Q&A – 40

PR Friday

Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here? Updated your week’s training in the comments. If you had any PR’s, let us know about them.

Paul Sousas attack in numbers

Weekly Challenge

Last week’s challenge basically said, “How much butter can you eat, punk?” I’m told there are some interesting communities online that pride themselves on their butter consumption. Eating more butter increases the amount of fat calories consumed. High-fat diets, particularly animal fat, promote higher testosterone and hormone productions — fat and cholesterol are the building blocks of hormones, after all. Eating fat also helps improve insulin sensitivity since it will usually be combined with a change in carbohydrate consumption. Greater amounts of animal fat allow for better recovery and bulking, but they also help a lifter get lean by avoiding carb calories as well as avoiding unnecessary fat gain when trying to bulk. Aside from adequate protein, fat consumption is the best method to recover from training and stay lean. My friend Gant always used to say, “Eat protein to maintain or build muscle, eat fat to recover, and only eat enough carbs to fuel your activity level.”

 Next Week’s Challenge: Learn about a specific muscle group that gives you problems in training. Learn how it functions as well as what you can do to improve the problem. Share your findings in next week’s comments.

Week In Review

On Monday a bunch of people that are sensitive to vegetarians thought that I would give a shit what they had to say when I wrote this piece. There isn’t anything anyone could say to change my mind because a vegetarian will simply not lead as healthy a life as they could, and they certainly won’t be able to reap the benefits of their training. If they thought research on the human body was so comprehensive and correct, then they are free to go and eat whole grains as 75% of their diet for a year and let me know how that goes. QED. On Tuesday I pointed out that rotating your toes forward for the squat is dependent on having the mobility to do so. Wednesday I started a series that shows a continuum of how to learn about strength and conditioning. This particular post was focused on several very good anatomy books; anatomy is the foundation for coaching and programming. I also sent out the first issue of the 70’s Big Insider Newsletter today. Normally these won’t be available to non-subscribers, but today you can get a view of the newsletter (this preview link will be taken down tomorrow).


brian45 asks:

this is siituational (not me, just hypothetical). What I am trying to say/ask is:


if a client/person is squatting at say 45 degrees or greater but it is comfortable versus turning their toes into 30 where it is discomforting. Do you A) stop squatting (because the toe angle is so great despite no pain) and focus on mobility until they can move in? or B) hit mobility and using the short term change created have them slightly move in and squat (gradually working in)?


Dear brian45,

I wouldn’t expect someone to be uncomfortable at 30 degrees. Even the most inflexible people won’t need to point their 45 degrees out — it’s pretty excessive. But you are correct in saying that we would not want the person to be uncomfortable from a joint perspective (though they’ll probably be muscularly uncomfortable since squats are not the same as couch lounging). Use the toe angle that is “forward enough” without providing positional or joint complications.

Note that acute applications of ‘mobility work’ can improve positioning for that session. By using joint distraction to open the hip flexors (band pulls thigh forward when kneeling), lacrosse balling the external rotators, and stretching the calves and achilles a lifter can hit better squatting positions. These areas should be worked on regularly too, but it’s immensely helpful to do them immediately before squatting.


splchris says: 

after my acl surgery and partial lateral meniscoctomy, toes forward is very painful. feels like bone one bone action. i probably should just stop trying…


To which I replied:

Yeah, man, I wouldn’t attempt it. Perhaps you could hit a different end ROM after a while, but it depends on how the repair was done. The ACL resists anterior translation (the tibia shearing forward) as well as medial rotation. That second part is the important part.

I haven’t wrapped my head around it yet, but when you squat with toes forward the tibia laterally rotates. The ACL is supposed to stop medial rotation, that would produce tension on the ligament. Lateral rotation on the tibia might compress the ligament. That might be the painful part since it’s surgically repaired and no longer normal. Perhaps the repaired tissue is getting pushed into itself, or maybe it’s getting compressed into bone.

Either way, you are right in thinking that you shouldn’t point the toes forward. Maybe forever, but at least for several months.


daniel asks:

I’d like to know how gorillas get so jacked from a mostly vegetarian diet. Do they produce significantly more testosterone than humans or what?


Dear Daniel,

This is an excellent question. A google search of “how are gorillas so muscular” brought up interesting results. One person noted that a gorilla will eat an average of 18kg of food a day. Plus, they’re grass-fed brah.

Personally, I think it’s due to their fecal consumption.


Brandon S. asks,

I am transitioning to TM next week. My starting VD weight is about 65lbs less than my ID weight starting out. Should I advance the VD weight each week for awhile or leave it steady for a few weeks and raise it once per month?

Dear Brandon,

Do you have The Texas Method: Advanced? In that book, it talks about the discrepancy between the Volume Day and Intensity Days as a percentage instead of an absolute amount of weight. It’s hard for me to comment on your situation because you didn’t list your poundages, but ideally someone in your position will wait until his Intensity Day gets a a bit difficult before increasing the Volume Day regularly. Think of the VD as approaching “once every three weeks”, which is the recommendation in The Texas Method: Part 1. I’ll also point out that the first book has a process for transitioning into the TM, and it’s dependent on what your previous program was.

Well, there weren’t a lot of training questions because people were just whining and bitching about various things. Enjoy the first weekend of college football and get outside before the cold season.



81 thoughts on “Q&A – 40

  1. So, finally got my schedule down. Got some decent PRs.
    -Hit 75×8 last week and monday on DB bench. Got 75×12 today. PR by 4 reps. Then did 60×20
    -Also hit Lat Pulldowns 200x12PR (old was 8 as well).

    Finally, hit a 1:45 500m row without getting out of breath. Feeling better overall.

    Best of all, I’m up to date with studying and on track to nail my first round of exams. 15 hours in the cadaver lab this week has made things interesting. Life is looking up overall! Suck it med school.

    Gotta do what you gotta do.

  2. FINALLY got back in the gym this week after more or less not training at all for 3 months due to baseball. More or less easing back into things but I did hit a 275 lb front squat today which ties a PR.

    Following Justin’s template that combines Olympic weightlifting with the traditional strength stuff. Throwing in some accessory work and conditioning where I see fit. So far, so good.

  3. Today´s training:

    Squat: 177,5 kg (~ 391 lbs) x5 –> PR
    Press: 68 kg (~150 lbs) x5x3
    Deadlift: 197,5 kg (~ 435 lbs) x3
    Barbell Row: 97,5 kg (~ 215 lbs) x5x3

    Bodyweight: 91 kg (~ 201 lbs)

  4. Had hoped to finish reading through 70’sBig backlogs this week. Only made it to March 2010 this morning. I wish I had found this site a year ago (or earlier)!

    Made some LP changes this week in response to last weeks responses to my question. This included moving my bench weight up slightly (I was not at a good working weight in my LP in hindsight), and changing some set x rep schemes.

    PR’s this week:
    Bench 115x3x5
    DL 250×5

    70’sBig has rekindled a desire to compete in the Las Vegas Open next time it comes up (an idea I had toyed around with last winter). Does anyone know when that is typically scheduled for?

  5. PRs this week:
    Bench 205x3x5
    HBBS 285x3x5
    9 dead-hang chins – elbow finally feeling better
    Will work on this week’s challenge to help my shitty press.

  6. Protein/butter PR – averaged 1 gram protein per pound BW. Still adjusting, but I can see how dialing in this aspect of my regime, cooking large quantities of meat and potatoes a few times a week, will not only save money but seriously enhance performance and recovery. Not sure whether it was all the kerryfield butter or protein, or the combo of the two, but aggression was way up in my oly sessions and my girlfriend was…shall we say, quite happy this week.

    No training PRs, but had a great EMOM Oly workout @ ~75% and looking forward to hitting some PRs soon.

  7. Oly Comp Total PR (-69kg): 143kg (not what I hoped for, but I’ll take it for now)

    On to a new tech cycle with lots of hang snatches and cleans, and a few PRs from the first week alread…
    -mid-hang snatch PR: 63kg (though I failed to double it)
    -mid-hang clean x2 PR: 77kg

    Also started teaching at University nearby and one of my students called me out for being a weightlifter due to my calluses. I must teach with jazz hands or something for him to have noticed.

  8. no PR’s this week, but next week I should be hitting a few.

    Minor dumb injury last night, just flat our ran right into our coffee table after getting up off the couch, I dunno if I was distracted or just retarded. Now it’s killing, gonna ice it up and give a few days rest then be back at it.

  9. No training PR’s this week.
    I think i PR’d the amount of butter in my coffee a view times.
    Up to 50g per 300ml coffee in the morning without shitting myself. Woohoo!

  10. Squatted 380 for a double and then a triple for what was supposed to be th second double. Benched 245 for two doubles. Snatched 175 for 5 singles and clean an jerked 225 for 5 singles, both were easy. Front squatted 275 for a triple, damn I need to get the bitch up! Anybody have front squat advice?

  11. I pressed 195 lbs for a single 10 minutes ago. Stuck at 185 for quite sometime. On Sunday, I squatted 350 for a single and squatted 3 days in a row after that. Felt great.

