Tsypkin Thursdays #2

Matt F asks, “How do you treat conditioning for lifters or people generally more interested in lifting?”

Minimal. Depending on the case, I would stick to 2-3 days a week at most, with no more than one session in excess of 5-6 minutes and no more than 10 (and that’s if you are in more of a GPP phase, far out from competition). I typically like to make up circuits out of assistance work the lifter would do anyway, such as back extensions, weighted sit-ups, pullups, dips, rope climbs, etc. Kettlebell and dumbbell work is a good option as well, and occasionally I like the Prowler, but be careful – it can leave you wrecked for the next day’s training. Same goes for strongman type stuff.


Rick R asks, “Why would someone be able to do a hang power clean with a given weight, but struggle to do a power clean from the floor with the same weight?”


To put it simply: the closer the bar gets to the floor, the more complex the pull becomes. In the hang position, the lifter does not have to worry about what is perhaps the most complex part of the lift – the gradual, controlled backwards movement of the knees as the bar passes them. With the hang variation, even an inexperienced lifter can fairly easily keep the bar close and moving towards their center of mass, stay on their heels, and finish aggressively at the top with the bar where it’s supposed to be.


“It’s only a game. Why you heff to be mad?”

Kenneth M asks, “What are some good drills for improving speed under the bar?”


Snatches/cleans from the hip and high hang. Snatches/cleans from the high blocks. No hook grip/no foot movement snatches (you can do cleans with this exercise too but I don’t think it’s nearly as effective). Anything that a) minimizes time between the initiation of the pull and the finish and b) teaches you to move smoothly and immediately under the bar.

Donovan Ford: Snatch Pull + Snatch from high blocks

I’d like to take this opportunity to address what I feel is a common mistake: the snatch balance, which is a very useful exercise for other things, will NOT make you faster under the bar in the snatch! It may increase your comfort in going under the bar, and it may help make you stronger in the jerk, but going under a bar which is moving from your back to overhead is in no way the same as going under a bar which is going from the floor to overhead.  If you want to get faster in the snatch, you have to snatch.

Brendan W asks, “What are your go-to assistance exercises for increasing shoulder stability?”


Push press, rows, pullups, band facepulls and pull-aparts, planks, Sotts press, snatches and clean & jerks.


Jacob Tsypkin is a CrossFit and weightlifting coach, the co-owner of CrossFit Monterey and the Monterey Bay Barbell Club in Monterey, CA. He is available for weightlifting seminars and gives excellent hugs imo. 

Interview with Mike Jenkins

During the Arnold Sports Festival Mike Jenkins was kind enough to let me interview him in the Rogue booth. Unfortunately, the two minute interview we did had too much background noise. When I told him about it on Twitter, he told me to call him and do a phone interview. Yesterday we had a 20 minute conversation discussing his career. Unfortunately (again) the app I used on my phone to record the conversation only recorded me talking. EPIC FAIL. Clearly I do not have future in journalism. Thankfully, I have a decent memory, and wrote down most of the things we talked about. -Mike B.

In case you have been living under a rock, Mike Jenkins is an American Strongman Corporation professional strongman sponsored by Rogue and Maximum Human Performance (MHP). In case of you have never tried MHP’s Dark Matter, do yourself a favor; it’s pretty awesome (MHP has the best supplement names ever).

For those of you that don’t know, even as a sponsored professional strongman, it is difficult to make ends meet just doing strongman. Although Mike has won the Arnold Strongman Classic with a $50,000 prize, not every contest has a purse that high. For his day job, Mike is a recreation leader at Milton Hershey School in Hershey, Pennsylvania. This is not a typical school however. Milton Hershey School is a private school that focuses on the individual growth of the student more so than a traditional school. The students at the school have different social and financial needs than traditional schools, and talking to Mike about it, he clearly has a passion for his work. The kids also love the fact that Mike competes in strongman, and love watching him compete.

Additionally, Mike works with a few younger, local football players, because he feels that some of the football strength programs are a bit out of touch with the times. He also emphasized that not all of these coaches are enthused about the help he gives these players, which to me is just crazy. Just looking at Mike and what he has accomplished, why wouldn’t you want him to help your players get stronger?

Prior to picking up strongman in 2007, Mike played 12 years of high school, collegiate, and professional football. When I asked why he stopped playing, he gave the answer I have heard many times, and it was that he lost love for the game. Thankfully for us, in 2007 Mike picked up a pair of farmer’s walk implements that his friend had, and entered his first contest shortly thereafter. Also in 2007, he went to North American Strongman Nationals and placed sixth. In 2009, Mike would place second in that same contest. In 2010 however, is where Mike truly took the strongman world by storm.

The Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships were first held in 2010, and the winner received a pro card. In 2010 that winner was none other than Mike Jenkins. Not only did he receive a pro card, he was invited back in 2011 to compete with the big boys (literally) at the Arnold Strongman Classic (ASC). While the World’s Strongest Man (WSM) title might be the title that the average person has heard of, strongman enthusiasts know that the Arnold Strongman Classic is the heaviest contest, and carries prestige nearly equal to WSM. Mike pointed out that because the ASC is such a heavy event, there are rarely repeat winners (aside from six time champ Zydrunas Savickas). In 2011 Mike made his professional debut at the ASC, and finished in second place behind Brian Shaw. More impressive than that however, was that he came out ahead of Big Z, who placed a disappointing third. How many people can say in their debut pro strongman contest they upset Big Z?

In 2012 Mike would go on to win the ASC ahead of fellow American Derek Poundstone, and 2011 winner Brian Shaw (who suffered a torn biceps). I was fortunate enough to be sitting in the center row of that contest as I watched this:

After other athletes failed to press the log, Mike comes out and presses it TWICE. And this log weighs 460 pounds. It was quite a sight to see, especially since Big Z, arguably the greatest strongman ever, only pressed it once.

In addition to a 2nd place finish at the ASC 2011, and a 1st place finish in the ASC 2012, Mike has also competed in two WSM finals. In the 2011 WSM Mike finished in 8th, and in 2012 he finished in 5th. When I asked if he thought he could one day be a WSM title holder, the answer was a resounding yes.

Unfortunately, as we all know, strongman can be hard on the body. Going into WSM 2012 Mike had some pain in his left knee, but didn’t think much of it other than it was a minor issue. Unfortunately, during his narrow miss to match Big Z on the 220k log press he heard a “crunch” in his left knee. After returning home from California, Mike spent a few months trying to rehab it himself, and even received shots that made it feel temporarily better. However, nothing was really working to allow him to train at 100%. In December, Mike made the decision that he needed to have surgery. Mike said that although in the short term he had to withdraw from the ASC 2013, it was his career and even more so, his long term physical abilities that needed to worry about. Since then Mike has made significant progress, and plans to be ready in September for WSM 2013. He has resumed squatting and deadlifting, and is quickly getting back to where he needs to be.

When I talked to Mike about his strengths and weaknesses in the gym, he was quick to identify them. I figured Mike would say his world class pressing ability was his strength, but he said he felt moving events were his best. I can’t really argue with that though, the guy can seriously move with a yoke. As far as weaknesses, Mike says he needs to bring his deadlift up. Moving forward, he is going to be working with Brandon Lilly from Juggernaut Training Systems or Jesse Burdick from Powerwod.com/Supertraining (http://powerwod.com/) in his pursuit of a bigger pull. Mike has actually been working with Jesse for the past few months on his diet, and has dropped from 400lbs to about 350lbs. Note: Mike routinely posts pictures of empty Ben & Jerry’s ice cream containers on Twitter, and keeps losing weight. We need to redefine “superfood”. Something else that was interesting is that this will be the first time Mike has ever worked with a coach for strongman. He has taught himself to be a strongman through trial-and-error. He did however mention this is not an approach that will work for everyone. Mike said that if you have the opportunity to learn from anyone that has competed in strongman, at least listen to what they have to say.

When I asked Mike about his long term future in strongman, he didn’t give me a definitive answer. He knows for now that he wants to get his knee back to 100%, and get back to WSM. We briefly discussed the longevity of athletes in the sport, and he pointed out how heavy the weights have gotten over the years. In January, Mike wrote this article for JTS strength highlighting how the log press records have been utterly annihilated over the past 15 years. The fact is, the weights keep getting heavier, and this is going to be a factor in how long strongmen are in the game. How many ASC and WSM competitions can a person’s body really handle?

I’m extremely thankful that Mike took time to let me interview him not once, but twice in the past week. Mike has already accomplished quite a bit in his career, and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. I for one would love to see him press a 500lb log, maybe even before Big Z. Let’s hope he has a fast recovery and once again makes a trip to WSM. Who knows, maybe he could be standing on the podium in six short months…


Mike Battaglino is a professional spotter, amateur strongman, and powerlifter that trains in his garage (70’s Big HQ). He spends a considerable amount of time watching strongman videos on YouTube, and declining requests for a spot.





Some Truths About CrossFit and Weightlifting

Did you see the CF Open 13.1 WOD? There were a lot of snatches, to say the least. Jacob Tsypkin wrote this article not to piss you off (though it might), but to start a discussion about how CrossFit is enabling American Weightlifting to experience a rejuvenation that might just help make us relevant on the international stage again. 

