The Starting Strength Interview Series

PR Friday: Post weights lifted, gained, or eaten as well as pants ripped, girls lifted, and children tossed.

Some of you may remember me mentioning that Rip will be interviewing some interesting people to put on his Starting Strength website. There are two interviews uploaded — one with Shane Hamman, and another special edition with Eva Twardokens.

Shane at the 2004 Olympics

Shane at the 2004 Olympics

Shane and Eva are two-time Olympians — Shane competed in weightlifting in the 2000 and 2004 Olympics and Eva competed in downhill skiing in the winter Olympics in 1992 and 1994. Each interview focuses on the athlete’s particular sport, and Eva’s is quite useful since we are in the middle of the winter Olympics. Both interviews are conducted in a unique way that is not a monotonous, irritating question/answer session aimed at finding out how the interviewee “feels”. Take a gander and see how you like them.

I have never had the pleasure of meeting Shane, but Eva is a friend of mine, a sweetheart, a fiery competitor, and pretty damn strong. Nevertheless, she still succumbed to being pressed overhead…by me.

Shawn Gets Angry

A few weeks ago, I got an e-mail from my childhood friend Shawn. He went to the University of Georgia for undergrad, and is now in law school. He lives in the Gwinnett County area outside of Atlanta. The subject of the e-mail was “You’re nothing if not a complete asshole”, and this is his story.
Note: All of you people who don’t like profanity are not going to like this.

I say you’re an asshole for the following reasons. To begin with, 3 years ago I was in search of a gym and of getting serious about training. I was completely blown away and baffled by the bitchiness of UGA’s “gym”. The basketball team and the football team both have SEPARATE buildings with strength training equipment and yet the “gym” for 40,000+ other students – as you saw – was equipped with 2 power racks and is all of 300 square feet – most of which is cluttered with treadmills.
When I was searching for a decent gym – you called from a sailboat and teased me into thinking there was a glorious gym opening up nearby…You got me man.

Here Shawn references when my professor prank called him from Key West posing as a gym owner in Athens, Georgia. As I recall, he was not amused.

Next, last week, I went to work out only to find out that Gold’s has closed it””s doors. Instead of an apology for no notice there was merely a letter saying our memberships were transferred to Bodyplex FITNESS ADVENTURE in motherfucking Grayson.

I went anyway. I was nothing if not disappointed. I weigh 215 lbs at 6’2”””” today, and there is absolutely no fucking reason I should be the biggest guy in the gym. Ever. At any time. In Bodyplex “fitness adventure” there is ONE power rack, which I assume should suffice for anyone wanting to squat and press, but forget deadlifting. There are 2 benches, and there are several benches for free weight exercise – however there are no free barbells. I attempted to deadlift, which I was probably doing wrong, when I was asked by an employee to “not bang the weights”. On top of this, I was attempting to bench 245 for 3 sets of 5. After my second set – I returned to my bench and there was a guy in some sort of superhero complete body spandex doing step ups or quasi-lunges on my mother fucking bench which was loaded and had my belt, keys, and humility beside it. I’ve always wanted to be in a sober fight, so I stopped him and said, “Hey man what the fuck?” and pointed to my bench. He said “Oh my bad bro, didn’t know you were using it.” After hearing this I had a small seizure and went back to working out – only to be interrupted by another employee. This employee walked up, leaned over while I was on my 2nd rep of 245 and said “Excuse me sir, you are going to have to keep it down.” I think we both know I left directly after saying, “What a bad ass gym”.

I came home to realize I have no gym to go to. As I perused the internet to find a decent and affordable power rack along with barbells, plates, and a bench, I find your video fucking TOUTING your ideal gym. Fuck bodyplex, and more importantly fuck gold’s gym for being complete asses to their loyal patrons. And further fuck LA Fitness for having a pool — the last thing I want is to pay $45 a month to swim in a pool of fat older people’s taint sweat.

I don’t actually think you’re an asshole, just jealous of your workout facility. Enjoy it, the closest strength training facility here is in Duluth and appears to be totally fagged-out since their website advertises the “300 workout!!”.

I’m building my own fucking gym. I’m using Rip’s advice from the book…

Gary Gibson – Part 3

Two Steps Forward, One Back
by Gary Gibson

I got a lot of nerve showing up here again like this. I was called out as being decidedly not an adult male because at 5’10″ I am still under 200 lbs. And now I’m even under-er.

The 2010 USAPL Florida State Powerlifting Championship is coming up in ten days and I’m planning to compete in it. I’d wanted to compete at least once in the 82.5 kg, but in my zeal to get bigger and stronger I jumped over an entire weight class in one month and landed square in the middle of the 90.0 kg.

