PR Friday – 11 Jan 2013

PR Friday: Post your training PR’s and updates to comments. This gives you chance to communicate with like-minded readers, get encouragement or tips, and to be a part of our community.

Weekly Recap: The Next Step” is a follow up to “Letter of Intent Day – 2013“. “Get Your Hands Out of Your Pockets” will hopefully motivate you.

NFL Playoffs are going on this weekend. Who do you want to win and who do you think will win?

Here’s a video of my Olympic weightlifting pal Ben Claridad squatting a PR 270kg, which is a few pubes under 600 lbs:

76 thoughts on “PR Friday – 11 Jan 2013

  1. First normal week back after extended layoff. Ran in and Squatted a triple of 405.

    I’ve figured out that if I don’t do a normal volume day the first normal week back (ie do ascending volume) then I’m unable to hit a heavy triple the following Friday or Saturday

  2. Bench rep RP: 190×12, 195×10
    Press PR: 145×9
    Squat PR: 320x4x2, 6×1 – first weight PR on squats in almost a year. I did 4 on the first two sets because I can’t count.

  3. Getting some rhythm into my training after participating in a meet about a month and a half ago. Subsequent deload and holidays really fucked my shit up. Back into PR territory.
    Squat 400×3
    Press 155×3
    DL 420×3 – felt like I had more in the tank.
    Tried 100 reps of curls to get some heavy blood flow into my elbows to help out some junk going on in there that hurts. Anyone else ever tried this? Made my elbows feel pretty cool afterwards, we’ll see about the rest of the day.

    • I do curls, pressdowns, and pull-aparts with bands for 100-150 reps one day a week. definitely gets blood in there, I’ve never had bad elbow pain so no before / after that I can compare.

  4. Had a great week of lifting, and a great night of muay thai/BJJ last night.
    Adding in more conditioning to go along with 531 workouts, and results are positive so far.

    So far I have managed to avoid the impending flu epidemic, but a huge percentage of people I know have been wrecked by it.

    There is a powerlifting meet here in the Richmond, VA area coming up in early April that I plan on checking out.

  5. GO PACK.

    Pretty basic week – nothin crazy aside from loading a 350 stone to 52″ last weekend. Got my eyes on the 400 stone that is covered in dust at our facility this year – time to cover it in blood and tacky.

  6. Technically a squat PR at 390×3. Was gassed from transitioning back to school and not training regularly the weeks before. Doing it again next week and will destroy 5.

    Tied press at 185×3. Same story as squat. My form was really off though and I kept losing the bar forward/backwards and had to use my energy just to keep centered.

    Deadlift PR at 345×5. Slowly going up towards my squat. Was in lifting shoes as well.

  7. Competition in 8 days. Did the required conditioning this week. Nutrition has been acceptable. Sleep was decent until the last two nights and it hurt my training yesterday. Pretty upset at myself because there was no point. Recovery is #1 this week leading up to competition.

  8. Life PR: finally cut bullshit out of my programming. No more 6 day per week lifting while trying to combine getting lean by burning as many cals as possible, with getting pumps for “hypertrophy” from high rep sets, and trying to 5, 3, & 1 rep PR all the damn time.

    Sticking to a moderate program, 3 days on my own, one day with coach, set up similar to SS and 5/3/1, but more OL. Also, doing some metabolic rehab to find my maintenance so I can cut at the highest level of cals possible, just 100-200 below maintenance, instead of this 1600 call pet day crap. I’m giving myself a full year to slowly get lean and strong.

  9. Deadlift PR 355×5
    The last two reps were with straps because my hands get STOOOPID sweaty, my chalk still hasn’t come in the mail yet and my piece of shit gym doesn’t have any “because of the mess it makes.” Fuckers. I’ll be using it anyway.

    Lifelong Pats fan, even though I’m from Philly (fuck the Eagles).

  10. I am down in Miami visiting family, and I’ve been resting my knee the last week or so. Doing mostly upper body stuff, although I did get some good power snatches in at CrossFit Soul here on Wednesday. I had an attempt at a 145 lb bench PR, which felt about 100 lbs heavier than the rep I did before that, haha. Perhaps if I bench more often, my bench will go up.

    A training/life PR of sorts is finishing this article that I started writing months ago about my journey from CrossFit to weightlifting:

  11. Week 1 of 3 in a 5/3/1 wave. 0 PR’s were seen that day… But in week 3, I’ll attempt PR’s in DL, Squat and BP. Stay tuned and stay safe..

