Another Excerpt

This is an excerpt from Chapter 3 (Helpful Info). It’s called “Juggling Goals” and talks about the different ways to use this program. It’s slightly out of context if you haven’t read the previous chapter, but it gives you an idea of how flexible The 70’s Big LP is.


Chalk Talk #21 – Women Can Do More Reps

There always seems to be a little bit of controversy when I bring this topic up. I wanted to try using a visual aid to make the following point: at a given percentage of their respective 1RM, women can do more reps than males. The reason is due to hormones, but that concept leaves the scope of the video. Note that women can increase their neuromuscular efficiency — just like men can — with training.

What examples of this have you seen in your training (if you are a female) or women in your gym?

PR Friday – 27 FEB 2015

PR Friday is a forum to allow you to share your triumphs and failures with your strength training brethren. How has your training been this week? What questions do you have for your peers? Talk and mingle.

Do you have a training question? Ask anyone from the 70′s Big Crew a question in the comments below, on Facebook, or Twitter. Follow 70’s Big on Instagram.

Chalk Talk #20 – Pre-workout Hip Stretch

In Chalk Talk #17 I talked about some joint approximation stuff you can do to work on your hips prior to training. Today’s Chalk Talk puts a new twist on some classic stretches by adding banded distraction. It’s actually easy to perform because you don’t need to tie the band off on anything; you just tie it on your own hip and use your other foot to add tension.

What do you do to open your hips up before training?