The Truth

Girls heart guys that are 70’s Big

I got an e-mail from someone asking me to do a favor. They wanted me to talk about love today. I’m a nice guy so I agreed, and now I have to pull something out of my ass.

I’ve always considered love to be one of those things that is necessary for happiness. That could mean the love of doing, the love of things, or the love for someone — all of that shit. I’m probably one of those people who will be happiest being in love with someone while doing the things that I love — and the same probably goes for most people.

It’s a pretty big deal if you can find someone that not only has all of the qualities you would look for, but also when that person loves you in return. For example, if you are a guy named Craig, then you might be in the midst of having a really happy anniversary with your lovely wife, Dana. That’s right, Craig, your wife loves you so much that she weasled her way into having me write about love today.

Now, I don’t believe in luck or anything like that, but I wonder what kind of shit Craig pulled to find himself in a situation with a caring wife like Dana. You’re a lucky guy, Craig; you’ve got a woman who cares about you and hearts guys that are 70’s Big. Must be nice.

You two love birds have a good anniversary, ya hear?


The obligatory Meatloaf video:

And here is some lifting to stay in theme.

24 thoughts on “The Truth

  1. What are you going to write for Valentine””s day?

    I will take the day off. Look, the lady wanted to do something for her husband. What am I gonna do, say no?


  2. Is it wrong for someone who is 70”s big to have emotion?

    But sorry women, my true love will always be weightlifting. Weights never lie, cheat or talk back. Its black and white, either you lift it or you can”t. At the end of the day 200lbs will always be 200lbs.

  3. Aside from all this love nonsense, I wanted to give Justin some praise on the site and his coaching. If you are into Xfit at all you””ll see how the better affiliates are changing their programming to include ME followed by met con wods. Justin implemented these type of workouts last year and they really, really work fucking great. I do these type of workouts every so often when I feel like I need some conditioning or when I feel like I need a break from the basic workouts (currently doing TM) (It takes a while to get used to weighing 220lbs)I dont lose any of my hard earned strength or weight, and after a few days of adaptation my metcons improve. I””m glad to see many other XFit affilates are adapting their daily Wods to resemble Justins. Now if we can only get Justin and Rip to teach them how to squat correctly – perhaps more XFIT affiliates will be turning out some adult males.
    Thanks Justin.

    No problem. I don’t call it ME though.


  4. My girl fucking rocks! Took me 42 years until I got it 100% right, but such is life. And Justin, thanks for being game.

    I will also add that I just wandered back to my desk after doing some shit in another building to find a two-pound block of high octane Cabot”s Vermont Cheddar Cheese with a big sweet knife sticking out of it-a CRKT Folding Hissatsu. Dana has agents everywhere.

    Justin, I don”t know what kind of shit I pulled, but I”m glad I did and I aim to keep on it.

    FilthyBrit- dead on in post 1, and thanks!


  5. LOL had no idea that was a meatloaf song

    Learn somethin new everyday on this site, fuckin great… Oh on the topic of girls I heard a great quote from a black guy at my gym yesterday:

    “so you mean to tell me all these flat-ass white girls come in here and hop on those eliptical thingies and think they gonna have an ass when they done???”

    I died laughing and had to walk away to not make an ass out of myself

  6. Hmm… maybe I should take a break from raping and pillaging to see what this stuff is all about. Would be a nice addition to beef, beer and bourbon. Beef, beer, bourbon and broads.

    In all seriousness, I don””t know you Craig, but congrats just the same. Sounds like you””re one of the lucky ones.
    Its definitely true that ladies love 70””s big sex. Nothing makes you a better lover like a huge deadlift.

    This is irrelevant.


  7. Just wanted to drop some knowledge on all the 70sbiggers out there who might not be Meatloaf savvy like myself – that song is about cunnilingus. He won””t do it – the loaf doesn””t need to go down on chicks to get ””em ready.

    Dammit Shawn, they are going to believe you. Look up the song on Wikipedia.


  8. BigShawn-

    I had always wondered what the “that” was, so I just did some research myself. I”m guessing you disagree, but…

    From Wikipedia (cited back to Meatloaf himself):

    Each mention of “that” is a reference to the particular promise that he made earlier in the same verse.

    “But I”ll never forget the way you feel right now …”

    “But I”ll never forgive myself if we don”t go all the way tonight …”

    “But I”ll never do it better than I do it with you …”

    “But I”ll never stop dreaming of you every night of my life …”

    “Jimmy always said, ”You know what? Nobody”s gonna get it.” And he was right.”
    —-Meat Loaf

    P.S. I mostly looked into this because I”m not sure I understand why anyone would be unwilling to do the “that” to which you refer. But “that” may be a discussion for another forum!

  9. Brian, it”s not the huge deadlift that makes a great lover. It”s the beefy shoulder and the great hip drive learned in a correctly performed squat.

    Also a great beard can”t hurt.

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