Q&A – 28

PR Friday

As always, post your training PR’s and updates to the comments. Last week I set a goal for everyone: “meet your daily protein intake with primarily meat; only allow 25 to 50g of whey protein for your daily allotment.” Did any of you do it? It requires a bit more planning to eat mostly meat, but it’ll put better quality protein into your body instead of insulin-spiking whey. Something to think about.

Next week’s goal: Aim to do heavy farmer’s walks at the end of at least two of your training sessions next week. Next Friday you’ll post your weight and estimated distance.

Weekly Recap

Monday we celebrated Memorial Day and paid tribute to those that have sacrificed their own freedom or life to preserve American way of life. Tuesday we reviewed why it’s such a good idea to compete and looked at how one of the female 70’s Big readers did so successfully. Wednesday continued a much needed discussion on mobility and put an emphasis on a tool called The Stick. Thursday I traveled and just posted the pictures that veterans sent me on Memorial Day (in case you didn’t see them on Facebook or Twitter).

When I was in Australia I met a guy named Dayne who runs a fitness/bodybuilding YouTube channel. He interviewed me for his site at the Aussie fitness expo in Sydney. I remember not being funny enough.



willey asks:

Also, after reading what you said about the low bar grip causing elbow pain. Is that because your shoulders are in a similar position as if you were benching with the bar to your throat, and thus a really shitty position? I realize that it’s necessary to keep the bar tight on your back, but what constitutes a “good” and “bad” low bar grip (besides obviously the one that doesn’t hurt). Thanks.

Dear willey,

The reason why people often can’t get into a good low bar grip position is because it puts them in significant internal rotation. This would require the internal rotators to go through that ROM, but it would also be dependent on the external rotators stretching to that extent as well. It would also depend on other muscle groups like the rhomboids and middle traps, and could even affected by the serratus anterior and lat areas. In any case, shoulder mobility is necessary for a good low bar rack position — so much so that the low bar can often cause more problems than it is worth in some types of trainees.

The reason that the elbow receives stress is because the shoulders aren’t mobile enough to put the hands on top of the bar. Instead, the bar pushes down in the palm (usually with bent wrists), and the downward force pushes the entire arm down. It’s easy to see why the medial elbow would receive the brunt of that force since they are on the bottom of the elbow in that position. The result is pain in the medial elbow that will best be alleviated by stopping the thing that causes the stress; the low bar grip.

Whether or not the low bar is “superior” is dependent on the goals of the trainee. To summarize this article, if you’re powerlifting use the low bar; if you’re weightlifting, use the high bar. Otherwise it doesn’t really matter. If you’re weak in the posterior chain, the low bar will probably help a bit, but so will properly executed RDLs and good mornings. If you have chronic pain in the elbows or shoulders, you aren’t a pussy for changing your squat style in order to work on your mobility. That’d just be a smart decision. Why use a squat grip that is debilitating to other lifts?

ksik10 asks:

Justin, you’ve talked a lot about different kinds of equipment, be it mobility, lift enhancers, or standard gear lifters should have, all of which has been very helpful.

Kind of moving in the opposite direction however,
what would you say would be the least equipment necessary for a novice lifter to run an effective program, and for how long would you expect that novice to be able to progress without additional investment?

Dear ksik19,

I’d say that standard necessary gear are shoes, a good belt, 3 lacrosse balls, a green band, and a PVC pipe. The mobility stuff can be obtained for pretty cheap (aside from the band), and the shoes and belt will last a long time. Even lower quality shoes (like VS Athletics) will still last at LEAST 18 months (I’m on a second pair and they have lasted over 2 years, though I will be getting higher quality shoes soon). The belt will be kind of expensive, but it should last at least 5 years, and more like 10 years (just size it correctly).

You can view equipment HERE (page needs to be updated, but it’s mostly good).

Sam C. asks,

Just a quick question about tapering for competition. Two weeks Last Friday I hit a 162.5 kg squat for three. Due to shitty shift work,lack of sleep food etc I struggled with 160kg for 2 Friday just gone. My competition is one week on Wednesday, 6th June. I feel my confidence has been shattered. My goal was to have a kick ass squat of 400ib. Not sure what to do now as I’m 10 days out. Current body weight is 100kg. My other lifts pulled 210kg for a double. Benched 135 touch n go.