There has always been some tension between strength sport communities and CrossFit.  Though in recent years, many great strength athletes and coaches have affiliated themselves with CrossFit, it seems that there is also a large contingent of strength athletes who are at best lukewarm towards it, if not outright vitriolic. Much of the dislike seems to come with regard to the Olympic lifts, perhaps due to their technical nature, and their so called “misuse” by CrossFitters.

I am very fortunate. I have been lucky enough to train with some of the best coaches and athletes in both CrossFit and weightlifting. I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of both of these sports, and if you want other sports you can learn the the basics of pickleball online as well. The elitists, the douchebags, and the great people who love their sport and want to make it better. I have competed and coached competitors in both endeavors. As such, I feel I have a unique perspective on the matter.

With my extensive experience in CrossFit and weightlifting, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of having the right gear for any sport, and pickleball is no exception.

Whether you’re just getting started or you’re a seasoned player, having the right pickleball apparel can significantly enhance your performance and enjoyment on the court. For those who love blending athletic performance with style, https://thepickledpalm.com offers a fantastic selection of pickleball apparel that perfectly captures the fun, laid-back vibes of the sport. From vibrant, beach-inspired designs to comfortable and functional clothing, their collection allows you to express your personality and passion for pickleball while enjoying the game.

Of course, I have my own opinions on the arguments presented by weightlifters against CrossFit. However, I do not want to discuss opinions here. I want to present some facts. Some absolute truths, which I ask you to keep in mind when analyzing what CrossFit has done, is doing, or can do for the sport of weightlifting.

Fact 1: CrossFit is creating more interest in weightlifting than there has ever been in the U.S.

5000+ CrossFit gyms worldwide (I don’t know how many exactly are in the U.S., but it is the VAST majority) educating people about the lifts. Some of them may not do a great job of teaching the lifts themselves, but consider this: the odds of an average individual knowing that the snatch and clean & jerk exist, that they are a sport, and understanding how challenging that sport is, are MUCH higher now than they have ever been before.

Fact 2: CrossFit is bringing the idea of effective GPP programming to a larger audience than ever in the U.S.

Nations which are highly successful in weightlifting almost universally have effective GPP programs in place which start at a very young age. Most of us can probably agree that physical education in the U.S. is subpar. Kids’ programs in CrossFit gyms across the country are getting young Americans excited about exercise – this alone is a huge step.  Couple that with creating interest in the olympic lifts, and a GPP program which is much more similar to what you would see in countries that win medals in weightlifting – that is to say, they are biased towards teaching movement rather than particular sports. This has the potential to lead to a massive improvement in the general athleticism of the average American, which in turn carries over to more potential in young weightlifters.

Fact 3: CrossFit is gradually generating a nationwide talent identification program.

Something else which weightlifting medal winning nations often hold in common with each other, is a method by which they identify young athletes with potential for particular sports. In the U.S. no such program exists, in large part because we tend to specify athletes at a very young age, rather than presenting them with a broad array of athletic endeavors to learn, enjoy, and potentially excel in. Here’s where CrossFit comes in. Along with “traditional” sports they participate in, kids in these programs are learning the basics of weightlifting, gymnastics, sprinting, jumping, and the like. Merely by virtue of spending time engaging in this wide variety of movements, coaches will be granted the opportunity to identify kids who have potential as weightlifters early in their athletic careers, something which very rarely occurs now.

Whether you are a CrossFitter or a weightlifter, whether you love or hate CrossFit, it’s hard to debate the truth of the above claims. Their value may be questioned, but I, personally, am willing to bet that CrossFit will end up doing far more good for the sport of weightlifting than it does bad.

Besides, CrossFit is leading to this:

Sarabeth Phillips is a CrossFit Competitor. CrossFit was her introduction to weightlifting. She now snatches 80 and clean & jerks 95 at a bodyweight of 58.

And that, I think we can all agree, is something we need more of.

Jacob Tsypkin is a CrossFit and weightlifting coach, the co-owner of CrossFit Monterey and the Monterey Bay Barbell Club in Monterey, CA. He is available for weightlifting seminars and once got busy in a Burger King bathroom. 

PR Friday, 8 Mar 2013

It’s PR Friday! Here’s some media from last week’s Arnold NAPF Raw Challenge to get you inspired over the weekend.

AC’s log is consistently the most popular on the site. This comes as no surprise once you see his intensity on the platform and his constant interaction with his fans. Check out his write-up on the Arnold (there’s a surprise ending), and this video of his lifts:

Mike B also had a good meet at the Arnold and did a write-up on his training log. Check out his video here, and subscribe to his often-updated YouTube channel while you’re at it:

Matt Nolan finished second in his class and damn near pulled 733lbs. What do you think he’ll hit at Nats?

