Accountability Check

I haven’t posted anything on protein, water, mobility, or nutrition in a while and I feel that doing so makes you consider your habits. Have the guys been eating one gram of protein per pound of body weight plus fifty (e.g. a 200 pound male would hit a minimum of 250g of protein)? Have the gals been aiming for almost 1g per pound of body weight? Are you drinking half your body weight in ounces of water (e.g. a 200 pound male would drink 100 oz of water)? Are you doing daily mobility to improve your movement limitations or painful areas? Are you returning to a clean diet after last week’s eating extravaganza?

These are the little things that make or break your training. Any child can go into the weight room and attack the barbell, but it takes a professional to pay attention to details outside of the gym. If you’re encountering recovery problems — and aren’t using stupid amounts of volume, intensity, or frequency — then look to how well you’re adhering to the above “outside of the gym” aspects of training. If you’ve read this site for a while, you should  be thinking “duh”, but at the same time you may realize you haven’t been hitting your daily protein requirements.

Remember that recovery is not a glass of water that you can quickly fill or empty; it’s a continuum. Eating 300+ grams of protein, doing an entire hour of mobility, or over hydrating in one day might be impressive, but it amounts to precisely dick if you don’t do it regularly. You should be consistent enough so that you don’t require a cram session. It’s the same thing as lifting: if you haven’t lifted in a week, you can’t make up for lost time by squatting 20 sets of 5 in your next workout. The concept makes sense in the gym, so act the same outside of it.

If you’re sitting there wondering why you haven’t squatted 405 or pressed your body weight, it might be because you don’t take your training seriously…which is fine if you don’t want to hit your goals. Spending 5 to 10 hours of your week toiling with the iron is more than a fucking hobby; quit dicking around and get serious.  Do you want to be an imposing physical specimen who lets children do chin-ups off of your biceps after pressing a car? Then realize that these “little things” are training and get to work.

Can’t believe I actually found an example.

2012 Thanksgiving Results

Today’s post compiles the results of the annual 2012 Thanksgiving Weight Gain Challenge. Each video was pretty funny and worth watching. I’ve made a table of the winners in each category:

Most of the contenders weighed about the same, so the “Percent of Body Weight” category did not vary much from the “Absolute Gain” category. The heaviest guys were Joe Bloom and Rob Brown (start weight of 225 and 236.6 respectively). Lightest guys were criedthefox (Brian) and Daren Welsh (176.5 and 184.6 respectively). Of the 11 contenders, there was a total weight gain of 86.5 pounds.

Willey’s winning results are surprising because he started at 191 and gained 13 pounds, but his discomfort seemed sincere in his post weigh-in video. One contender can’t win both categories, so Daren Welsh will win the other (he’s second in both).

As for “funniest video”, I have narrowed it down to a few. I want to point out that I thought all of the videos were amusing, so give ’em a watch. We will choose the funniest video in this post’s comments out of the following x:

criedthefox clearly spent a lot of time on this year’s entry. He went from 176.5 to 184.5. Will he retain the title?

Zach Paulus has really come out of no where this year. Literally. In this video he said he used to weigh 135 and weighed in at 188.2, so he’s been hard at work (his second weigh-in put him at 194.6). This video is a must-watch. Don’t make fun of him.

Alphantis did two quick vids, but I laughed really fucking hard at the end of this first video. He went from 187 to 193.5.

newgetelqueso participates in the challenge from the Middle East and questions a girl on manly qualities. He went from 75.6 to 78.6kg (his response to kilos is good).

Daren Welsh’s video is very good, and he sports a nice mustache (which undoubtedly helped him win), but he can’t win another award. He went from 184.6 to 194.6 for an even 10 pound gain.

The others with comments from memory:

Rob Brown’s girlfriend brought a scale in her purse to Cracker Barrell and at the end of the video Rob presses her (she squeals with delight). Rob went from 236.6 to 241 in about 45 minutes of eating. Unfortunately I didn’t include a category for most weight gained in shortest amount of time.

Joe Bloom went from 225 to 235 and makes a porno joke with his wife.

Mike Innola went from 188.8 to 195.8 and is quite clearly drunk in the second weigh-in.

Broseph went from 192.8 to 201.6 and caught a pump prior to going on camera.

Austin went from 194.4 to 200.2 and is in the middle of his third trimester.

Well done to the contenders. We’ll see you in 2013.

PR Friday

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend. There’s no Q&A today, but here’s what’s on this week’s agenda:

PR Friday: Post your training updates and PR’s to the comments.

Thanksgiving Weight Gain Challenge: Post your videos to the comments. Everyone else start rating them on a scale of 1 to 10.

Movember Fundraising: The fundraising effort hasn’t raised much money in the last week (we’re at $3,701 total). There are literally 36 team members who haven’t raised any money whatsoever. What the hell is that? C’mon people, ask around and raise a little money.


Thanksgiving Weight Challenge 2012

Today’s Thanksgiving is an American holiday that is associated with a large feast, football festivities, and generally being thankful. The original holiday didn’t exactly work out like that, and the puritans didn’t dress like Gordons all the time, but it’s too boring to discuss. Instead, let’s talk about the Third Annual 70′s Big Thanksgiving Weight Gain Challenge.

Before we discuss the rules, I want to point out that anybody who is aiming to eat clean today is a boner-faced gremlin. If you’re the type of person that makes everyone switch restaurants because a spatula may have gluten on it, then you need to go play in traffic keep your trap shut before one of us puts our foot in it. Unless you have celiac…in which case you shouldn’t eat bad stuff because nobody wants you splatter pooping all over their bathroom.

1. Weigh-ins must be recorded on video with a valid time source. Since you may not have a scale to use at a relative’s house, there is no time restriction on when the weigh-in needs to occur.
2. The same scale must be used in both weigh-ins with the same attire or clothing. Don’t get naked; we don’t want to see your hairy dong.
3. Be concise, but try to be funny. Don’t make us sit through 3 minutes of labored breathing.
4. Upload videos to YouTube with a title of “70′s Big Thanksgiving – (Name)” with (Name) being your name.
5. Link the video to the PR Friday comments. Entries close when Sunday ends.
Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in disqualification from the contest and awarding of the Expert Shoveller’s Badge. To get an idea of what to do, review last year’s entries. Categories are “Absolute Weight Gained” and “Percentage of Body Weight Gained”. There may be a “Funniest Video Award” if someone is actually funny (this means you criedthefox).

Edit: This weight gain challenge is supposed to be accomplished by eating a Thanksgiving meal. 

70’s Big wishes you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. 


70’s Big Friends

Tomorrow will be the 70’s Big Thanksgiving Weight Gain Challenge. To clarify, submissions will consist of pre/post weigh-ins (on film) and extra points will be awarded to funny stuff. Be sure to check tomorrow’s post before filming (it’ll post at midnight).

Meanwhile, the friends at 70’s Big are all training well. Chris and Mike are getting ready for another strongman competition and AC is pressing his wang off. The fourth video are outtakes from USAPL Nationals and was fair at best amusing.

AC presses 270×2:

Mike squats 600 for the first time (decides not to double it after starting the second rep):

Chris continental cleans and push-presses 310 and 320:

And outtakes from USAPL Raw nationals: