Arnold Strongman Classic

There were five events spaced out on Friday and Saturday. Shawn and I attended the bodybuilding finals that (thankfully) also included the Strongman Classic final event and awards presentation.

View all of the competitors HERE.
View all of the events HERE.

Jeff Martone of

I’ve known of Jeff Martone (owner of Tactical Athlete) since I got into CrossFit in early 2008, but I had never met him. After Shankle lifted in the 105 session on Saturday morning, Martone was sitting at his booth by himself and Jeremy and I decided to try the 90 pound pull-up (for a free t-shirt). I, of course, missed it:

Then I asked Jeff he was going to do any kettlebell juggling, but he only had 90 pound kettlebells (a bit heavy for KB juggling). Then I asked if he was going to do any Turkish Get-ups, and he said he needed a female that weighed 135 or less.
Mission: Find female who was 135 or less.

I went up to an over-cooked-tan blonde girl, and said, “Hi. I realize this isn’t a question a guy would typically ask a girl, but how much do you weigh?” I didn’t get slapped because I’m a little more suave than that, but she was 155. Then I saw a little gal walking with her husband. I politely asked the husband, and after hearing the question he chuckled and said, “Ask her,” while pointing to his wife. Well, we already know that that MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED, and here’s the vid (she weighed 110 pounds):

Jeff Martone has tons of experience in a variety of things including kettlebell training, martial arts, SWAT, self defense, and more. Read his accolades HERE.
And here’s an interview with Jeff Martone by Tyler Haas.

Interview with Preston Turner

I first saw Preston at the 2010 Texas State and he’s…grown a bit. Now he’s 19 years old and kicking ass in USA Powerlifting. He’s a 120kg/264 lb lifter who competes in single-ply gear and has recently squatted 821 and deadlifted 650 at Junior Worlds. His raw bench is about 550. He ended up benching 300kg/661 at the bench only meet on Sunday and missed a second attempt 312.5/688.94.

Preston is friggin’ stout, and he’s a really nice guy. Again, there are a lot of good people in powerlifting. Keep training hard, Preston, and good luck.

PR Friday

Sorry folks, there’s not Q&A. I’ll also save my reading list for next week. There are still more posts that will be trickling out today from the Arnold including an interview with the young Preston Turner, the Arnold Strongman Classic Finals, the bodybuilding finals, some clips of Arnold, clips of me dicking around with one of the booths, random expo footage, Jeff Martone, and Mark Bell (probably put Bell’s up next week).

This post is where you should tell us about your weekly training PR’s and training updates. You may have some overall training goals for 2012, but now reverse engineer that and tell us what your goals for March are.

Train hard. If you can’t, read this.

Do You Even Lift?

I know you guys really wanted me to harass people, but most of everyone I met was really nice (even the fitness models –> more on that in another post). This was some giant eastern European or Russian guy who was competing in the amateur strongman competition on Friday morning. I can’t remember his name and can’t hear it well in the video, but he was a big dude.

Edit: Paul Sousa posted the results of the amateur strongman and thinks that Dimitar Savatinov is in the video.