The Truth

Girls heart guys that are 70’s Big

I got an e-mail from someone asking me to do a favor. They wanted me to talk about love today. I’m a nice guy so I agreed, and now I have to pull something out of my ass.

I’ve always considered love to be one of those things that is necessary for happiness. That could mean the love of doing, the love of things, or the love for someone — all of that shit. I’m probably one of those people who will be happiest being in love with someone while doing the things that I love — and the same probably goes for most people.

It’s a pretty big deal if you can find someone that not only has all of the qualities you would look for, but also when that person loves you in return. For example, if you are a guy named Craig, then you might be in the midst of having a really happy anniversary with your lovely wife, Dana. That’s right, Craig, your wife loves you so much that she weasled her way into having me write about love today.

Now, I don’t believe in luck or anything like that, but I wonder what kind of shit Craig pulled to find himself in a situation with a caring wife like Dana. You’re a lucky guy, Craig; you’ve got a woman who cares about you and hearts guys that are 70’s Big. Must be nice.

You two love birds have a good anniversary, ya hear?


The obligatory Meatloaf video:

And here is some lifting to stay in theme.