Nude Weightlifters?

I thought that would get your attention (keep reading). Remember Germany’s Julia Rohde? She’s a 22 year old German weightlifter who made 7th place in the 53kg weight class at the 2008 Olympics (more pictures here and her website).

You’ll also remember Spain’s Lidia Valentin, but Spain also has another ravishing lifter named Maria De La Puente.

Maria and Lidia

Julia and Maria competed against each other in the 53kg weight class at the 2008 European Championships (Maria would take silver while Julia took bronze).

However, the real reason you’re here is because somebody said “nude”, and Maria De La Puente has posed nude. She did it to prove the point that female weightlifters are not ugly, muscular goons, but instead embody the female form. The following pictures are NSFW, although they don’t show the downstairs mix-up or boobs.

Solo picture
Picture with other weightlifters, holding barbells on the beach

Lest our female readers think this is just an ogling session (they are catching on), this also stands to show that quality lifting won’t induce the bulk, and these girls can be display that to the uneducated potential lifter. That was Maria’s point anyway, because weightlifting isn’t popular in Spain.

Q&A – 7

Hey dudes and dudettes, it’s fucking 1:23 AM after Thanksgiving and I’m writing this post. I’m here for you.
Oh, and you can submit weight gain videos throughout the weekend until Sunday at 2359 hrs EST. I’m not going to watch them on Friday, so you may as well have more time to upload.

ksik10 Says:

Wait. You’re a Slav. You root for the Browns. But you don’t eat pierogis?

I thought I loved you man.

This made me laugh.

artesuave asks:

1. That power clean & push press was insane!
2. In the vids you’ve posted of Chris’ pulls he always goes double over, does he ever mix his grip, or is it just to beastly?

Dear artesuave (and others who asked about Chris),

Chris uses a double overhand hook grip for all pulling unless he needs straps (I’ve never seen him fail a weight due to grip). I’ve talked about it before a while back. Chris started as an Olympic weightlifter and has large hands, so he’s always pulled his deadlifts like that. I’ve seen him rack pull 600×5 with the hook — pretty insane. Before you go off and try to hook grip everything, just build it up over time because it WILL stress your thumbs. Some hand dimensions may be able to do it with heavy weight either.

When I started weightlifting (and using the hook) I had to tape my thumbs because the skin would tear, but nowadays I don’t. It’s just something you have to adapt to over time. The DOHG with deadlifting will more so stress the thumb ligaments than the skin since there isn’t torsion in the hand to scuff the skin.

ngalfano13 Says:

Hey Justin,
What are some good mobs for cleans? I cant seem to get as far back as you in the clean..
I then asked him: “What does “far back” mean?”
he answered: you seem to get your ass farther back then i can, and if i try this i usually lose balance, if you know what i mean

Dear ngalfano13,

I had to go back and watch a video of myself to try and see what you were talking about. I’m merely just dropping slightly to catch the weight. If you rack a front squat, and then move into a quarter squat position, this is what I’m doing. If you don’t have as good a position, it could be due to your rack position. Here are a list of posts that Kelly has done on the “front rack” position.

chippy Says:

Justin, could you impart some advice? [spoiler show=”Show rest of question” hide=”Hide all this shit”]I’ve been working out for ~1 year on the GSLP doing Sat, Mon, Wed (all at my ‘home gym’, Mon & Wed after work). However I now attend football training on Wednesday nights. I’ve tried working out before work but find this really difficult (I feel weaker first thing in the morning, often my numbers actually go down from my previous evening workout! Maybe I just need time to adapt?). My schedule is as follows (Mon – Fri work until 6pm, get home at 7pm):

Mon – Workout (PM)
Tue – *Free*
Wed – Football (PM)
Thur – Client meetings after work (PM)
Fri – Social from work (PM)
Sat – Workout (AM) Football (PM)
Sun – Football (AM) *Free* (PM)

As you can see I have enough time to workout 4 days a week (Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) but these are all consecutive and leave no days for rest. I’m open to working out 2 days a week but have been seeing good results on 3 days. I see you’ve previously mentioned an alternate ramping 3×3 and 3×5 programme. Why do you recommend this over 3×5 sets across each day?

