Food Plan

“What do I eat?”

I get a lot of questions about what kind of stuff someone should eat if they are trying to get 70’s Big. Well, recently I wrote out a food log for my pal Cliff. Remember, getting enough protein and calories is vital, especially when dealing with a guy that has been skinny his whole life. Cliff needed an extra boost to continue his novice linear progression, and here is what we did:


Cliff’s food plan

Here are a few things to note:

  • I immensely underestimated the calories for some of the snacks, especially the ice cream and magic shell combo
  • The “10 oz” refers to sirloin steak
  • The “8 oz” refers to chicken breasts
  • Notice he eats two of each per day
  • Cliff drinks a gallon of whole milk a day
  • Cliff was only eating almonds for a snack at work, now it is calorie dense trail mix
  • Cliff found ice cream and nutella to be a nice little combo at night

The most important points are that Cliff has increased his bodyweight from 185 to 215, improved his squat from 145x5x3 to doing 305x5x3 last night, and launched his deadlift from 225×5 to 405×5. All this in 2.5 months.

No, he is not fat. When you are skinny your whole life, not only is it hard to gain fat, but you don’t get to have an opinion on what fat is.

And he’s not done yet.
Let us know about any cool meals or snacks that have helped you recover. Remember, you can e-mail videos or pictures to


As promised, here is the fourth part of the 70’s Big Interview with Rip:

70’s Big Presents: Mark Rippetoe Interview Pt. 4 from 70s Big on Vimeo.


Tomorrow we will wrap up Doug Young week. A story will be told about how he was an imposing individual who was respected by the entire powerlifting community. This is why he is the co-captain of, and why he is our first entry into the “70’s Big Hall of Fame”.


We’ve come a long way, so to speak.

The concept of 70’s Big started among a small group of friends at the Wichita Falls Athletic Club in Wichita Falls, Texas. When training, we’d say we were gettin’ 70’s Big. When eating lots of food, we’d say we were gettin’ 70’s Big. Shakes were called 70’s Big Shakes and meals were 70’s Big Feasts. I’m sure that after a good night’s rest, someone had to have claimed they were gettin’ 70’s Big.

Now we hope to share this concept with the world. Most of us are not 70’s Big — we are merely trying to get 70’s Big. If you are trying to get strong and big, then you’re inductively trying to get 70’s Big.

There are friends, trainees that I’ve coached, and training partners that have influenced 70’s Big. My friend AC and I thought of the concept (even though he coined the phrase), and my friend (and training partner) Chris and I groomed the subtleties. Rip has been there the whole time, validating the concept and helping us with new ideas. Stef and Juli have provided insight on a number of topics, and are only attracted to guys that are 70’s Big. Gant has, does, and will continue to always inspire us to eat properly in order to be 70’s Big and will undoubtedly contribute on a regular basis. Brent and Cliff make me think of new ways to feed them enough, and quite frankly Cliff is doing a better job. Jared scoffs at those who can’t drink a gallon of milk a day, because he does so on accident, and Jerry helped with our kick ass logo.

Without any of these people, 70’s Big wouldn’t be in existence. They will all be regular contributors, and so will you. As of now, media submissions will be directed to Questions, thoughts, and comments can be directed to the comments section of individual posts, or e-mailed to

I’ll get this party kicked off with a 70’s Big tip. If lots of meat is required, then lots of meat should be made. This amount may feed an adult male for a few days.

Adult males > 200 pounds.


Beef, pork, and brauts