Q&A – 48

PR Friday allows all lifters, great or small, to discuss their triumphs and failures with like-minded folks. Get involved in the comments.

Last Week’s Challenge asked you to eat as many animals as you can in a meal or day.

Next Week’s Challenge: Do rows at the end of each training day. See what happens. Read this post by Dr. Hartman for a refresher on why.

Week In Review: Monday’s female post focused on getting your lady friends into the gym any way you can because it provides a gateway to health or interest in lifting. Tuesday introduced the second mission of The Revolution; take flannel back from the hipsters. Yesterday I showed you how I have run into plenty of Brent look-a-likes, but be sure to check out Brent’s new shirts.


Joel, from this Q&A asks:

Quick question: I have been experiencing achy elbows lately, especially my right one. I’m not doing anything different that I am aware of, but mobbing and stretching them seems to do nothing. I’m guessing it is probably the beginnings of tendinitis and it may stem from grip width during low-bar squatting, but it never ever bothers me until I’m outside of the gym doing random stuff. The most painful thing is gripping a full glass with my (right) arm fully extended and the pain gets worse if I were to dump the glass out to the right. What would you recommend I do to diagnose/fix this issue and prevent it from happening in the future? I know a recent vid of my squat would probably help immensely, but I never film myself since I train foreveralone.jpg in a globo…so I will work on getting one asap.

I’ve also been hitting a wall with the Texas Method, which I’ve been running strictly for 4 months now after buying your book in June – No real PRs in, like, 3 weeks. I’ve been feeling good, mobbing, and eating like a horse (at least getting 1g protein/1lb BW) but just not feeling any stronger. Is it time to get advanced with my TM template (I’m hesitant to do this since I haven’t been on it that long), or just change up some of the set/rep schemes for now? Some numbers:

5’5” – 175lb – 33y.o.

VD SQ – 295x5x5
OHP – 120x5x5
BP – 185x5x5

ID SQ – 365×5
OHP – 140×5
BP – 205×5
DL – 395×3

I can’t say it enough, but thank you so much for all of your help thus far, Justin – You’re advice has proved invaluable and I can’t wait to see how much better and more useful in general you can make these aging and broken human beings – – Keep it up! (sorry for the novel, btw)

-Joel (aka. blister)


Dear Joel, 

Good to hear that your wife is doing better (he explained this in the e-mail, but I omitted it for space). Once you guys get back from the vacation, get on a regular exercise regime — start with at least 2x/wk with other days for walking (have dogs?).

Regarding your elbow, I’d first assume that your squat grip is what is irritating it. This is actually quite common. You can see some discussion on this from Q&A – 27 and Q&A – 28 (just ctrl+F “grip”). Improve shoulder mobility and grip position on the squat and do some soft tissue massage up and down stream from the area of injury. The former will fix the underlying problem while the latter can help treat the issue itself.

Regarding your lack of progress on TM, your volume squat work is only about 80% of your intensity squat work, so you can actually stand to increase the volume a bit more. I’d say stick with the 5×5 and increase the weight a bit and see what happens on that particular lift. As for the other lifts, there isn’t a whole lot of info here to go on, but your bench volume is 90% of your intensity bench work, and that is a bit high. Either reduce it down to a 3×5 on the Volume Day or reduce the weight overall. Your presses are also a bit weak, and in this type of situation I usually like to recommend weighted pull-ups once or twice a week and later adding rows into the mix as well. Filling out the upper body strength and musculature helps drive the presses, but also be sure to check out this press video (the elbow positioning is important while benching too, these videos may help: one and two):

Lastly, you need to eat more protein than just 1g per pound of body weight. Check out this “PROTEIN” post, but I would add 50g on top of what you currently get. I suspect that you’ll start making progress after a week straight of the additional 50g (the new intake needs to be chronic, not a “sometimes” thing).

More in a bit.


96 thoughts on “Q&A – 48

  1. Squat 335x3x3
    Bench 270x3x3
    Deadlift 405x1x4
    BW 185
    last heavy week of training before the meet on the 3rd. I hope to come away with a at least a 400# squat, 300# bench and a 475# deadlift. Time will tell.

  2. I only managed two animals in one meal, beef and pork. I have done as many as three, four if we count eggs (do eggs count?) in one day.

    Box squatted 375 for a single on Monday and benched 187 for a single. Squat felt rather easy and is 50 pounds more than anything I’ve ever had on my back. A little proper coaching goes a long way.

  3. Today: I ate a Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo burger—buffalo patty under buffalo bacon under buffalo mozzarella.

