It’s PR Friday. Post weight lifted, gained, or eaten to comments.
The WFAC is better than your gym. I’m sorry I’m not sorry. When AC was here we filmed a tour of the gym. I believe this is the first and only video tour. Enjoy our improvising. Note: I just realized AC edited out when I talk about my dog Leda. He is an asshole for that.
Oh, and the Texas State Weightlifting Meet is happening on Saturday. We were supposed to have 11 lifters going, but that number has fallen to 6 (including me). Here is the schedule. Ignore the roided up Incredible Hulk who appears to be blowing out the back of his shorts with a monstrous fart.
AC made a pretty sweet video montage of footage from his trip out here in December. That trip also coincided with Mike Hom visiting Wichita Falls, so we were one big happy family. In this video you will see different types of lifters with different training goals.
Edit: I guess I’m okay with me sitting on the toilet as the video’s preview image…
Stay warm and train hard — tomorrow is PR Friday.
I’ve never met Sage Burgener, but we have some mutual friends. Apparently she’s a cool gal, a weightlifter, a coach, and has a funky little blog where she reveals tips that she has picked up from her pops, Mike Burgener. More importantly, she likes the 70’s Big t-shirt.
“So what are you guys doin’ tonight?”
“Eh, just gettin’ 70’s Big.”
Edit: Damn it, it is PR Friday. Forgot to add it to the post. Body weight, weight lifted, clothes ripped, girls lifted over head, food eaten, etc. Post it all to comments.
70’s Big started this year on September 22nd and has grown from an inside joke to a thriving community of people focused on getting strong. One of our primary goals is to help change the mindset in people that skinny is not good, and being strong and useful is. I can’t think of any reason why being stronger would be a bad thing, and last time I checked, when a guy presses his girlfriend overhead, she giggles with glee.
I write the majority of the content for this site. While I’m not very good at it, I think I get the message across (even though some of you can’t understand when I say things tongue-in-cheek). My friend Gant always chimes in with insightful posts and interviews, my friends Chris and AC always give me sources of inspiration, and I just want to say Brent’s name so he doesn’t get upset again. Rip and co. have also been willing to help answer any questions that I have and make sure that my head is on straight.
My emphasis on this site always will be that getting stronger is going to help whatever it is you are trying to do (at the very least, living life). In order to get stronger, you must get bigger. This message has brought (at the time of me typing this) 417,620 total page views with the daily average now above 5,000 on a weekday and over 3,000 on both days in the weekend (Note: This is not the same as individual visitors, just individual page views). 70’s Big has been linked in Denmark, Germany, the UK, Australia, in the far reaches of North America, and probably some other European countries (I got an e-mail that was entirely in Czech the other day). A few days ago we were linked in the comments on the Huffington Post, which was amusing.
Since this community continues to grow, I want to clarify that everybody is welcome on this website regardless of background. Lots of bodybuilding forums link to us, usually while shooting our philosophy down, but I still welcome that demographic if they aim to get stronger. Regardless of your goal or sport, if you are getting stronger, then you have come to the right place. This website will be most helpful if you are an obnoxiously skinny dude who weighs less than 200 pounds, but I assure you we will have more interesting stuff in the coming months.
I’d like to thank the readers/posters because you all have helped garner the idea that we are supportive of anyone trying to get strong. We are not a community that thinks we are better than others and we certainly are not locked into some ridiculous singular mindset (err…other than that stronger is better). Anyway, enough of this kiss-assery, I just hope you learn something beneath all of the eggnog and brisket.
With that being said, everyone is welcome to submit material to the website at any time. Videos and pictures are always welcome, but make them interesting enough to be posted. Content is always welcome from experienced lifters or competitors as they can give an insight into lots of things that us younger guys don’t understand yet. At the very least you will help me get through those slow days when it is 10:00 PM and I’m staring at the laptop screen irritated as hell. Fortunately I have an uncanny (or bullshit) ability to improvise.
Anyway, let’s get crackin’ on the new year. Whoever you are; right now, you are not strong enough. You are not big enough. You have work to do, especially if you are going to lift your girlfriend overhead. Note: For the girls reading this, you’ll just be hotter when you’re stronger. If you are in a relationship where you can lift your boyfriend overhead, then you need to leave him and call me. Soon.
Look, I don’t have much time to post right now, so lets get some basic stuff taken care of.
If you are going to send me a friend request on Facebook, and are a guy, give me the courtesy of identifying your purpose of doing so. In other words, I don’t like getting friend requests from creepy dudes that live in Montana.
Edit: This did not say “every dude on here needs to send me a friend request today”.
If you are a girl, you have the green light. Please.
The reason that whenever you type a single right quote mark (’) into the comments and it turns into a double quote mark is because there is some kind of coding error on our server. We called the people that run it, and they are unable to do anything about it. Some people have offered to look at the issue, but we’re just living with it for now.
If you want to type a single right quote into the comments section, then you can paste “’” without the quotes and space. That whole text sequence is going to be the HTML code for the ’.
Lastly, has published a couple of articles lately that may be pertinent to your training or knowledge thereof. So far, Mark Rippetoe is the only author, but there will be more articles by VIP’s. Stay tuned. You can read the articles here.
Daniel is a 19 year-old sophomore at Gonzaga University. He is 5’11″ and 210. This here is a video of him pulling 525 for a 1RM.