
“We are the future, Charles, not them!”

Starting Strength Seminar in Wichita Falls, TX
If you are on the quest to get 70’s Big or have considered coaching other people to get strong, then check out the new Starting Strength Seminar. You will learn the nitty gritty details on mechanics and anatomy, and then apply those lessons while coaching other people and getting coached while under the bar. There will be one at the Wichita Falls Athletic Club in Wichita Falls, Texas on February 26-28. This would be a good chance to train and learn at one of the best gyms in the country.


Some of you are actually doing what you’re supposed to: getting strong and not complaining. AC has been busy coaching people in getting strong at Georgia Southern University. His pal Pat has done well:

Pat Squat and Deadlift (506) from A.C. on Vimeo.


I my as well run all of these Rippetoe interview videos again for all you noobs. Let’s start at the beginning.

70’s Big Presents: Mark Rippetoe Interview Pt. 1 from 70s Big on Vimeo.

Pictorial. Again.

Thomasz (correct spelling) sent me a picture of his recent grocery rampage. We are going to get accused of leading and feeding a militia.

* – free range

1lb Strip Steak*
1lb Top Round
3lb Flank Steak*
1lb Beef Stew Cubes
2lb Sea Trout
1lb Salmon
3.5lb Ribeye Roast*
4.6lb Sirloin Roast*
9lb Chick Breast
1gal Whole Milk (I’m already 225 so I though I’d only do GOMAD on training days)
2lb Sardines
2lb Pork Loin

Assorted vegetables, and a total of 4lb of almonds, walnuts, and pecans.




I was perusing through AC’s Facebook, and decided to show you guys some before and after pictures of his quest to 70’s Big. I did not ask for his permission.

AC (Freddie Mercury?) and Norman before.

AC (Freddie Mercury?) and Norman before.

Norman and AC after. Moot!

Norman and AC after. Moot!

Milk is not just for babies. Or perverts.

Milk is not just for babies. Or perverts.


Anybody know a good place to get singlets? I would prefer a red, white, and blue one so I can rock my socks and headband. I may or may not drape an American flag over my shoulders only to have my assistant delicately take it off prior to chalking up.

You see, I’m going for something like this:

God Bless America

God Bless America

California Hangover

We got back late Monday night from doing a barbell seminar in Huntington Beach, CA. I would not advise anyone visiting or continuing to live in that state. To California residents: I’m sorry I’m not sorry. More on the trip tomorrow…

You may remember that on Friday, I mentioned that AC was going to compete in a USAPL meet. He did 70’s Big justice going 7 for 9, and I’m proud of him.

Competing in the 220 lb class…
Body weight: 204 (on their scale, he was around 208-209 on his scale)
Squat: 529 (raw state record)
Bench: 368 (raw state record
Deadlift: 568

AC’s Powerlifting Meet from A.C. on Vimeo.

Edit: AC went 7 of 9. I typed it wrong last night for some reason. I was in a hurry.

Seattle Hangover

I just got home to Wichita Falls, and it is 12:30 AM local time. Airline delays are delightful. This means that I won’t be giving you a full recap of the trip today. I’m sorry I’m not sorry. There will be plenty of shenanigans coming tomorrow.

In the mean time, enjoy this video AC made of his “Starting Strength Crew” in Statesboro, GA. Good group.

A Usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday In Statesboro from A.C. on Vimeo.

Raise your hand if you have hit any PR’s lately. I think we need to have weekly updates of them — bodyweight gain or otherwise. Send them in, fool.