Warming up is an incredibly important part of training, but even experienced trainees don’t utilize or understand it. This video teaches you the physiology behind both general and specific warm-ups and how to do them. By understanding the physiology, hopefully you’ll have a proper respect for doing it.
What kind of warm-ups do you like? What other benefits do you see in warming up properly?
My warmup consists of 7-10 minutes on an AirDyne and then another 5-7 minutes of general dynamic warmup that consists of torso twists, leg swings, arm swings, arm circles, and a few other things. The AirDyne gets me nice and warm and the other stuff takes my joints through a greater range of motion. It seems to work nicely so I’ve been doing it now for quite some time.
Could you maybe do a post on cool-downs (or warm-downs or whatever you want to call low-intensity post-workout movement)? 10 minutes or so on the AirDyne post-workout reduces my stiffness and makes it a significantly easier to walk down stairs after a hard training session.