Happy PR Friday — Post your training PR’s and updates to the comments. You have about three more weeks for hard training before the Christmas and New Years break, so let us know what your goal is in that span.
Consultation inquiry asks:
Hey, when the hell are you going to consult with me?
Dear you,
I apologize for the delay. I’ve been trying to wrap up two big projects in the midst of doing the whole Thanksgiving thing. I’ll be in contact with you soon, but it will be in order of inquiry. Thank you for your patience. I love you.
Hypothetical Question Guy asks:
Justin, what does the clean and jerk work?
Dear Hypothetical Question Guy,
Since I did 72 of them last night (31 of them at 300 pounds), I can give you a detailed and educated answer on what clean and jerks work. They work the skin of your hands primarily. They also work the skin of your upper chest and collar bone area. Speaking of the collar bones, clean and jerks especially work those. Don’t forget about the skin on your thigh — they work that pretty good too if you’re wearing short shorts and a tank-top (and you should). They also work on your will to live by letting you experience a case of “not fun” so that the next time you’re when you’re not having having fun, you can always put it in perspective and say, “At least I’m not doing (that) again.” I think the military calls that “character building”. Hope this helps.
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