Dear Sam,

Take a deep breath. Relax. You didn’t get weaker in a week’s time, you were merely under-recovered given your work and sleep schedule. You already know this because you already told me that. So settle down.

As for your taper, I would have you do some moderate singles on the squat and bench today (Friday) but not deadlift. Pretend like you’re going up to your openers. On Monday you’ll do a very light workout of some triples or so on squat and bench; no more than 60%. Then compete on Wednesday with conservative openers and don’t make crazy jumps. In the mean time, eat and sleep very well and stay hydrated. Eat more meat than normal.

As for your openers, I’d probably have you open squat at 160 or 162.5. I don’t know your meet history so I’ll say don’t make more than 10k jumps. On bench you’ll probably want to open at 120 and make 5kg jumps to finish at 130 (you could aim to finish at 132.5 if you wanted, but I wouldn’t expect you to hit 135 paused if you only did it touch and go). Actually, if you have no experience pausing, then you probably should open even lower. Plan accordingly. Deadlift could go 180-200-220 if you wanted to take your last warm-up on the platform, an intermediary jump on the second attempt, and then the money shot on the third.

All of this, of course, is based on almost zero information. Factor in what you know, but don’t try and be a baller and make huge jumps. I’d rather you hit a third attempt and feel that you could have done more than miss it and feel like a shit head.

Nick asks,

During the summer I like to run around a lot (his message says he plays random team sports 2-3x/week) and I am struggling to fit weightlifting in. My goal is to the extent possible, not lose muscle mass/swolertrophy. Will complexes twice a week help me accomplish that, and what other options do I have, if any?

Dear Nick,

Yeah, you can really do anything you want. You can still get decent progress lifting twice a week. For example:

Day 1

Day 2
Deadlift or RDL

You could tack on pull-ups or a barbell complex on either or both days. You don’t have to lift in a way that is nut-busting. You don’t have to do a maximal 3×5. Most people lift the heaviest weight they can deadlift for 3 or 5 reps. This won’t work in most non-powerlifting programs, and it will just tire you out for your sport fun. There’s no reason these workouts should take more than 30 minutes (45 if you’re doing a complex too). They’ll help with body fat percentage given the hormonal effect from systemic training and it will maintain or improve your lean body mass.

The only thing in your way is your willingness to do it. You have a good set up that many people avoid because they feel it would hurt their lifting. You don’t have to act like them and avoid something; merely adjust your schedule to pull it off.

52 thoughts on “Q&A – 28

  1. Thanks for the reply.

    Still working back up on a LP since my injuries. Squatted 300 3×5 pretty easily (350 is PR). My wrist injury from a few weeks ago is about 90% right now, but I don’t want to put too much pressure onto it and delay the healing, so I deloaded Press to 95×5 and bench to 155, and I’ll work back up from there as my wrist gets its strength back.

    Finally figured out my deadlift form that works the best for me in the last few weeks and have been upping the weight consistently. finally figured out how to put full tension into my hamstrings without locking my knees too early. Did 285×5 on wednesday, which is a PR (sadly, as compared to my squat). I’m especially happy though because it was DOH and in my squat shoes (can’t do switch heavy because of the wrist). So once my wrist is 100% and I actually deadlift barefoot or in chucks I’m sure it will keep shooting up and hopefully surpass my squat finally.

    Somewhat struggled with the protein intake due to working and my family not buying much meat, but I didn’t lose weight, so it couldn’t have been that bad. My gym is a curlbro gym, so farmer’s walks with real equipment are a no-go sadly. Maybe I’ll just grab the heaviest dumbells and do that though.

  2. 400# DL at lunch today! 44 yrs old, long-limbed 180# skinny-Boy. My goal was 400 by July 4th, so I can now lay on my couch for the next month since my goals have been reached…..

    …yeah, that’s not gonna happen. I will just have some new #’s to reach, not sure what those will be yet – gonna give myself at least a day to bask in my awesomeness before forging ahead again!

  3. I would like to go on record here and state that this was the most enjoyable weekly challenge to date, and relatively easy since I cook most of my meals at home. Highlights included broiled boneless short ribs, chicharrones con carne, and on one day a pound and a half of carnitas for lunch.

    Training PR: worked up to three hill sprint conditioning sessions this week.

