Q&A – 8

Happy PR Friday — Post your training PR’s and updates to the comments. You have about three more weeks for hard training before the Christmas and New Years break, so let us know what your goal is in that span.

Consultation inquiry asks:
Hey, when the hell are you going to consult with me?

Dear you,

I apologize for the delay. I’ve been trying to wrap up two big projects in the midst of doing the whole Thanksgiving thing. I’ll be in contact with you soon, but it will be in order of inquiry. Thank you for your patience. I love you.

Hypothetical Question Guy asks:

Justin, what does the clean and jerk work?

Dear Hypothetical Question Guy,

Since I did 72 of them last night (31 of them at 300 pounds), I can give you a detailed and educated answer on what clean and jerks work. They work the skin of your hands primarily. They also work the skin of your upper chest and collar bone area. Speaking of the collar bones, clean and jerks especially work those. Don’t forget about the skin on your thigh — they work that pretty good too if you’re wearing short shorts and a tank-top (and you should). They also work on your will to live by letting you experience a case of “not fun” so that the next time you’re when you’re not having having fun, you can always put it in perspective and say, “At least I’m not doing (that) again.” I think the military calls that “character building”. Hope this helps.

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70’s Big Chat & Stream Tonight

The first 70’s Big chat in a long time will be tonight at 6:00 PM EST and coincides with the Movember Lift-a-thon I’m doing. I (regrettably) agreed to do one clean and jerk for every $50 raised when we were at the $2700 mark. That means I have 72 reps to do this evening during the chat, and it’ll be streamed live.

Keep an eye on the Facebook/Twitter for updates (in case of problems).
Thanks to Adam at Panhandle CrossFit for allowing me to act like a stooge in his gym tonight.
Here’s a link to the stream if you want to chat.

There will be a chance for Q&A during the chat, but most people like to mingle with 70’s Big folk.

RIP Vasily Alekseyev

Last Friday one of history’s greatest weightlifters died at the age of 69. Vasily Alekseyev won two Olympic gold medals, eight World Championships, and set 80 World Records. Yes, 80. He was the first man to clean and jerk 500 pounds, and the first to total 600kg (when the clean and press was still in competition). He also had one of the first legitimate power bellies in strength sports. I’ll recap his life by linking various articles that have been published in the last few days, including two by Dr. Michael Hartman and Nick Horton.

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Thanksgiving Results

I compiled the results of seven competitors not including me. I expected a few more, but I knew there was only a few non-pussies that read this site anyway. Oh, and domjo54 commented and said that he wanted to do it but didn’t think he’d be fair? What the hell, man? You ate two dinners, so fucking what? This better not be the type of jelly dick reasoning you use to not enter a meet or competition. YOU’RE BETTER THAN THAT.

It was funny seeing the difference in people in the post-eating weigh-in. They were lethargic, possibly drunk, and not as lively. Several of them even commented how their math was totally off (mine was too, but because I forgot my previous weight).

Anyway, I did a little filming for funsies. I’ve never been confused with a competitive eater and only gain two pounds in about 50 minutes. As usual, there’s more to the vid for your enjoyment:

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Movember Thank You

We have met our goal of raising 5,000 doll hairs, but we still have today and tomorrow to raise money for Movember. Donate to the team or pick one of the members HERE.

I really don’t know how I can thank all of you who contributed to the 70’s Big Movember team, but thank you very much. Some of you were extremely generous in donating 100 to $150. Others dropped a few doll hairs, and that’s all we wanted. If everyone put in a few bucks then it would add up (every doll hair counts). Of the 47 team members 26 were able to receive donations that ranged from a single doll hair to 1,085 doll hairs. Some of you have written in to say that you donated directly to friends or family who are undergoing treatment for cancer — this is obviously even better as it directly helps those who are trying to kick cancer in the balls.

Thank you to the team members who stepped up and delivered. The top earners are also good friends of mine: Jacob Cloud ($1,085), Jacob Tsypkin ($946) and Ellee Carlson (who answered the call of female fundraisers to raise $641). Thanks to Cloud, Stroup, and Paul Sousa who have offered their lifting services to raise money. Jacob accepted pledges to pay out x amount per rep of a max set at 315. Here is his video:

Sousa agreed to watch a Twilight marathon if he broke $300 and agreed to deadlift a max set with whatever value he raised. It ended up being 320 doll hairs, so he pulled that for reps in this video:

Stroup apparently recorded his stuff but was born in the 1800s and can’t figure out how to play the sound? We’re still waiting on his video (he may re-record).

I will be doing my “lift-a-thon” this Thursday at Panhandle Crossfit here in Panama City. I’ll be streaming this event live on my Ustream account at 6:00 PM EST (will also embed it here and link to it on Twitter and Facebook). This will consist of me doing clean and jerks with 300 pounds. As of now I have 49 reps to do. I’ll probably do them on a 2 minute clock so there will be time to dick around or field questions. We’ll also be recording on a separate camera for a quality YouTube vid. Oh, and I’ll be wearing a speedo.

Thanks again to everyone who donated but we still have today and tomorrow to accept donations. Do so for the team or one of our members HERE. The cash/prize will go to the highest fundraiser who accepts the prize.