
“Well, I’m a Lady, you see, and I like doing Lady Things.”

70’s Big co-captain Doug Young was a behemoth, a mastodon if you will. Some of you veterans will remember one of the first videos we posted about him a while back. Doug was an excellent powerlifter, yet this particular video ironically showcases his bodybuilding “routine”. Kinda flies in the face of our emphasis on doing the barbell lifts in order to get strong and big, huh?

Well, obviously Doug didn’t use alternating dumbbell curls and dumbbell flies to bench 612 in a t-shirt, to routinely total 2,000 lbs, or to win multiple world and national championships. He wanted to look strong while actually being strong. And that is the point.

Once you get your squat above, say, 500 pounds, then you can worry about doing curls.

It is a waste of time to worry yourself with aesthetics if you are 150 pounds — training “arms” won’t make a damn difference. Your arms will grow with overall increases in mass. Not to mention aesthetic based training isn’t going to help you become more useful anyway.

And please, cut the bullshit about doing certain things “for the girls”. Trying to claim that you know what a girl wants is amusing and not all girls are alike anyways. Realistically the only reason you should be pressured into doing curls is if Welbourn and Max tell you that you need some hypertrophy training…


Brent was a little bothered by how none of you commented on his toilet scene in the Tour of WFAC. So, the unassuming Asian felt he had to step it up a notch.

Aside from having big traps and an extreme interest in interpretive dance, Brent is an Olympic weightlifter who is still growing into the 85 kilo weight class. He loves asking questions, eating good food, and typing nonsensical drivel to me in the wee hours of the night.

51 thoughts on “Curls

  1. You know what girls like? Girls like it when guys can squat more than them. Not due to some out-of-date notion than The Man Must Provide, but because you guys get all the goddamn testosterone and the massive strength gains that come along provided you make use of it. If you can”t out-squat my measly 120kg your balls are being wasted on you and you may as well stick them in a jar and join a Jazzercise class.

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