Halloween Costume Contest

In the past we actually set up a premeditated costume contest. This year, I posted the idea on the day of Halloween, and there was still an amusing response. Here are the contestants with the winner at the very bottom.

Andrew as Slash

Andrew as Slash

Chet as Kissing Booth

Chet as a Kissing Booth

Chris and Family as Ninja Turtles

Chris and Family as Ninja Turtles

Chris as Pumpkin Pie

Chris as Pumpkin Pie

Clay as Duff McKagan

Clay as Duff McKagan

Graham as Jon Snow

Graham as Jon Snow

Iain as Teen Wolf

Iain as Teen Wolf

JT as Walter

JT as Walter

Julian as Bane

Julian as Bane

Liam as the Driver

Liam as the Driver

Matt as Macho Man

Matt as Macho Man

Mike's pup as a unicorn

Mike’s pup as a Unicorn

Paul as a Georgia State Bicycle Cop

Paul as a Georgia State Bicycle Cop

Peter as Pikachu

Peter as Pikachu

Rosco as a Bomber Pilot

Rosco as a Bomber Pilot

Tim as Simon from Adventure Time

Tim as Simon from Adventure Time

William as Hanz or Franz

William as Hanz…or Franz

Mike as Monroe

Mike as Monroe

Kyle as Strong Man

Kyle as an Old Time Strong Man

We couldn’t decide who should win, so these last two guys (Mike and Kyle) will both get a shirt. Guys, send me an email with your address, shirt choice, and size. Well done on respectively disturbing and awesome costumes.

PR Friday – 7 NOV 2014

PR Friday — Post your training updates, PR’s, and questions to the comments for the 70′s Big crew

Weekly Q&A gives you a chance to ask anyone from the 70′s Big Crew a question in the comments below, on Facebook, or Twitter. Follow 70’s Big on Instagram

I thought this video of Travis Cooper and James Tatum lifting in the World’s training hall was really cool. Do you know anyone who has competed in a sport at a high level? What did they say about the preparation for the event? Did it bring out their best, or did it make them anxious?