I have very little programming experience but have put your advice (notably pressing technique) to good use before so was hoping you could help here. I’ll be sure to donate to your Movember campaign![/spoiler]

Dear chippy,

RE: weaker in morning training sessions
This isn’t abnormal, especially when you’re adapted to training in the evening. If I were coaching you I would have you eat differently to prep for a morning session and give you time to transition into consistently training in the morning. Also, I wouldn’t have you train on the morning that you have football stuff in the evening. I’d want you fresh for the football sessions regardless of how serious you are with it (don’t know if it’s high school, amateur, etc.).

RE: Greyskull
I probably wouldn’t have you running the GSLP. If you have three football training sessions (WED and SAT evenings and SUN morning) along with a standard work schedule, a regular linear progression is not going to function well. If you only have 100 recovery credits and the total cost of a linear progression + football training + work results in a payment of 125, your dick will be driven into the dirt eventually. If this football training includes contact or bruising, that will limit recovery even more (and increase the need for quality calories).

Also, the higher rep sets could take more out of you. If you were using a relatively medium weight, then the rep sets may not be a big deal. If you are using more challenging weights (where you get 5 to 8 reps on your final sets), then that will be particularly taxing in the context of football and work.

“But work isn’t physically stressful, Justin.” I realize, yet it’s still something you have to go do and requires at least some minimum level of stress that requires your attention and time. It could also constitute you sitting down for a large portion of your day (whether at your desk or while commuting) which will inhibit recovery due to mobility issues.

I’d modify the program and consider a twice a week split while you have three football sessions. You could also have regular training sessions on Saturday and Monday, but then do an assistance day (e.g. rows, RDLs, and chins) on Tuesday (your free day). If we were doing a consult, this would be the first thing I’d suggest (and get your feedback on it).

Lastly, I want to point out that I’m not a fan of deadlifting during a football season or during football training. I don’t know the extent of your football training, yet deadlifting is quite taxing from a localized (specific areas, in this case hamstrings, lumbar, and sacral areas) and systemic perspective. Put simply: doing deadlifts every week will not allow for optimal performance on the field. I’d suggest utilizing power cleans and RDLs until the football sessions decrease in frequency or you reach an “off-season”.

Happy PR Friday
Post your training PR’s or updates to the comments. There’s some good football on this weekend; who are you pulling for and why?

All right, it’s 2:03 AM now. Don’t ever say I don’t care.

National Bulking Day

Today’s Thanksgiving is an American holiday that is associated with a large feast, football festivities, and generally being thankful. The original holiday didn’t exactly work out like that, and the puritans didn’t dress like Gordons all the time, but it’s too boring to discuss. Instead, let’s talk about the 70’s Big festivities.

I’m sure our international readers have seen what a Thanksgiving meal looks like in the States, but it typically consists of a roast turkey, potatoes, gravy, cranberries, and other assorted dishes (including dessert). We are going to continue the 70’s Big tradition of having a weight gain challenge. Basically contestants will weigh-in pre/post meal and whoever has gained the most weight wins. Skeptical Sallies will murmur that this is promoting unhealthiness. No it’s not, because it’s only happening for one day and it’s fucking manly. Personally, I adhere to the Paleo diet and consider it the ideal way of eating to transition to after establishing good musculature. But if anyone avoids Thanksgiving’s hearty meals on the account of maintaining a Paleo diet, then I think that’s a bit overboard unless the ‘cheating’ will cause diarrhea (and it can). Thanksgiving meals are typically whole foods anyway, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Let’s discuss the rules.

1. Weigh-ins must be recorded on video with a valid time source. Since you may not have a scale to use at a relatives (better ask), there is no time restriction with respect to the meal.
2. If you are entering the contest, you are agreeing to be honorable. Dishonorable people are fuck-heads, and will probably be found out anyway. Dishonorable doesn’t mean you can’t talk shit to other contestants, though.
3. The same scale must be used in both weigh-ins. This prevents obvious reliability issues.
4. Upload videos to YouTube by 1400 EST on Friday. This should give you enough time and not interfere with family time. Post them to the comments of this post (not the PR Friday post).
5. The title of the video must be “70’s Big Thanksgiving – (Name)” with (Name) being your name.
Failure to comply with any of these rules will result in disqualification from the contest and awarding of the Expert Shoveller’s Badge.

There will be three types of winners, and each winner will get a 70’s Big t-shirt of their choice.
1. Absolute weight gain. Whoever gains the most weight. Period.
2. Percent of body weight gain. Whoever gains the most weight as a percentage of their body weight. This is here because fat guys can lose/gain lots of weight relative to smaller guys.
3. Greatest weight gained in shortest time. This will be measured by the pre/post weigh-in time. Let’s say a guy gains five pounds in 20 minutes…well, that’s a fucking lot of food.
Honorable mention: There may be a prize for the funniest video. I’m the judge of that, so you’ll have to impress me.