  4. I did the meat challenge. I actually have never taken whey or any protein supplament, I just eat 1-2 lbs. of meat daily, so it wasn’t a challenge. I’ll do the farmers walk thing this week.

    PR–I did all of my lifting this week while listening to Gilbert Gottfried’s audiobook of “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

    I did another week of simple linear progress as I get ready to go back to a program after taking a few week’s rest. I’m feeling good and strong.

    LB Squat: 325 3×5
    Bench: 245 3×5
    Row: 205 3×5
    Deadlift: 425 4×1
    Front Squat: 200 3×5 (PR but not hard)

    I’m going to design my own program. I haven’t settled on the template yet. The objective is to continue getting stronger, looking stronger, and improving conditioning. Here is what I’m thinking:

    Monday: Deadlift, Bench, Row
    Tuesday: LB Squat, OHP, Chin Ups, Curls
    Wednesday: Mobility/off
    Thursday: LB Squat, Bench, Row, Curls, 10 min light conditioning
    Friday: Mobility/Beer
    Saturday: Power Clean & Press, Front Squats, Curls, 20 min harder conditioning
    Sunday: Mobility

    For rep schemes I’m going to use singles (4-10, adding a rep each workout) followed by lower weight
    tripples (2-5 pump sets, adding a set each workout) aka a Hepburn Method. I’ll increase the weight once I reach 10 reps or 5 sets. I’m going to be traveling quite a bit the next few months, so if I ever have to miss a day I’ll skip power clean day.

  5. This week’s challenge is something I’ve been working on alot anyway, soooo less than 50g of whey everyday, less than 25g most days, with a total of ~200g daily.

    PR’s: I’ve worked back to about 95% of my previous strength levels after a 3 month lay of. Struggling under a weight you’ve crushed before is demoralizing.

  6. I ate more meat this week, but not very different from my typical diet. I just reduced the whey, and ate more fish and short ribs. They were delicious.

    I hit some ridiculous PRs this week. I’m on a tear right now.
    Sunday I cleaned 82kg (180)
    Tuesday I cleaned back up to 80, then did doubles up to a PR of 71kg, followed by squats. I ended up squatted 137kg high bar, which is a 25lb PR.
    Last night I doubled 72 in the clean and then squatted 140kg.

    I would like to C&J 91kg and squat 160 by the end of the summer, so there are lots of heavy cleans and squats in my future.

  7. No real PRs this week as I’m cutting weight, but I did back squat 300×5 really easily on Saturday. I’ve had to adjust my form and bar placement as what I was doing was not working and was really uncomfortable. I think I’ve finally found something that works and feels good to do.

    Also got the protein thing down. I do 2 scoops of whey (48g protein) post-workout and the rest of the day it’s chicken, beef, and turkey (and some dairy from yogurt).

  8. Also, I feel my push press programming has really worked well. If anyone is interested, here it is.

    Week 1 – 85% for 5 triples
    Week 2 – 90% for 5 doubles
    Week 3 – 95% for 5 singles

    That’s one cycle, just keep repeating and add 5 lbs. to the max each cycle.

    For an accessory on these days all I do is Z Presses for 3 sets of 5.

  9. NICE LIFT SOUSA! Looked real EZPZ.

    The challenge was easy for me as well this week. I generally don’t consume shakes and try to avoid them, but sometimes they are just handy. Made a mad delicious “smothered steak” meal in the crock-pot the other day. Imma do a write up on it and send it to Justin because it was real tasty, real easy and real cheap which i know some dudes will appreciate.

    I like the famuhs walk challenge because i love running around whilst hold heavy weights, aaaaand they are pretty much a staple as of late so It wont be out of the norm for me. My only problem is i have to use DBs and the heaviest we got at the gym is 100s… anyone have ideas how i can weight these, or should i just try to lift at an off hour so i can hog 2 bars at once?

  10. Justin–quick question about the shoes. I have had the VS for 2+ years and probably need to buy a new pair. What is the difference in the Nike (more expensive) and the VS or less expensive shoes. I’m not on a strapped budget so paying extra isn’t that much of a concern if it’s worth it. I just don’t want to pay the extra money just because it’s Nike. Does that make sense? If the Nike will provide better support and more stable and last longer…I will buy them.


