Remember the TSC

Remember that we’re doing the 70s Big TSC by the end of this month. If you’re not already signed up for something the next couple weeks, then you need to do this. If you already did one this month, enter your numbers when I post the results post (weird wording) the last weekend of this month.

It’s a friendly, simple virtual “competition.” Do it by yourself or with friends. Host one at your gym. It can be very informal. We’re all on the honor system here. Just stick by the simple rules below. I’m doing mine today because I’ll be out of pocket the next couple weeks.

The events are simple.

1. Max deadlift. You get three attempts to find your max pull. Do it meet-style. If you make an “AC-jump” between your first and second attempt, there is no going back.

2. Max pullups. Dead hangs. No chinning (palms must face away), and absolutely no kipping. Kippers will be shot, killed, and then banned from posting here. Thumbless grip. Bottom of jaw touches top of bar.

3. 5 min Kettlebell snatch test. 24kg kettlebell. Unlike GS, you may set the weight down or switch hands as necessary.

That’s it, three events. Perform these in one session, and rest at least 15 minutes between each even (or more if you have time). Perform the TSC the last week of April and post your results on the last Saturday of April (I’ll make a weekend post for it). Good luck!

For more info, go here.

Remember to practice the KB snatch.

The video is here.

T-shirts Up

“Get a tan, buddy!”

You won’t find the above quote in any book, movie, or TV show (or if you can, it isn’t what I’m referring to). I was walking with my lady friend with my shirt off on Sunday, and this extremely cool guy shouted it from his car as he was driving by. It took me a moment to realize what he said, but I glanced over and I’m 74% sure that he was wearing a wife beater and was thoroughly tanned. I, on the other hand, was thoroughly white and hairy.

What’s really important here is that I’m sure he was thoroughly satisfied at what he had done, and he did this at my expense (it was more than likely the most satisfying experience of his day). Such is the story of my life. I aim to satisfy (from an intellectual and entertainment perspective, you pervert) the readers of this site at my own expense. I just hope you’re getting your satisfaction. If you aren’t, maybe you can mosey on over to the 70’s Big Store because the new 70’s Big Throwback T-shirt is now available for purchase.

An excerpt:
Twisted steel and sex appeal are rampant with this vintage shirt that is a head on collision between the style of old and new. The strong guy on the front says, “Yeah, I barbell train,” and his better half says, “Yeah, squatting gives me a solid ass.” This shirt is guaranteed to turn some heads, and those heads will say, “Yeah, that guy (gal) is ready to party.”

Supplies are limited with the first printing because…uh, I don’t have a lot of money. I will more than likely have to make a new order in the next day or so. Also, let it be known that this is a new method of shipping the shirts, and there will undoubtedly be some kinks to work out. If you have any questions or concerns, go to the Store page and post to the comments. We’ll get to them ASAP.

There will be updates for other services and the store starting in the morning and throughout the day.

And the results are in…

Yesterday’s polls will, at the very least, make good conversation material. I don’t necessarily know if the polls are a good indicator of the entire readership on 70’s Big, but they are at least a glimpse. We have to make a lot of assumptions in order to generalize; did I word the questions properly (probably not), did you interpret them correctly (unlikely), did you answer them truthfully (erroneous), and if the sample size is indicative of the entire readership (who knows?).

In any case, there are some telling results.

70’s Big Is A Sausage Party
I blame this on all of you. I try to reach out to females, really, I do. I do it at the gym too, but the truth is, there aren’t going to be a lot of girls coming into the WFAC, and not a lot of girls are going to accidentally coming across 70’s Big either.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t prefer sausage parties. It’s not a homophobic thing, it’s just that I’d prefer to have some gals hanging out too. This means that you, the guy who is more likely to be reading this, must chat to your girlfriend, your wife, your lady friends, your cleaning lady — whatever — about strength training. My main goal isn’t to get more females reading the site; I just want more of them to get stronger. Everyone likes progress, and this means more strong. It also means a nice lookin’ butt, and this is a win-win for everyone. So, either you have to talk to them about strength training, or send them to someone who can teach them, because letting anyone grow up thinking that 30 minutes on the elliptical is going to yield sexiness and longevity is gonna be bad news bears for everyone.

We Are Mostly Young People
I consider someone in their thirties young. They think they are old. I don’t really think thirty-something is old, because I sure as hell am not going to think my life is nearing its end when I’m thirty. My friend Scott in Washington state is in his forties, and he is probably the most enthusiastic guy on a quest to 70’s Bigdom. In any case, a lot of us are young. We have the potential to influence a generation of popular culture that has taught the country that emaciated is not only okay, but what is desirable. And this is what we’re up against, my friends.