I’d competed at the tippy-top of the 75 kg class at exactly 165 lbs in September when I ground out a very hard 369 lb suitless/wrapless squat on my third attempt. (I also just missed a 474 lb deadlift by failing to lock out. Don’t ask about my bench. Ever.) Next I went up to 175 lbs and a 405 single squat in the gym and then got smaller and weaker in an attempt to make the 75 kg once more at the 2009 USAPL Maryland States in December. The meet got canceled the night before because of that incredible snowstorm.

Heavy training began again in late December. In just over a month I went from 165 lbs and squatting 325×3 to 185 lbs and 405x3x3. I even manage to hit a high bodyweight of 190 for a couple of hours.

As I type this I’ve been dieting lightly for almost a week and I’m down to 181 lbs, just under the 181.9 lb limit in the 82.5 kg class. I made it! I also just deadlifted a little over 500 lbs a few hours ago in my last heavy session before meet day.

Looks like I’m on track to squat 440 and pull a little over 500 in my weight class which you’ll notice is almost 20 lbs shy of my adult male size. And I’m…OK with that!

I’ll get back on track right after the meet. In fact, I’ll probably be 200 lbs before spring has fully sprung…though I fully intend to compete a little under that in the 90 kg/198 lb class in the USAPL Raw Nationals. I also plan to be an awful lot stronger by then too.

So forgive me for not being fully grown just yet. It will come. I hope you will enjoy my posts anyway as I get there.

I’d Like A Word With You…

“If I tell ya the truth, I’ll tell you a lie, but if you call me false I’ll also tell you a lie…”

Doug Young

Look, I know Doug Young was taking steroids, okay? Do you think I am some kind of moron? Everybody was on steroids in the seventies, and I don’t really care. Steroids are a tool utilized in order to recover — this is how they were used then, and this is how they are used now. I do not, and never have, taken steroids (if I did, I would be a shit-load stronger than I am now). All of my friends don’t take steroids either. And that’s the point.

What, you think a picture of my lousy 230 pound frame is going to inspire Skinny Guy to start lifting? No. I need everyone to epitomize something that is far beyond their reach so that they always have something to strive for. Doug and The Pizz do this. Ricky inspires you to train like you are insane. Us…not so much.

Studly? Yes. Inspiring? Probably. Doug Young caliber? Not quite...

Studly? Yes. Inspiring? Probably. Doug Young caliber? Not quite...

Just because a guy is on steroids doesn’t make his success any less impressive. And just because most of us don’t take them doesn’t make us any better, or worse, than them. It’s not like Doug Young wasn’t a genetic specimen without them anyway, so grow up and quit worrying about it. If I set the bar high, then I give people something to strive for. So far the quest to being 70’s Big has helped turn many boys into men. Everyone wins.

Here is some Reader Mail. Louis apparently had a PR on his squat workout in the linear progression. I am happy for Louis, but if I ever meet him I’m gonna slap him upside the head for not including the weight he was squatting. This bone head’s saving grace is the plug at the end of the vid…along with his beard that I felt that you should all see.

3×5 Squat PR from Louis H. Poulin II on Vimeo.


“Well, I’m a Lady, you see, and I like doing Lady Things.”

70’s Big co-captain Doug Young was a behemoth, a mastodon if you will. Some of you veterans will remember one of the first videos we posted about him a while back. Doug was an excellent powerlifter, yet this particular video ironically showcases his bodybuilding “routine”. Kinda flies in the face of our emphasis on doing the barbell lifts in order to get strong and big, huh?

Well, obviously Doug didn’t use alternating dumbbell curls and dumbbell flies to bench 612 in a t-shirt, to routinely total 2,000 lbs, or to win multiple world and national championships. He wanted to look strong while actually being strong. And that is the point.

Once you get your squat above, say, 500 pounds, then you can worry about doing curls.

It is a waste of time to worry yourself with aesthetics if you are 150 pounds — training “arms” won’t make a damn difference. Your arms will grow with overall increases in mass. Not to mention aesthetic based training isn’t going to help you become more useful anyway.

And please, cut the bullshit about doing certain things “for the girls”. Trying to claim that you know what a girl wants is amusing and not all girls are alike anyways. Realistically the only reason you should be pressured into doing curls is if Welbourn and Max tell you that you need some hypertrophy training…


Brent was a little bothered by how none of you commented on his toilet scene in the Tour of WFAC. So, the unassuming Asian felt he had to step it up a notch.

Aside from having big traps and an extreme interest in interpretive dance, Brent is an Olympic weightlifter who is still growing into the 85 kilo weight class. He loves asking questions, eating good food, and typing nonsensical drivel to me in the wee hours of the night.