Bugger Off

I’m disappointed that Family Guy made it to Australia since it’s a real shitty show (Edit: Tom was watching it as I was typing this). Tom and I went into Sydney today. I continued asking various Asians what their APM and race preference was. That’s pretty much all I’ve got.

15 thoughts on “Bugger Off

  1. Justin, I have an off topic question.

    In your TM eBook, you say you should probably increase your volume day weight every 3 weeks…Whilst every week increasing the 5rm weight.

    At what point do you stop doing this?

    Because if you carry on like this won’t the spread between intensity and volume be so great that, the volume day no longer sufficiently provides a stimulus for an increase on the intensity day?

    Have i misunderstood something?

    I don’t say you should probably increase it every three weeks, I said it was a good guideline to increase the discrepancy between the volume and intensity days. And you’ll have some time before you need to worry about this, especially if you’re doing 5×5. Stop worrying so much.


  2. @Brett
    Justin wasn’t drunk but he’d been awake for about 30-40 hours or something so he was acting slightly retarded.

    He says it in a way that they don’t realise they’re talking to them and if they do they pretend they didn’t hear it haha. So no responses at this stage :P.

  3. Randle, from my knowledge from the ebook and 70sbig seminar, I’d say increase the weight on the volume day when volume day gets too easy and intensity day gets too hard. See rows 3 and 4 on the table on page 31.

  4. Also, I think it’s kind of funny to point out that the rhythmic, monotonous drone of Justin’s voice in this video kind of sounds like a didgeridoo, which is a traditional Australian woodwind instrument.

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