Fantasy Football
On the 70’s Big Facebook Fan Page we are organizing a 70’s Big Fantasy Football League. Go to this discussion and enter in where you live. Since each league really shouldn’t have more than 10 teams, they will be broken up according to region. If you don’t have Facebook, then just post here in the comments or e-mail me. Some time next week we’ll schedule the drafting after everyone is organized.
And if you haven’t liked the fan page, then…fuck.
Reader Appreciation Day
Here is an e-mail from Jay about how the site helped convince him to do a meet. He went 9/9 and had “one of the best experiences of (his) life”.
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Hey Justin,
I competed for the first time in USAPL Michigan’s Smitty’s Iron Works 7 on Saturday July 30th in the 198 (I weighed in at 185) RAW division.
All in all it was a great day. I am glad I decided to compete because it was truly one of the best experiences of my life. I went 9/9 and ended up with at best squat of 330, bench was 286 and deadlift was 440. The biggest thing I learned was to make bigger jumps after my opener. I have very little experience with true one rep maxes and it showed. I was far to conservative in the squat, I had plenty in the tank after 330 and should have gone bigger. It got a bit better on the bench making a 40lb jump after attempt #2 but again I should have done that after my opener. I think next time I will go for 300 because 286 went up without much ado. By the time the deadlift rolled around I had the attempt process down. I opened with 403, which is the last 5 rep max I did (well 405) jumped to 424 an all time PR and nailed it. Then for attempt 3 I went for a goal of mine which was to pull 200kg. Truthfully I did not think I could do it, but then I got really psyched up, told my self it was coming off the floor and there’s nothing else that matters and pulled that fucker! Putting that bar down after a successful final lift of my first competition was a great feeling of relief and excitement.
I found your site at a great time in my training career. Your insistence on competition as a focal point of and legitimizing factor to training hit home with me. As was all the meet recaps from Thunderthighs and Mike and others featured on your site. Thanks again and keep up the good work on
A fan,
Here’s a video of 23 year old Sam pulling a PR of 240kg in the 105kg class to qualify for the British Unequipped (which sounds like the UK’s Raw Nationals within IPF ruling). Well done, Sam.
PR Friday
Post your training PRs or updates to the comments. Good luck to Vince Urbank and all the other competitors at the America’s Strongest Man this weekend.
Here’s a video of Donny hitting his second attempt of 203kg at nationals a few weeks ago.