Won’t See This In Mainstream News

I have various things to post here about, but here’s a link to a story about a guy in Texas who shot a crazy asshole who had killed two people and two dogs. I hate dog killers. The TL;DR is that a normal gun-owning citizen shot an insane murderer who was in a shoot out with a single police officer. The good guy citizen shot the bad guy asshole with a pistol from over 150 yards away.

As a gun owner, I’m on the side of supporting gun rights, especially since crazy assholes, criminals, or people planning to be criminals (like the Aurora shooter) are not going to follow the law by not getting a gun if there intention is to use a gun to harm other people. Disarming good citizens won’t stop the bad ones from being fuck heads. Have you ever seen anyone do drugs? I have. Hard and soft drugs. It’s illegal, but these people, who are good citizens outside of their “illegal drug use” are still obtaining the illegal materials. In other words, the presence of a law doesn’t mean that it actually accomplishes something. A bad citizen certainly won’t have any qualms about obtaining illegal materials to do bad things.