  12. I’m coming back from pretty severe elbow tendinitis in May that limited my ability to do anything other than deadlift, which basically killed my LP after only 2 months of training. Now that it’s finally done with, decided to see how much of an impact it had on my pressing and squatting. After not doing anything heavy for a few months, I worked up to weights that felt challenging, then for the hell of it knocked out as many reps as I could at those weights. The results were okay.

    Press 105×8, was 120×5 prior to the elbow messing up
    Bench 165×11, was 180×5
    Squat 265×9, was 290×5

    While everything dipped a little, it’s nice that I maintained a majority of what I originally achieved. Just glad to be starting back on an LP.

    • There is going to be a few of us, I believe a total of four, lifting in that meet from Planet Granite in Sunnyvale. I am still trying to get a few more to come out and give it a try.

  13. Dumb question. Best way to get more fat in, more meat and butter? I think that actually killed me this week. Didn’t have the best training week. I did deadlift 345×5 which was a PR. Other then that, stuff didn’t go so well.

    Also home gym PR. Finally got a good squat/bench/press rack. Can finally get on an LP where I can lift 3 days a week. Before I could only lift 2 days a week at the firehouse.

    Also, Justin, where do you get those shorts and what brand are?

    • I can’t answer for Justin’s wardrobe, but the easiest way to get more fat in is to add butter and oils (usually olive oil, or my favorite coconut) to everything. Bonus: it makes stuff way tastier.

      Side note: it’s often better to start with moderate/lean meat and then add healthy fats to them than it is to just get the fattiest cuts, at least if you get normal grain fed meat like I do.

  14. Training PR: 75kg snatch (bodyweight snatch FTW)
    Life PR #1: Officially started coaching a few people at my gym in olympic weightlifting.
    Life PR #2: The shock and awe of my companions at dinner when I added 100g of butter to my already buttery serving of mashed potatoes

  15. Took a week to de-load and did some non-lifting stuff in the meantime. Set a cycling PR by riding to the top of a mountain. The climb was only about 4.5 miles in length, but it rose close to .5 mile. The ride down was way more fun.

  16. Bench PR 255×5
    Chin PR 45lbsx5
    Press PR 160×4

    In other news, thanks for the help on the Q&A and I’m starting the TM Monday.

  17. Did zerchers with 305×5. However, I think that is what was causing my hip problem, so I’m going to cut them out (or at least go light and slowly work up) for a while.

    Pressed 150 3×5, which is 15lbs off a PR, and pause benched 190×5, which is a PR for pause (225×5 touch and go).

    Ate no butter last week. I just save my bacon grease and re use that for the pans, and then pour olive oil on top after the meal is in my bowl cooling.

  18. Squated 275 3×5
    DL 285 1×5

    Finally got my squat a little ways out ahead of my bench, I was benching 265 an could only squat 245 a few weeks ago.

  19. Had a Fogo de chao PR for meat eaten. I housed everything on the menu except the lamp rack which did not make an appearance at lunch. I am still full.

  20. Well, today fucking sucked ass. Missed what should have been a pretty easy 180×1 on the press. Moved on to deadlift where I was planning to pull 500 for a single. Missed that too. Only got it a few inches off the ground. On my second attempt, it didn’t budge at all. Figured it was almost a sure thing since I got 450×5 last week without much trouble. Just an all around shitty day. I did drink last night, although I didn’t get wasted or anything. Unfortunately, it really affected my sleep. Still managed to get a press rep PR.

    Press – 165×4

    Did these with some layback and hip drive. Previous PR was 165×3 with a stricter start, and using the stretch reflex on subsequent reps.

  21. Hmmm, only PR’s this week were a 325 lb Front squat (Previous was 315, about a year and a half ago) and snatching 70 kg x 3 from the hip position with no dip/stretch reflex. Equaled my snatch PR from last week (100 kg) but didn’t break it.

    Haven’t been spending as much time lifting in my garage as I thought I would… Mainly because Guild Wars 2 is an awesome game, and there aren’t enough hours in the day…

  22. Weather tried to fuck my training up, but I managed to have a pretty ok week.
    DL 335×8, rep PR. The dif in soreness between 5 reps and 8 in the deadlift is exponential.
    Also, 200 24K kettlebell swings in 10 minutes, sweat PR, was glistening like Fabio.

  23. I’ve been on my first major time away from the gym in about 9 months, mainly due to vacationing and a lapsed rec center membership until the quarter starts again. Been doing random stuff in the garage so I don’t totally regress, including using the new axle my brother made for me. Axle presses are so much more gratifying than a normal barbell, and doing deadlifts @50% normal work set loads is humbling, but my grip muscles are hurting in a way that makes me feel more manly. It will be nice to work on some hand vice strength finally.

