From 2 November 2011
In this podcast I talk with Dr. Michael Hartman, a college professor, weightlifting coach, sport scientist, and new father. We also collaborated with Dr. Lon Kilgore to create a strength training, endurance, and fitness resource called FIT (I’ve been using the strength chapter to plan advanced lifting programs).

Hartman as Ditka says LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
We talk a little bit about FIT, but also talk about weightlifting in the Pan American Games last week and the upcoming weightlifting World Championships occurring next week in Paris. There’s some time spent on talking about Kendrick Farris, how he did at Pan Ams, his jerk, and when Hartman met him as a school age lifter. Then we get into various questions about weightlifting including hitting a solid rack position in the snatch, push-pressing, rack position in the push-press and jerk, and possibly doing an old-time weightlifting meet with the clean and press, snatch, and clean and jerk. This podcast flows very well and has a lot of good information in it.
(left click for stream, right click and “save as” to download)
1:18:13 long
There’s still something goofy happening with iTunes despite my podcast submission. Will let you know when it’s working.
Feel free to ask questions about Dr. Hartman, the podcast, or weightlifting here. Good questions will be used for Friday’s Q&A, and you can ask them to Dr. Hartman too. You can find other 70’s Big podcasts (including more weightlifting material with Glenn Pendlay) HERE.