  11. Stonewall – two ideas:

    1. Do you have a trap bar? If so just do trap bar carries.

    2. Use barbells. Will be very tough given the length but will make for a nice challenge (turning may be insane though so I would stick to straight walks if you go this route).

  12. Failed the protein challenge, but it has been a crazy week. I did grill up a one-pound buffalo ribeye though, so that has to count for something.

  13. Sousa

    No trap bars there :(

    I was thinking about doing the 2 barbell idea. I would just need to be there at an off hour so that Im not making it difficult for the other dudes to get their oly lifting in. I think ill go this route and if need be ill just have to go for longer distances with the 100s.

  14. I failed at the challenge this week. Been a busy week and what not and on training days I routinely consume 100 gs of whey. Isn’t that why they make 10lb bags?
    No Prs, well except for snatching 100 last friday and in the same workout cleaning 117.5 which isnt a pr but good for same workout time frame. Programing is going well and I am about to start a modified version of the queensland weightlifting 4 day per week program. I am pumped. I have been feeling strong as fark lately and it feels good to finally get my jerks on track and to manhandle snatch weight that used to baffle me.
    Stonewall- use ez curl bars.
    Duanewu- better shoes are just better shoes- you will know a difference immediately. I would recommend the power perfect II’s for a good oly shoe and the people at dynamic eleiko are good help.

    Also, chigishev is sheduled to lift on Sunday for russian nationals as is Vladimir Shmorchkov which should be pretty interesting.

  15. I typically only have a 3 scoop 40g protein shake every morning so this week’s challenge wasn’t too bad for me. I had 3 pounds of brisket left over from camping last weekend (I ate almost 4 pounds while camping). Thank God for leftovers.

    No PR’s this week. I’m coming off a deload week so I’m getting back into the grove. Hope to have a new squat PR next week and deadlift PR.

    Nice video…I like when you threw in ‘barbie’ when talking about grilling.

  16. @ missimmons- congrats on the progress. good progess is oly is like doing hard drugs- that progress is the reason why you keep coming back even when 50 feels like 100 and your knees hurt so bad you can’t bend over. aww yeah

  17. Only pr this week was a 235lb jerk from the rack.

    Starting a new 6 week strength cycle next week, so hopefully a lot more to come.

    I do farmer’s walks by joining kettlebells together with a short chain and a carabiner. Did 3 sets of 100 yards with 105lbs per hand a couple weeks ago, found that to be a tough challenge, but didn’t drop the weight. I love ’em and need to do them more. Challenge accepted.

  18. Pedaled my bike 4 miles to the gym and Box Squatted 315lbs x 4, a 1 rep pr. Was happy enough I put a pinwheel in my basket for the bike ride home.

    Hit the softball 290 feet to the opposite field 3 consecutive at bats…warning track power, should have eatten my meat.

  19. No PR’s this week. Will hit farmer’s tomorrow on events day, and then for time next Saturday at a show. 270/hand for 40ft 2 weeks ago. Gonna break that bitch off at 80ft this week, bleeding hands be damned.

  20. Squat: 380×5
    Press: 165×4

    Squat was fucking hard. I really fought for the 5th rep on the Press but couldn’t get. Why? Who the fuck knows. Could be skipping recovery day because I had to move Volume Day to Tuesday (gym was closed Monday). Could be I haven’t been getting enough calories because I’m trying to cut back on carbs. Maybe I didn’t use a high enough weight for my squat on volume day. And I didn’t have my orange juice this morning before I lifted. Fuck me

  21. HB Squat 320×3
    Bench 250×2
    Dead 395×3

    I had to help my mom’s friend move a fence and scythe fields and all sorts of shit in 90 degrees in Manassas in long pants and a jacket so I wouldn’t get ticks. So I just sorta failed my volume day, (my training week starts on Fridays). Is there anything I should do so that I can still make a few PRs on Tuesday? Any tips guys and gals??

  22. I’m out of whey, so the challenge was easy. But I doubt I got every day more than 1.5g/bw kg.

    Also, I noticed for 2nd time, that a few hours after the intensity day’s workout my fingers smell of iron… And yes, I’ve washed them.

  23. I tried the whey challenge, but just couldn’t make it. Had a busy week and didn’t have enough time to buy some more meat, so whey was all I had. I’ll make it up with a homemade hamburger and some sweet potato fires and fruit.

