PR Friday – 31 OCT 2014

PR Friday — Post your training updates, PR’s, and questions to the comments for the 70′s Big crew

Weekly Q&A gives you a chance to ask anyone from the 70′s Big Crew a question in the comments below, on Facebook, or Twitter. Follow 70’s Big on Instagram

Today I also posted Chalk Talk #10 – Clean Your Press; if you want to spice up or fix your press training, check that article out.

My friends, today is Halloween. We’re gonna have an impromptu picture contest, so post your costume pictures to the Facebook, TwitterInstagram, or the comments here. If the costume is 70’s Big-ish, it’ll help. The winner will get a 70’s Big t-shirt of their choice. If you’re not dressing up, then at the very least you can slap together something like Chris did a few years ago:



Chalk Talk #10 – Clean Your Press

Since I was clean and pressing last week, I figured I’d turn it into a Chalk Talk that revisits the “Clean Your Press” post from three years ago. It also forces me to do a video in one take since I’m actually lifting in the beginning (it’s just 90k for a double).

Power cleaning the press can accomplish several things like: give you extra clean practice, work more musculature, get more of a systemic stress, and look a lot cooler than everyone else in the gym picking their press out of the rack.

I prefer to clean presses. The main thing most people need to work on is catching the bar in the press position instead of a clean position, which is preferable to catching the bar in a front rack and repositioning for the press. You’ll need to have good practice with the grip, hand position on the bar, and elbow position, and you can read/watch more about that in “3 Press Fixes“.

Note that spandex will help.

PR Friday – 24 OCT 2014

PR Friday — Post your training updates, PR’s, and questions to the comments for the 70′s Big crew

Weekly Q&A gives you a chance to ask anyone from the 70′s Big Crew a question in the comments below, on Facebook, or Twitter. Follow 70’s Big on Instagram

Recap: On Monday I addressed a question about “Reverse Dieting“, and it led to a simple discussion on basic nutrition philosophy. Chalk Talk #9 briefly showed one armed farmer’s walks and how they can strengthen the quadratus lumborum muscle.

Here’s Misha Koklyaev, one of the most impressive strength athletes of all time, doing one of his trademark ladders. This one is a deadlift ladder to 360kg (792 pounds) and back down.

Misha performs at a world level in powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, and strongman. What sport would you prefer to shine in? What sports have you competed in?

Consultations Are Back

consult image70’s Big is revamping its consultation program to include the entire 70’s Big team. You’ll have access to either Justin, Mike, Chris, Brent, and AC (click here for bios) to develop a programming template based on your goals, current state of adaptation, and schedule availability.

Each 70’s Big team member has an expertise in strength and conditioning from the novice to advanced ability, everyone has competed in a national lifting event, some in international competition, everyone has handled lifters in numerous meets. Some of us have advanced proficiency in specific athletic endeavors:

Justin – military/SOF, CrossFit, mobility, collegiate sports, Olympic weightlifting

Chris – powerlifting, team sports (football, rugby, basketball, etc.)

Brent – Olympic weightlifting, mobility

AC – powerlifting, football (including professional players), collegiate sports

Batt – strongman, powerlifting

Note: Justin, AC, and Chris have all worked in division I collegiate strength and conditioning facilities with various sports, hence the “collegiate sports” term above.

If you’re interested in a single or monthly consultation, send an e-mail to and include the type of consultation you want, if you have a coach preference, and what your goal is.

Chalk Talk #9 – One Arm Farmer’s Walk

Remember when we did soft tissue work on the QL to relieve tension on the pelvis and sacrum? Well, now we’re going to do an incredibly useful and necessary exercise to strengthen the quadratus lumborum, and it’s a one arm farmer’s walk. This is a must-do exercise for all populations as it can significantly improve back health and prevent injury.

Regular farmer’s walks are a simple two-handed carry exercise to work on grip strength and loading the entire body. The one arm variation will function differently. Whereas regular farmer’s are to be done heavy, the one arm sort should be light to moderate. The goal isn’t to move the most weight, the goal is to maintain a stable, neutral trunk position (with the chest up and lower abs contracted) without slouching the shoulders. Putting an emphasis on not leaning over in the trunk or hips forces the QL to maintain leverage of the trunk, hence our reason for executing this exercise.

The first time I did this exercise, I just used a 24kg kettlebell (~53 pounds) and could not only feel my QL during the movement, but had a healthy soreness the next day or two. Strengthening the QL along with regular soft tissue work will likely reduce tweaks or strains and improve how your lower back, pelvis, and S/I area feel.

Throw these in at the end of your training session every week, but don’t do them if you’re gonna go heavy in the next session. You don’t want your stabilizing muscles to be sore or fatigued when trying to lift heavy. They would work well in the last session of the week with adequate rest after until you are accustomed to them. Remember, weight isn’t the key; good trunk position and QL activation is.