    Earlier in the week: RDLed my ass off, 6×6 of 110# (my first foray into the RDLs to assist my janky squat, will proceed with more weight today).

    PRs: deadlifted 250# 5×5, benched 170# 5×5, and C&J 130#.

    Still working on successfully pressing 120# 3×5, failing on the last rep of the last set.

  4. So, been reading this blog since it showed up on Mark’s Daily Apple, but this is my first time posting. 5’7″, 155lbs, 35yo male, only been lifting consistently for the last few months, and started off very light. It’s also the first time I have any meaningful PRs, mostly finally squatting BW:
    Squat: 155 x 5 x 3 (PR)
    Bench: 102.5 x 5 x 3
    Overhead Press: 85 x 3 x 3 (PR)
    Deadlift: 210 x 5 x 1

    I also feel like I really crushed the challenge this week, hitting up a steak house and eating six (6) different animals in one meal (PR): steak, chicken, pork ribs, shrimp, swordfish, and rattlesnake. My only regret is that they didn’t wrap any of that in bacon. I should have brought my own.

  5. Squat PR: 245#

    Communist PR: I can think in kilograms now. My gym is The Land of 12-Sided Plates, but there is a full set of York KG bumpers that I use for everything starting on the ground. 20 kg ~= 45 lbs. My maths is strong.

  6. Notable things from this week:

    Bench 110kgx2x3
    Pull up bdwt (97kg)x5x4 stock
    RDL 100kgx5x3
    Side planks/foam rolling

    Dead 170kgx3 DOH
    Press 68kgx3, 70.5kgx3, 73kgx2,1. PR. Defiinitely helps cueing elbows in. Helps get better external rotation.

    Chin up Bdwt (97kg) +23.75kg x 3×3 strict.
    Side planks


    LB squat 90kgx2x6 speed squats on the min.
    Pendlay row 102.5kgx3x3 DOH
    EZ bar curl 52.5kgx5,4,4
    Smith machine shrugs 187.5kgx8, 167.5kgx12
    side planks/foam rolling

    Will run LP on squats from next week working up to a set of 5 twice a week .

  7. Only two animals in one meal, one was fish and pig and one was chicken and turkey.

    Dialed in my diet this week, still ate like a horse, but had a bigger breakfast before training, upped the food quality, dropped processed junk, and ate more butter. Lifted like a machine and lost 4 lbs of extra weight I’m carrying.

    Week 1 on my 5th cycle of 531 so no PRs to speak of. After 4 cycles of hitting 5+ reps on my 1+ sets in Week 3, I increased Bench/Press by 15# and Squat/DL by 30# instead of 5/10. Maybe I was just being impatient but I felt like I was just not working it hard enough. Still hoping to squat 405# by Dec 31.

  8. First week on TM Split

    Bench 230×3
    Press 170×4 (Reps PR)
    Squat 405×2
    Deadlift 405×2 (Reps PR)

    My hammies were tired today after sprinting 3 blocks for a bus. Also I think my volume was too high on Monday. Would have gotten a triple on deadlift had my grip not failed on the third.

  9. Squatted 510 – it was a good thing.

    Planning on hitting a meat PR as soon as I can find a decent Torta joint out here that served it up al estilo mexicano: skirt steak, ham, bacon, chorizo, hotdogs, and prolly some pork skins on the side.

  10. DL
    Pulled w straps for the first time, got 10 w what I though was gonna be 5 or 6, and I think i had 2-3 more. Made a huge difference in set up and min d set. Not sure if I should continue using them, or keep burning my thumbs w the hook.

  11. Bench 225×10, almost 11 grah. Lost weight from no squats or deads and eating a bit less so i dont get fat while im still recovering from surgery. Was near 180 now im just under 170. Recovery is going fine. PT is so boring. I feel like I can recover faster. They have me doing weighted walking and I did some push presses today with no pain -_-

  12. Ate pork (bacon and shoulder), beef (sirloin and chuck), chicken (breast) multiple times in the same meals.

    PR of 170×5 press on saturday, and then beat that on wednesday with 175×5 for 2 sets. I’ll get the video off my phone later. Felt damn good, and I’m only 10lbs off of bodyweight for reps, which is fucking awesome.

  13. 2 weeks away from powerlifting meet where I shall get a meet PR.

    Back Squat PR 285lbx2
    Bench Press PR 190lbx3

    Pec Stretch PR-everytime I walk thru a doorway, applause usually follows.

