Category Archives: Content
Jamie Kovac Appreciation Day
I try and use the Monday posts to show that women aren’t getting bulky from lifting and end up looking good. Today is more of an oogle session on Jamie Kovac.
The top rated comment is pretty good in that vid (and is probably Brent).
The finale:
Observe this video of Antonio Krastev snatching 216kg (an unbroken overall world record). Pulling and catching 475 pounds overhead is extremely powerful, very impressive indeed. Nobody has snatched more than Krastev in competition.
Now observe the following picture of Russia’s Dmitry Klokov (left) and Evgeny Chigishev (right).
Who are you more impressed with? A fat, out of shape looking man who is really strong, or muscular, athletic guys who are still pretty strong, but not as strong as the fat-mullet guy? You are free to have your own opinion, but I don’t like disgusting, fat lifters.
Some people might say, “Yeah, well strength is all that matters, therefore the strongest guy is the best.” That’s like saying your favorite lawyer is the guy who makes the most money despite the fact that he charges you for the effort it takes to zip up his pants after getting a ZJ on his way to your court case. Personally, I’m more impressed with a guy that is muscular over a strong, fat guy.
That’s always been the case. I grew up watching wrestling and started lifting a dumbbell because I wanted to look like Sting, Lex Luger, or Scott Hall (who expertly refused to shave his chest). While bodybuilding may take it over the top, I — like most guys — admire someone with a good physique (male or female). Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbo are demigods and I’m more impressed by muscular football players than fat, out of shape players (although most are muscular nowadays). Anybody who fervently says they don’t care about their physique is probably fat, out of shape, and unwilling to have any effort to do anything about it.
This shouldn’t appear as a shock. 70’s Big co-captains Doug Young and Anatoly Pisarenko had masculine, muscular physiques. Ricky Bruch was a viking-like manimal. My favorite weightlifter is Klokov (and I dislike Aramnau despite his crushing 13kg victory for the gold medal over Klokov in 2008 because he’s chubby and ugly). Basically I respect someone more when they have a decent, muscular physique over someone who is god awful strong, yet dumpy and fat.
Realistically speaking, you are too. Johnny Pain posed this rhetorical question in our first podcast, “Would you want to be really, really strong, but just be a tub of shit? Or would you want to be really, really strong and look fucking great?” The choice is obvious — why would you want to be be fat? Why would you want to be strong and not look strong? Furthermore, why would I want a bunch of my readers to be fat, tubs of shit?
I’ve never, ever wanted anyone to be fat, yet I also don’t want them to be skinny. Most guys will never “look like they are strong” unless they weigh 200 pounds. No woman will ever “look strong” unless she fucking squats twice a week and eats more protein. Skinny guys need a dirty bulking diet for a little bit since they won’t/can’t eat enough of a cleaner diet, and the fat guy isn’t going to look strong unless he stops eating a bunch of bullshit and adds in the appropriate activity to get un-fat.
I’ve never pretended to completely disregard aesthetics or ability to be strong, and I’m sick of hearing pussy-ass weak guys who fear gaining fat or getting slower (and I’m not even talking about CrossFitters, so don’t begin that boring-ass troll session). If you’re skinny, then you’ll gain a little body fat as you gain weight, but you can keep it in check by eating properly. If you’re fat, there’s no reason you can’t drop body fat relatively quickly, and if you’re mega fat it would serve you better in the long run to primarily drop bodyfat while maintaining muscle and progress you’re lingering strength back up afterwards.
I don’t care what you do since it’s your decision. I’d rather you not be skinny or fat, and I’ll only be impressed if you’re strong and muscular.
Sort of a 70’s Big Females post
People who train, workout, or are active have a different perception of what is attractive and what isn’t. Those who don’t do anything at all — like fat people — think that anything without fat is good, and extremely skinny is exemplary.
For example, Zuzana from Body Rock is a pretty girl who has no body fat whatsoever and fake tits. Fat and average women and men think she is the greatest thing to walk the Earth. Anybody that has trained, has a decent set of musculature (non-bulky for women, of course), and is kinda strong sees Zuzana for what she is; a skinny chick with fake hooters. Is she pretty? Sure. Would all my male readers want to bang her regardless? Yes, but they would literally bang 98% of the world’s female population if no one else would ever learn about it (implying that there is only 2% of the world’s population that they would actually deny, mostly involving your grandmother and niece).
Besides, when one of the readers barges in the comments saying how they perceive Zuzana to be optimal, they are not very big or strong anyway. And if they are, they are the minority of those that are kinda big or strong.
Just because a skinny body image is preferred by most people — those who don’t train — doesn’t make it preferable. That’s like saying if there is 10,000 people in a cult who like to murder puppies then it’s okay to murder puppies (it is not) so long as you believe the same thing as this cult. Groupthink is so pathetic it’s funny (unless puppies are at harm).
In reality, it isn’t difficult for a chick to “have a nice body” (Note: For those of you women who train to be strong and able, I apologize that you have to suffer through this. If you fucking sent me messages/pictures/videos then I would have some material to work with). By merely eating a non-vegetarian diet with quality meats and doing calisthenic based exercise, most chicks can “lean up” and garner a little muscle to be “toned” since calisthenics are more than just going to work and watching E!. Don’t believe me? The WildGorillaMan supplies pictures of women who do this very thing every day.
If a girl doesn’t want to lift weights, then she doesn’t have to. She should only do a program that she’s going to be enthusiastic about, but that doesn’t mean she should avoid learning what program is actually going to help her. A lady doesn’t have to do a straight linear progression — she can do calisthenics or conditioning after lifting EVERY DAY. The lifting won’t take long in the beginning anyway, it won’t interfere with recovery, and she’ll feel more accomplished. The hard part is getting her to realize that being skinny isn’t attractive.
You’re Welcome
Spencer Hall of found me THIS excellent link with pictures of Ricky Bruch that you have never seen. There are 35 total, and I’ve picked some of the good ones for below. Ricky Bruch is honored by the gods. I hereby name him to the 70’s Big Hall of Fame posthumously.
Happy PR Friday
Post weekly PRs and training updates to comments
Here’s the first NSFW tagline on this site:
[spoiler show=”I want to see!” hide=”Take it away!”]
As you can see, Ricky was a joyous, burly man. He clearly trained his ass off yet had fun while doing it. I wish I could have known this man.
Note: If you can translate Swedish, then contact me.