Also, Thanksgiving is about being thankful, so go ahead and let us know what you’re thankful for in the comments. I’m thankful for a lot of things, including my family and health — let’s assume everyone is thankful for those things (since not being thankful for those means you’re a god damn serial killer) and talk about other things. I’m thankful for this community. Really can’t say how much of a pleasure it’s been getting to interact and meet a lot of you.

I also have a friend who is going through some chemotherapy, so I’m thankful that they are able to get through the treatments they have experienced so far.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone. I’ll toast one to all of you.

Movember Mash-up

The TL;DR of this post can be summed up in this vid (if you just want the good stuff, skip to 3:10)

As of this writing, we have raised $3,922. The goal is $5,000. I’m not above wearing a speedo to raise some doll hairs, but only if we eclipse the 5k mark. Here is what a few of us are doing. If anybody else wants to get in on the donation festivities, put it in the comments. Here are the top raisers in the team. I’ll remind you that the best raiser not named Jacob will win cash and prizes.

Justin’s Money Raising
I will be doing one clean and jerk for ever $50 raised starting from the amount when I announced it ($2,700) till the end of the month. So far I have 24 reps to do. I originally said I was going to do 300 lbs, but that may have to change if it gets around 50 reps. I’ll probably do as many as I can at 300 and go from there. I’m not doing them in a row, but instead spacing them out. I’ll probably stream the event as well as record stuff because I’ll be doing it at a local CrossFit. Also, if we reach $5,000 I’ll do it in a speedo.
Find the 70’s Big team here.

Jacob’s Money Raising
Jacob is going to do a max set of squats at 315. He’ll take pledges for “amount of doll hairs per rep” prior to the set, and when he finishes, the pledging donators will pay their pledge x reps. All of Jacob’s efforts are dedicated to his friend Mike Gardner who died of brain cancer. Rest in peace, Mike.
Donate to Jacob here.

Paul’s Money Raising
Paul said that if he eclipsed $300, then he would watch a Twilight marathon. Jesus Christ. I would never agree to that. I’d rather do a 12 mile ruck in the middle of summer. He’s going to record his thoughts and I’ll put them on the site after.

Paul is also going to do a max rep set of whatever value he raises. Right now he’s at 310, so he’ll add $5 and do 315 for reps if he doesn’t raise anything. If it gets over $440, he’ll attempt a new PR as 440 is his current best.
Donate to Paul here.

Stroup’s Money Raising
Stroup is doing a squat-a-thon type thing where you can purchase a squat rep with $2 donation. He will also shout whatever obscenity or phrase you want at the top of the rep if you clarify with your donation. He’s up to 12 reps.
Donate to Stroup here.

If we don’t raise $5,000, then you’ll have to see Jacob, Stroup, and Paul in a speedo. I didn’t ask them, and Paul said, “I am far too hairy to don a speedo in public. It would look like I was smuggling Snoop Doggs afro in my shorts.” If we raise 5k doll hairs, then they are off the hook for this.

Bill’s Money raising
Bill Clark is a martial artist and breaks things with his hands. If you donate 10 to $20, he’ll break a brick with your name on it. If you donate $21 or more, he’ll break a coconut with your name on it (he’ll be breaking them with his hands). He’ll video them and upload them to YouTube and I will post them on the site.
Donate to Bill here.

Every doll hair counts, even if it’s just a few. Thanks for your donations.

Take it Ehsee

I’m so pissed off about the “occupy” movement that I can barely think right now, so let me see if I can get this going. 70’s Big is all about training hard and kicking ass. Everyone is trying to get better whether it is improving their squat, getting more muscular, being a better weightlifter, or even using strength to support their job or hobbies. No matter where you are on the continuum of strength, you’re one of us if you a) train hard, b) want to learn, and c) have a sense of humor. You won’t be chastised for being weak because we’ve all been there, and it’s more about the process of making progress that’s important.

In the end, we realize that the capabilities we have are a direct result of the intensive effort we’ve put into it. We are strong or weak because we have done things that make us strong or weak. Our successes and failures are dependent on our commitment and devotion to get better. This is what bonds us, and it’s a lesson that fucking hippies everywhere need to learn.

Chris deadlifting 625×3 (go to :42 for start of set)

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