    Squat: 300 5×1
    Bench: 210 4×1 (so close, argh)
    Deadlift: 360 5×1

    Solid week of lifting.
    Quick question to anyone.

    I plan on competing in my first powerlifting meet in few months. I’ve doing bench every week on the Texas method and have hit a plateau. Should I do a light deload and do Overhead presses for a week?

    All the best,

  24. Benched 315 for a double
    OHP 190 for a triple
    DL 480 for three singles

    The deadlift was five lbs under my all time meet best, and I pulled it for three singles. I’m pretty pleased.

  25. I did not participate in the protein challenge, but I should have. I have no idea how much protein/fat/carbs I am getting so I should probably look into that. Anyone know of a good online calculator for food intake?
    Worked on 1RM’s today, mostly PR’s:
    245# squat
    135# press (tied previous)
    175# push press

  26. pr- 80 kilo snatch, which is esp. impressive considering my 120+ bw…but im more than happy due to my first time focus on oly lifting, tried cleaning 110 but my rack is garbage when it gets heavy…about two weeks into oly-centric programing…must get serious about front squat

  27. My lowest protein intake all week was 185 grams, no whey ingested. That’s still a fail, but it’s at least getting close. Dialed in my diet a bit too hard, Bench missed my third rep at 205, push pressed a measly 175×2, then went and stuffed my face.

    Hit 445×3 deadlift today, no sweat. One month away from matching my all time best DL triple, then cruising into PR territory.

    Also, I have acquired lacrosse balls again. My hip flexors, hamstrings, and IT bands rejoiced. I’ll be doing the farmers with 100-120 lb DBs next week. Will see how that goes.

  28. Hit an offspring PR today… My wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl tonite.
    Oh, and I hit some rep PRs on bench and squats this week. Pull ups are coming along nicely too, Wendlers 531 FTW!

  29. Hit another pr at the gym tonight, 175 power snatch.

    Echo: I like myfitnesspal.com for an online food tracker. Fitday is another popular one.

    Congrats Gene!

  30. I’ll throw in a vote for the safety squat bar if low bar squats give you elbow pain and you’ve got access to one. I started using the SSB as an assistance lift after my low bar squats on 5/3/1 and have since switched over to it as my main lift after an elbow injury in mid-April. In terms of difficulty it falls somewhere between a front squat and a high bar squat, but it’s just plain a nasty MFer. I highly recommend it.

  31. First intensity day after my meet, and it was nice to do something other than heavy singles. Taking next week off.

    Utilized some slightly intuitive training today. Benched 135 for a triple and a double. Received an unsolicited spot here — I yelled HEY I GOT THIS at the guy as I was putting it up.

    Was shooting to squat 175 for a triple. Failed on the second rep twice. Hit a triple on the third try, for a total of 5 reps. 175 is a high-bar squat PR. Deadlift: 240×6, ezpz.

    I’m in the middle of a ribeye consumption PR as I type this.

    Alec32: I just did my first PL meet, and I just treated it like a regular intensity day. The only thing I did differently that week was skip Wednesday’s workout (I usually front squat and press). Worked well enough for me.

  32. Dear Justin,

    A few weeks ago you offered your comments on my squat form and the hip problems they caused. (here:http://70sbig.com/blog/2012/04/cutting-weight-for-a-meet/#comment-24374)

    Well, I did what you said and backed way of on the weight of my back squats and focused on:

    a) keeping the weight on the outside of my feet
    b) slowing down the descent
    c) decreasing the width of my stance

    I also began pausing my front squats at the bottom, which somehow made my knees feel fantastic (always a tender area)

    Hip problems have completely disappeared. Muchos gracias. I assume it was as simple as not dive-bombing in the squat, like you said.

    This is a video from 2 weeks ago:


    Still nothing too heavy, this is what I did (kgs):

    10 x 60
    5 x 100
    3 x 120
    6 x 140
    8 x 130
    10 x 120

    Apologies for the delay, swamped with exams and final thesis.

    Do you have any comments?

    I have a ton of other questions concerning my other lifts but I won’t overload you all at once.

    Peace, and thanks a ton already for the help.

  33. I switched to low bar squatting a few sessions ago. I thought it would take longer to catch up to where I was high bar squatting, but I added 5 pounds to my squat pr this week.

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