  12. Still taking O-lifting babysteps
    Snatch: 50kg
    Squatted 140kg for the first time in too long, haven’t done it at this lighter bodyweight for before.

  13. Ray Lewis is an absolute beast, but i can’t wait to see my Bronco’s send him off into retirement.
    Re-started 5-3-1 a couple of days ago after messing around with and focusing on the oly lifts for the last six months or so. Squated 330 x7, not a pr but more volume for the squat than i’m used to. Benched 185×12 today which is fantastic considering how destroyed they were just a month ago (too much snatching i think)

  14. Bench PR w/5X255.

    Question for Justin et al., how do you go about dealing with plantar fasciitis pain? I’ve read the foot drills article and played around with some of what Kelly has on MobWOD but haven’t found a great fix. Been having pain for the past week following going on a run for the first time in a loooong time last weekend.

    Also, picks:

    Papa John’s Spokesman over Inspirational Double Homicide Suspect
    Discount Double Check over The guy who beat up Jim Schwartz
    Adderall-Fueled Secondary over Matty Ice
    Huge bro with buzzcut who plays TE over huge bro with buzzcut who plays DE

    • For the fasciitis: for the long term, spend as much time barefoot or in zero-drop style shoes as you can. The very best thing you can do to strengthen that muscle is simply walking around, but any type of stiff or ‘supportive’ shoe is essenitally doing the work for the muscle. Also, jumping rope barefoot or in barefoot shoes is amazing for strengthening your fasciitis.

      Short term – roll the hell out of it with a lacrosse ball, and rest it up. Get back into the running slowly.

    • Do ebbets foot drills for two weeks every day. It takes about four minutes out of your day. Then continue doing them every few days weekly. In my population of 80 plus “trainees”(read that term very loosely) I’ve used that fix successfully 10+ times with success, for those who do what I ask them to do.
      I think someone responded above correctly, you must strengthen, and those foot drills are the absolute best way to strengthen your feet.

  15. first intensity day after switching to a TM style template, still building back up to my PRs after deloading, but tied some today:

    Squat 315×5 (320×5 is PR)
    Bench 190×5 (done this for sets in LP)
    Deadlift 335×5 new PR!

    Biffed up my shoulder pressing this week, 145×4

  16. Third week on 5/3/1 huge rep record at 260×10. Also turned last weeks powerclean max of one nasty rep at 195 to two good reps at 200. Why did I wait so long before trying the hook grip?

    • Me and the hook grip are in that second month of dating, can’t keep our hands off each other phase. I’m using it for everything – rows, deadlifts, cleans. Feelsgoodman

  17. Recovering lifts from an over-training cliff and the forsaken 2 day vomit fest flu. 2 weeks after the flu.

    Bs 330×5
    Bp 200×5
    Dl 365×5.

    Meet in 9 weeks. Sittin at 169lbs and need to be 165 for the meet. I am looking for tips on when and how to shed the 5 lbs as well as rep schemes leading up to the meet. For deadlift sets, who resets grip at bottom of each rep? Is that the right way to go about it rather than hanging on the bar for dear life? Reps come much easier when i have held on in the past.


    • I haven’t been resetting and after video of my last deads my form is a lot worse than I realized. I’m going to start resetting even though it feels more like five singles.

  18. Squat: 255x5x3
    Bench: bailed on the LP due to shoulder pain, gonna mess around with some swoller for a while and come back to the LP in a few weeks. The overhead squats actually seem to be helping my shoulders as well.

    Sadly: my brother, training/lifting/running partner of the last 5 years, started CrossFitting last week. He has gone twice. I said “It seems like a lot of money for people to pay for things they can do on their own or elsewhere.” His reply, after having gone twice: “Well they couldn’t do it like we do here.” GGUUUUUHHHH! Now when I get under the bar, I hear his smug voice saying “Forging Elite Fitness!” and my bar velocity goes way up.

    (Dissing douches, not CF).

  19. Still working LP. Recent lifts:
    Squat 325x5x3
    Press 180×5/5/3 fail, but still a PR
    Deadlift 405×5 PR (videoed, don’t like my form at all, room for more weight)
    Bench 265×5/5/4
    Power clean 205x3x5

  20. Life PR for whole lower body. Started strength and conditioning internship, walking/standing abt 12 hrs a day, biking 3.5 mile each way, and still managed to get 3 solid lifts in this week.

    Got walked through a football workout, first time to do any oly lifting in quite some time.

    Good but long week. I may go to mwf with perhaps some oly on Wednesday.

