. The Rogue Eleiko shredded my left hand open pretty well, that’s going to be a big help to my training and life in general.

This has been a pretty good training week. I’ve consistently felt good in every training session, including on Sunday when I had 3 hours of sleep, worked for 10 hours, and trained with my last intake of solid food having been 5 hours prior to training (I went in fueled with waxy maize and Starbucks).

Tonight there was this fucking guy who thinks he is hot shit, he was deadlifting 525 with straps for a 1rm, a wide stance, and pulled on his toes, then ramped the bar, it just really bothered me, normally this doesn’t bother me but after he pulled it he told this fucking Asian guy, who was pulling in a similar fashion with 275lbs and straps, “Man that was an ugly rep too, I’m kinda pissed about it, it wasn’t as clean as I like,” AS IF THIS FUCKING GUY HAS EVER PULLED A CLEAN REP BEYOND 225 EVER IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE. AS IF HE EVEN HAS THE FUCKING PROPRIOCEPTION TO DISCERN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LUMBAR EXTENSION AND EXTREME LUMBAR FLEXION, WHICH IS THE ONLY WAY HE’S EVER PULLED ANYTHING OVER 225.

Added this to my mental checklist of training goals: pull 500lbs+ double overhand hook grip for 5 while this guy is deadlifting and not make a big fucking deal out of it.

I couldn’t be more bothered by this guy.

Then there were two Asians, one of whom had a haircut like Frank Yang complete with blonde highlights??????? being real fucking typical with 10lbs dumbbell lateral raises and just fucking sucking in general, I couldn’t have been more trolled tonight.

Me and Nate were talking late last night about regular people at gyms who have interfered with our workouts in one way or another,

Nathan Liittschwager: one time i was doing clean and jerks
and a group
of fat cardio bunnies was walking by
and of course
came in my line of sight
anyway, i cleaned the weight, then stood up
and jerked it
and one yelped
and jumped back
almost tripping on the machine behind her
she goes “What the fuck, be careful!”
I wish i said something mean
go eat more

Brent Kim: dude
i would have
raged for you
at that fucking sow
i would have said
he is controlling more than your bw overhead in an explosive movement
get fucked

Nathan Liittschwager: LOL that would be sweet

Brent Kim: the only thing you can manipulate is cum in your uterus

Nathan Liittschwager: DLKSFJDKL

Brent Kim: i dunno
i’d be so fucking pissed
she is fat because she is a worthless irresponsible piece of shit
and the idea that YOU
nathan fucking littschwager
who trans the fucking oly lifts
should “be careful”

Nathan Liittschwager: i am laughing really hard

Brent Kim: because she walked too close to SOMEONE WHO WAS ACTUALLY LIFTING WEIGHTS
is so outrageous

Dude – one of my pet peeves is bitchy fat girl being a drama queen over shit that is a non-issue. Technically, Nathan was more in danger of being smothered by her than she was of getting hit by the weights, which would have been a good thing. Spar would prob fucking hate this paragraph, but I can’t fucking help it and imo not liking angry, bitter, fat women is pretty fucking justifiable. Be more of a fucking train wreck, please. Body image issues, pretending to be fat-acceptance but having deep-rooted self-loathing for being a goddamn manatee, being a bitter, single militant feminist, not having the capacity to commit to anything that resembles difficulty, trying to pass off “going to school,” “working a job,” “posting my entire life on facebook” as difficult and stressful, fucking try harder please someone might give you the courtesy of pretending to give a shit.

Jacques asks: Could you ever love a FAT girl with NO tits?

If you aren’t aware already, it’s pretty common knowledge that I’m a bit of a chubby chaser. The IGX big earl thread? I like a lot of the girls in that thread. Chubby, “thick,” and even some straight-up fat girls have been attractive to me – they are soft, feel good to cuddle with, and like California, are all rolling curves. The terrain is interesting. And if we’re going to be fucking cereal, YES, one of the big reasons I like chubby chicks is that they often have fat tits. I understand that that’s not everyone’s thing and I wish i cared.

I am not saying I’m exclusively attracted to chubby girls. Pretty smile generally is the only criteria for me to notice a girl. I can grow to love the rest of her if she’s cool enough, whether she has wide child-bearing hips and large round tits, or is petite and demure, or jacked and athletic with low bodyfat.

Anyways to answer the question – as long as I think she has a pretty smile, and she’s a cool person, I could probably love a fat girl with no tits. Unless she is fucking grotesquely obese, because she’d be fucking gross.

Fat tits vs. big tits.

I front squat 350lbs x 3 for a PR on Wednesday, did a back off set at 325lbs x 3 which was too easy (should have attempted like 330 or 335), and pulled 430bs x 1 for a pretty hard single. I was hoping to at least double that but uh ………….. Anyways my quads were sore today.

Today (Thursday night) I snatched up to 215lbs like a fucking joke, c+jed up to 265lbs, also a fucking joke, pressed 165lbs x 4, 3 and 160lbs x 5, then did barbell rows and curls.

Something that helped with the oly lifts today was restoring first rib movement – I’ve been meaning to do it for a while but just got a PVC stick today to actually start. Going overhead was pretty legit today. I’ll see how much benefit I get from hitting this on a regular basis. Feels like I can get the bar behind my ears a lot easier. Turning the bar over in the snatch was pretty snappy.

Daily couch stretching with dorsiflexion has also done a lot for my jerk split, I can get my toes pointing in the correct direction and I’m a lot more stable in the split as well.

The Obsolete Man asks:

Brent, what are the differences between fat boobs and big boobs? Both imply the same to me.

Me and Justin worked on a clear definition for this while in Monterey. All fat tits are big but not all big tits are fat. Fat tits must jiggle, and some droopage is acceptable (currently no defined quantity for droopage factor). For real-world examples: Katy Perry. Fat tits. These boobs? Fat tits. This gif right here? Fat tits. Thom Vale is our other SME on fat tits, and he may provide further examples in the comments. Also, please keep in mind that our researchers are still working on engineering a clear, concise definition for “fat tits” and thus some of the criteria are currently in a nebulous stage. For example, should all large, natural tits be considered fat? Or does the distinction go beyond more than just mere “natural” vs. “fake?” These are some rather pertinent issues that, quite frankly, I’m not comfortable defining without extensive study.

Another good one.

These, these and these could be considered “big tits” (vs. fat).

I just thought this was good.

I can’t imagine what this post is going to do to the search terms that result in hits to my blog.

Though let’s not forget that boobs alone don’t define a woman. The #1 criteria should always be “do I like her as a person?” And if we’re going to be reality, I’ve had some pretty strong attractions to girls who have very little to offer in the boobage department, they had pretty smiles and a good sense of humor and hearts of gold. These are the same girls I cry about in the corner of my shower sometimes.