My Halloween was low key with beer and football, but there were some folks that dressed up for the occasion. Here are some amusing photos.
Thanks to Justin W. from 423 Strength and Conditioning.

“70’s Big Guy” appeared to the gym costume workout. Thanks to Chris from Emergent Fitness for the pics.

Thanks to Kevin J. for the pics.
And for the finale, here are some pics of Chris. He went to work like this.

Shit my pants looking at the second one of chris.
First pic…the guy on the far left,The first thing that I noticed were those awesome quads! Nice!
Chris’s costume is amazing.
Also the guy on the far left in first pic… Holy Quads!!
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Chick in the tie dye shirt is hot.
Does she squat?
I would have never guessed that the last 2 pics were of Chris.
A training question though…When do you see the use for exercises like Paused squat(pause for 2 seconds in the hole), defecit deadlifts, floor presses,box squats..?I cant imagine anyone except a PLer training his weakpoints doing these lifts. Only thing close to these exercises ive seen is Big AC doing rack deadlifts in a video.
Dude on the left is fucking jacked! First thing I noticed too. Chris looks like a character from King of the Hill…/my pee wee football coach.
Looking at the 423 S&C site, I like their WOD plan. Basically 5/3/1 with metcon finisher, and then conditioning on off days. Good stuff!
I didn’t end up doing anything because of some assignments I had to do, but I was going to go as the Hamburglar. I figured a Burger obsessed character is just as 70’s big as an actual 70’s big costume.
that guy on the far left in the first pic looks like he can beat wholesale ass.
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I don’t understand why these are costumes. You don’t dress like this every day?
Is that supposed to be your costume?
Awesome pics!
ATTN Weightlifters: SEND ME YOUR BEST WEIGHTLIFTING-RELATED PICS FROM HALLOWEEN FOR OUR NEXT ISSUE! Readers will vote on the best costume/activity, and the winner will receive a hooded Eleiko pullover sweatshirt! All entries must be received by November 9th E-mail photos to
Where the hell do you guys all find those socks? I feel like the only place they’re available is for too much money on the internet. Maybe there just isn’t enough of a market for them in Jersey…
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