Big Chris has been real, real busy since the Arnold, so I haven’t seen any log updates or a video of his lifts…but at least he squats deeply:

Photo by Sioux-Z Hartwig-Gary

Marc wasn’t extremely pleased with his meet, but I was happy to see that he finished strong, posted some great stories about the Arnold, and perhaps most importantly, got a stellar picture of the crew with the legendary Ed Coan. I’m jelly. You jelly?


Matt Baller hit a new IPF World Record bench…twice. Here’s the bigger of the two:

Jennifer Thompson blew us all away again with a very impressive meet, including a PR squat and dead, and chipping her own World Record bench to 137kg/302lbs (@ the 2:00 mark in the video). Amazing.

USAPL’s website has been updated to include the Arnold results, along with a database of 2012 Lifter Rankings. Check it out.

In the Pro Deadlift challenge, Ian Bell won for the THIRD consecutive year, this time by less than 1 Wilks point. Dece.

How’d your week go? Tell us about your PRs and put up a video. Just copy/paste the simple youtube address in your comment for it to show up properly formatted. Just so: “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoTYAlMy57I”  So easy, a meathead could do it.

Tsypkin Thursdays #1

Jacob Tsypkin has been fielding questions on our facebook page about weightlifting/crossfit/training/coffee/beardliness, and will compile 3-4 of them weekly for your reading pleasure. You’re welcome. 

Gregor S asks, “Squatting every day: a good idea?”

Yes.  No.  Maybe.  Sometimes.

View the option of daily squatting as a tool.  I have used it to great effect in certain situations.  It can work to break plateaus, it can work for lifters who are significantly better at volume than they are at intensity, and it can work, surprisingly, for lifters who have knee pain when squatting.

The key is doing it intelligently.  You’re working up to a heavyish single each day (occasionally I’ll work in a double or triple instead.)  If you feel great, go for a PR.  If you don’t feel great, just hit what you can hit without getting ugly and call it a day.  If you want daily squatting to be effective, you absolutely MUST check your ego at the door.

Andrew K asks, “What cues do you like to use for the jerk? How about supplemental exercises?”

Predictably, the answer is, “it depends.”  It depends on what the lifter is doing right or wrong, what they’re good or bad at, and of course, what they respond to.  With that said, some of the most common cues I use are:

Drive it high and back” to get the lifter to be aggressive in driving the bar off the shoulders
Move straight” to cue the lifter to keep the hips and torso moving straight down/up/down
Step in front of the bar” to get the lifter to reach their front foot out to an adequate degree
Keep driving, keep reaching” to cue the lifter to stay with the bar, driving it as high as possible and to be active, rather than passive, about receiving and holding it.

For supplemental exercises, again it depends on what the athlete needs. Obviously the jerk from blocks is fantastic, and I prefer it from behind the neck for most people, as it teaches the lifter where the bar needs to be and, for most people, allows them to handle more weight. Of course, the jerk from the front rack is also very useful, so we employ both.

A fantastic exercise for improving footwork is Glenn Pendlay’s jerk ladder. This drill will help the lifter get used to the back foot landing first and “catching” himself with the front foot, as well as learning to remain rigid when going under the weight.

Lastly, the press from split is something all of my lifters do both when learning the jerk and in their warm-ups. It’s exactly what it sounds like: with the bar in the front rack, walk the feet out into your split position, and press. The most crucial part is that the press is EXTREMELY strict. There must be no movement of the legs, hips, or torso whatsoever. By doing this, the lifter learns where his body needs to be when receiving the jerk.

Stroup asks, “What is the minimal amount of weightlifting training a CrossFitter needs?”

In a word, plenty.  Assuming we are talking about competitive CrossFitters here, my athletes do the snatch and clean & jerk heavy three times a week each, on average.  That’s not including what they do in conditioning circuits. I think this would roughly hold true with most competitive CrossFitters.

Rudy Nielsen of The Outlaw Way wrote the following in an article about the importance of weightlifting for CrossFitters:

Larson also has added up the total point values for every movement tested during both the 2011 and 2012 Games seasons. The snatch and clean & jerk are worth 20 percent of the total point value. If you add accessories, you have 36 percent of the total point value—read that again, except in all caps: THIRTY-SIX PERCENT. I can and will talk about exactly how the lifts develop the athlete from an overall perspective, but strictly from a sporting perspective, that’s a lot of points.”

Between that, and the ability of the lifts to improve an athlete in so many ways, I think it’s undeniable that if you want to be a good CrossFitter, you’ve got to spend some serious time developing the snatch and clean & jerk.


Jacob Tsypkin is a CrossFit and weightlifting coach, the co-owner of CrossFit Monterey and the Monterey Bay Barbell Club in Monterey, CA. He is available for weightlifting seminars and gives excellent hugs imo.