New Services Available

I’ve ran this site since last September — for free. I don’t know if yous guys know that. In the past nine months, this website has consumed more of my time than anything else. I bet I spent more time working on it than I did training. Sometimes it’s painstakingly hard to think of something to post when it’s 10:00 PM the night before, but some how I’ve managed to pull something out of my ass on a regular basis.

I like to think that I’ve had a nice blend of humor and entertainment. The only thing I really care about it is teaching people to get stronger and subsequently healthier (among other things). That’s the whole purpose of this site. So if I have to put up a YouTube video of my friends or me dancing like fools to get you to read some of the serious/helpful stuff, then I’ll do it (I have more of these videos, by the way).

Anyway, with that being said, here is my shameless plug for some new services that are available, Online Programming, Programming Consultations, and 70’s Big Workshops. You can read about them here, or click on the Services tab at the top of the page.

The Online Programming will net you a new best friend (me) and a training program. I will not sing you lullabies. The Consultations are those who don’t want a new best friend, but want to talk on the phone once t hash out a program. The Workshops are a traveling whacky inflatable sideshow and educate people on all kinds of things about training. You can read about them in more depth on the Servicespage.

Now that that’s settled, here is an obligatory European techno/electro/dance video that includes half of a 70’s Big guy with a sick beard. Warning: intense flexing and confusing images ahead. Watch the whole thing if you really want to be confused.