Podcast – Ep. 1 – AC

From 26 April 2011

I’ve always been interested in talk radio and wanted to start doing podcasts. They will allow me to interview various people and get the information to you succinctly. I aim for my podcasts to be short and to the point — no more than 15 minutes. As always, I aim to inform, educate, and entertain. To get my feet wet, the first 70’s Big Podcast is with our own AC. AC is a young, raw powerlifter who has won several meets and has benched a paused 380 at 212 lbs. We discuss various topics like his training history, karate chops to the throat, and why he’s on such a power trip lately.

RIGHT CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD and “save target as”.
Episode 1 – AC (11:22 long)

If you have questions for AC in a future podcast, put them in the comments.
Feel free to submit a “Reader Mail” question that will be addressed in subsequent podcasts.


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