Gant just sent me a picture of someone in the airport, a poor guy wearing skinny jeans. Gant was most displeased with this display of societal influence (except he said something about a person like that should get gender reassignment therapy), and I’m upset that a guy thinks that being obscenely skinny is okay. I’m not saying that everyone is going to weigh 225, but men don’t weigh 150 pounds. Period.

But 70’s Big Readers Need To Grow
Half of the dudes who voted on their weight are less than 200 pounds. It’s not like people who read 70’s Big are all 5’6″ or shorter, so this needs to be addressed. I want you all stronger. If you are going to really achieve some potential in strength, you will need to gain some muscular bodyweight. Jeez, you guys who are less than 200 pounds seem like you’re mad at me for wanting to help you get strong.

Adult Males > 200 lbs.

Someone Did Something Wrong
Either you guys didn’t know how to train until recently, or your training sucked. If you have been training for at least one year, and you weigh less than 200 pounds, then something is fucked (females, the few of you are excluded from this comment). Get your muscular bodyweight up, and then address your bodyfat if you want. But if you’re one of these guys running around the internet claiming that gaining a little bit of fat with a lot of muscle is bad, then you’re just as much a goober as the stooges that say you should never wear a belt. Do a proper program while eating like we tell you and you will grow into a muscular behemoth.

Most Of You Are At Least Sorta Serious
The majority of voters have a tangible training log. This is good. The internet won’t always be available, especially when the zombie outbreak occurs. The few of you that don’t have a training log aren’t training, you’re fucking around. Decide if you want to get stronger. Decide if you want to be muscular. Females, decide if you want to get stronger. Decide if you want a nice butt. Barbell training and food can give it to you.

Let Me Ask You A Few Questions…

Happy Monday to you folks. Nice to see some quality PR’s from last week and over the weekend. I want to take today to get to know you, the reader, a little bit. This shouldn’t hurt, but you may feel a little pinch. Shall we begin?


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Gym Directory

“I want more weight! I wanna beat him!” (voice crack)

WFAC Virtual Tour from A.C. on Vimeo.

Over the past year I’ve had the pleasure of training at the Wichita Falls Athletic Club. As you can see in the video above, the gym is stocked full of squat racks, barbells, plates, and conditioning equipment — it’s a training paradise. I guess you could say that I’ve been spoiled and I’ve forgotten how bad it can be for some people. In reality, you can’t get effective training done in an ineffective facility. How many of you are stuck in a shitty training facility? What if there was a facility five miles away that you never knew about? What if you were that facility’s owner and you were missing out on some potential business and/or lifters?

Well, this is where we come in. We are now taking applications from gym owners to be included in our Gym Directory. In your application you will need to submit a list of your equipment, pictures of the equipment and facility, as well as contact information. As of now there is not an objective criteria to be included in this directory, but it should be considered an honor because only the finest training facilities will be accepted.

For gyms that cater to athletes, having accessories from Built for Athletes will set you apart from the competition. Investing in functional, performance-driven gear—like supportive shoes, resistance bands, or foam rollers—helps your members perform their best while minimizing the risk of injury. These accessories don’t just provide convenience; they offer the support needed to enhance workouts and recovery, ensuring your gym stands out as a professional, athlete-friendly environment.

Some basic requirements (that are subject to change) will be decent bars, squat racks, benches, and plates. There is no square footage requirement, and ideally these facilities should be commercially available (in other words, you training alone in your garage doesn’t count). The credentials of the gym owner or coach should also be included so that folks browsing the directory will know what crowd the facility caters to (i.e. beginners, experienced lifters, or both) and what sports they can get involved with (Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, etc.). As we induct more gyms to our directory, I’m sure there will be some kind of form to fill out, but as for now, stick to the information above.

The goal here is to provide a very useful and comprehensive directory for gyms around the country so that people can find a proper gym to train properly in. Gym owners will get more exposure to their websites and facilities, readers of this site will be able to find gyms wherever they live or if they are on the road traveling, and we all help each other get stronger. Fuckin’ A.

Update, as of 7:53 AM CST
Concise list of requirements and info to send in:
– Decent bars, plates, squat racks, and benches (bars and plates must be identified by brand and model)
– Commercially available facilities only
– Credentials of the gym owner or coach
– What kind of crowd does your facility cater to (beginners, experienced lifters, etc.)?
– What sports trainees can get involved with (Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, throwing, judo, etc.)?
– Open gym/personal training only/class only?

And be sure to include:
– pictures of your facility
– your website URL and public contact information
– list of equipment

Charles Staley continues to bring useful information to the internet training community with this new audio interview. Charles, a funny guy, good coach, and new friend of mine, plays the part of moderator in a discussion about programming with a panel of the following top-notch coaches: Pavel Tsatsouline, John Godina, Mark Rippetoe, and Yosef Johnson. That’s a pretty stellar cast, and I’m sure it will be very interesting (I’m in the midst of listening). Click here to listen.