  21. DL 405×5. Not a lifetime PR, but a recent one. Back to where I was about a year ago; did a 1200 gym total last January, so I’d like to break through that. Hard to keep up with the training routine.

    Broncos, Seahawks, Packers, Patriots win I think.

  22. got sick monday, felt little better tuesday afternoon so i went to the gym and “trained my wang off’…called in sick rest of the week

    however, squatting a triple at 365 with the flu is some kind of a PR, i think

  23. The only PR’s this week that I can think of are: 125 kg (275 lb) hang clean, and Push Pressing 90 kg (198 lbs) for 4 sets of 4. (My previous 1 RM was 205 lbs before I tried this tonight, lol.) Well, I guess hang snatching 95 kg from below the knee for doubles is a PR, too…

    Oh, and I ate a 3 pound burrito from Chipotle on Thursday. (If you’re at Lincoln, NE’s Chipotle, ask for a “Slauson”. It’s two tortillas overlapped so that they can put about three burritos worth of filling inside and wrap it. I dunno what it’s called anywhere else, it’s just named after a football player who always ate his burritos that way, lol.) It was awesome. I almost puked, though.

  24. First week back after an extended layoff and nursing a broken hand. Pathetically weak, but got to start somewhere on this new LP.

    Squat: 230x5x5

  25. Justin, I was hoping you could help me out with a shoulder anatomy/pressing question.
    I suffered a Type III ac separation in high school. Described by wikipedia:
    “In a Type III AC separation both acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments are torn without significant disruption of the deltoid or trapezial fascia.[4] A significant bump, resulting in some shoulder deformity, is formed by the lateral end of the clavicle. This bump, caused by the clavicle’s dislocation, is permanent. The clavicle can be moved in and out of place on the shoulder.”
    When I press, my left shoulder tends to bother me. My right one is fine. I have videoed my form and it seems to be actually quite good. My question is this: I have recently switched to a TM style template. I intended to alternate bench and press just like normal. However, given my shoulder abnormality, do you think it’s a good idea to take a MWF approach of bench, press, bench, so that I press once a week, always on a Wednesday? Or, do you think its better to still press volume, bench medium, press intensity / bench volume, press medium, bench intensity like the normal TM template? I would love your input. Thanks for the great site and motivation

  26. Still battling patellar tendonitis, which I have been treating with ice, mob work, and rest but continues to nag me if I squat heavy.

    Deadlift PR this week: 5×385 (BW 205).

  27. Shoulder Press PR 5×205
    Back Squat PR 20×315

    I have a somewhat obscure question…

    I participated in a stem cell transplant and the cells were harvested from blood. Since then I’ve had low grade pain, that feels muscular, in and around my pelvis to include my lower abdominal (FUPA) area. Do any of you know anyone in the lifting community with a similar problem? I haven’t asked in the donor community, because well other donors I’ve met don’t lift and therefore don’t have the added stressors of recovery from less stem cells+ recovery from lifting lots of heavy shit. This was 16 months ago, my lifting progression has still been good but I’ve just had this shitty pain for most of the time.

  28. Weighted Vest PR: 1 mile with a 40 pound vest in 16:00. I worked up to it over three workouts, and decided to cut back on my frequency after getting very mild shin splints for two days. I went to a second year who knows OMM and does crossfit and was informed that I needed to scale back and build up over time. Then I remembered the rucking article and am going off the suggestions found there.

    All my lifts are around 80% of where they were before exams, international travel, and the flu shot my body in half. Been eating really well and sleeping 9 hours a night, so I’m feeling better every day. It’s just horribly depressing to have my lower body lifts back around where they were during LP after lifting for years.

  29. Squat 310×1

    Not the biggest deal, but I just started doing low bar today (had a seasoned low bar squatter show me proper bar placement). precious max was a high bar squat of 275. Very excited to start on low bar.

  30. RB squatted 455 for 5×8. Pressed 205 for 2 sets of 5. meh.

    Got a cold, lost ten pounds, still making progress somehow. Someone asked me to help them plan their “cycle.” I was honored.

  31. Don’t post often but I felt it was a big week for me. Following CFFB

    Squat 315 – PR
    DL 415 – PR
    Power Clean – 195 5×3 – PR
    Power Snacth – 160 – PR

    Also, Justin, Why aren’t we gettin those weekly challenges any more they were pretty cool

  32. Squatted 235×5 last night but form was ugly as sin (weight on toes). Working my way back up on 5/3/1 after stalling at 240 three times in 2012 on an LP.

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