  24. I’ve never commented before but I have a bunch of PRs this week!

    300 pound high bar squat
    405 pound deadlift
    145 pound snatch
    200 pound clean & jerk

    I just completed a month of training with a coach and we PR’d everything this week, and I’m pretty happy with where I’m at. I’m still new to Olympic lifting.

    • These are all 1RMs, although I probably could have kept going a bit higher on the squat. He wanted me to save my legs a little though because we were going to PR my front squat the following day, which I forgot to mention because it was only 225. I attempted 245 but failed.

      I’m 5’7″, about 195 at probably 20% bodyfat.

  25. Front squat 215x1PR, last week LBBS 295x1PR. Both FS and LBBS I left a rep in the tank. I am pleased with how training has gone these last few months. LP has given me 30lbs on my squat and brought my press up to a fair number and yesterday I matched my best pull with a rep left in the tank. Having to change my training around due to schedule change at work. So looks like 3 training days on a short week and 2 training days on a long week. Still following LP till I have exhausted all the gains possible.

  26. Just finished third week of TM upper/lower split after two years of 5/3/1. Finally hitting some new PRs, totally love the new programming.

    Squat: 390×3
    Bench: 260×3
    Deadlift: 525×3

  27. PR’d bench press with 45kg x 2 x 2

    Started Sheiko 29 this week and training with a new coach, which is working out really well. Discovered a psoas and iliacus tightness I wasn’t aware of which I’m working on. Didn’t do the butter thing (forgot) but will be researching my iliacus/psoas issue.

  28. A question: following a 2 month break from weight training (performing only BW exercises), what would be the best method to get as strong as possible again in the shortest amount of time following resumption of weight training? A LP program? Starting strength? I’ve done this program a few times with good results, but get bored of doing it again. Any other ideas?

  29. PRs
    Squat: 170kg/375lb x 5
    Bench Press: 113.75kg/251lb
    Deadlift: 185kg/408lb

    Been sick this week so very happy to hit these weights. First time in a wee while I get the weights for 5 first time on squat and bench.

  30. I had a solid week of training.

    PR: I’m getting married tomorrow to a fantastic, beautiful woman with a powerlifting total of 525 lbs. Together we will be DCs newest “power couple.”

    When I was doing power cleans on Thursday I lost my concentration for a second and caught the bar wrong. It scraped my throat leaving a bunch of red marks/scratches. Now as i interact with all of our relatives it looks like I have a bunch of hickeys. Yet another reason why barbells are the best!

  31. Spent the week on my annual end of summer deload. Ate meat lovers pizza and ice cream sandwiches everyday, slept a lot, easy come easy go in the gym. Back on the horse next Tuesday.
    Todays workout: drink a few beers and watch the UW Badgers start their march toward the national championship. This fall belongs to Ball, suckas!

  32. No true PRs this week, but squatted 315 for a bunch of reps which isn’t bad considering the injury a couple months ago. Besides that, threw some clarified butter on lots of things I ate this week and was loving it. Now time to do some sandbag conditioning and relax with some football.

  33. pr- snatched 90k, felt fantastic…was a special/ weird session 40k to 80k felt same as usual, then two singles @85k (pr coming in) were ‘beautiful’=lightning fast, crisp, easy…went on to miss 90 three times (although each miss got better/closer)…then hit 90 w/ what felt like impeccable form and complete ease…got a big head and loaded up 95k, missed three times, including the barbell grazing my head on the third attempt
    i guess the effort was too much because my shoulders are totally fucked, snatched on sunday and now its saturday and they are not anywhere near 100%

  34. So I haven’t posted in a while because my training has been in the toilet. WELL. For the last two weeks, I’ve dramatically increased my meat consumption and ingested 1 oz protein/pound bw every day. Today I benched 135×4; squatted 180×3; and deadlifted 245×5. Those are the best numbers I’ve seen in a while.

    And then some juicehead says to me, “Hey, we all start out with baby weights.”

    Is this the Friday Failboat?

  35. SNATCH PR of 20lbs
    Was feeling on point with 205lbs (previous PR) went to 215 felt solid so I went for my long term goal of 225 and nailed it. This is only my 3rd week back on an Olympic cycle in over a year. Stoked besides my clean technique being in the toilet

    • Sweet… I’m 5 lbs away from that milestone. (My long term Oly lifting goal is 315 lbs… I figure I have about 10 years to reach it before age starts catching up to me, lolol.)

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