  14. Press: 170x1x5 This ties my personal record before I broke my arm.

    Squat: I did a huge reset to work on form, so no PR’s for a while.

    My highlight of the week was buying kerrygold butter. It was mentioned in a post here a while ago. I used a stick of it and fried sweet potatoes in my wok with some salt. I paired it with some pulled pork and a protein shake last night for dinner.

    • Kerrygold butter is seriously awesome. They make an herbed butter which is killer on vegetables. And the unsalted butter is insanely good when blended into coffee. (I know, it sounds bizarre, but just try it; it’s like the richest latte you ever tasted.)

  15. There was a informal bench press competition on base Wednesday. There wasn’t a lot of guys that showed up (and no girls). Only 3 guys in my weight class. I opened with 285 no problem, got 300 fairly easily, then went with 315 and could not lock it out. I had to do a pt test that morning so I deifinately could have had it if it weren’t for that. There was only one guy that benched more than me and he opened with 315, then got 330, then failed with 360, he also happened to be in my weight class so I didn’t win. I got a sweet t-shirt though.

  16. This week’s progress:
    SQ 320 3X5
    Bench 240 3X5
    Dead 355 1X5

    SQ 325 3X5
    Press 155 5/4/5 * (equaled a PR from 2008)
    Pwr Cln 185 (going for 5X3) got 3/2/2/-/- I bailed….. I was smoked. But it’s a PR anyway.
    *I regularly miss the last rep in the second set of these presses. I think it’s technique related and I’ll be damned if I can figure it out. Also I think I’m laying back too much without sufficiently contracting my abs– My low back is extremely fatigued after these.

    SQ 330 3X5
    Bench 245 3X5
    Dead 360 1X2 (wanted 5)

    I think I’m starting to see failure to recover because of lack of enough calories. Need to eat…. I was heavier (and younger) when I last employed the SS method and the “easy” gains started to peter out…. I’m going to get a little heavier and see if I can push this up a bit more. By the way I’m about 5’6″, 181ish, 32 years old.

    Comments and constructive criticism encouraged.

  17. Took a week off from squatting due to a bum knee. Resumed this week, and my strength really took a hit, and I only eeked out 2 reps of my last 5 RM, which I murdered 2 two weeks ago. Hopefully it was just a fluke.

    Squat – 335×2
    Bench – 215×5 PR
    DL – 345×5 PR

    I’ve somehow gotten to this point in my life without acquiring a crock pot. Does anybody have any recommendations?

  18. Challenge: I made an elk, antelope, buffalo, and beef version of beef bourguignon that I’ve been eating all week.

    Back squat PR: 185# x 5 x 3. Kept getting my hair caught under the bar. Today my legs are pitching an armed revolt.

    Does anyone else have painful grinding and crunching in their knees when they squat? And if you do, how did you fix it? I can _just_ make it to parallel with any kind of load on my back; otherwise, I can squat ass-to-ankles, but cannot get back up.

  19. Benched 300×2 – wanted 3.
    PR’ed my press volume on Wednesday with 170x5x3, so I’m blaming that for the failed bench triple.

    Cereal question for Justin: What do you bring/eat on your multiple day solo woodland excursions? Obviously, the best thing to do would be to kill and consume wild animals and fish, and use every part of the buffalo, but cereally, what do you eat?

  20. Deadlifted 360×9 press 140×9 squat 340×8 bench 210×8. So close to bodyweight press! Using the narrower grip in conjunction with using cg bench as assistance has cause my press to shoot up recently

  21. PR for the week

    Back Squat – 7×415
    Pendlay Rows – 3x10x225

    Needed smelling salts to recover from the squats, didn’t have any, so had to curl up in fetal position and swallow down puke.

    Not much else to report.

  22. HIt a new Press PR yesterday, thanks a lot to the 3 Press Fixes video!

    Press: 205×1
    BenchPress: 345×2

    Otherwise not doing so hot with my squatting and pulling, but working back towards more consistency and less fatfuckedness.

  23. Press Intensity Day:

    Squat 395×4
    Press 187.5×4
    Deadlift 480×1

    Kind of pissed I failed both 5RM Squat and press. 8 weeks into the program. Justin if you read this, do you think I should Attempt my Squat and Press numbers again? Or drop down to a 3 rep max on Fridays going forward?

    Side note, I got my male friend to start working out with me. Its only twice a week, not ideal but not horrible. I have him doing 3×5 of Squat press/bench and 1×5 deadlift every workout (he’s new to these lifts and progressing nicely, considering his flexibility issues, and fat-in-the-way issues). He’s a heavier guy, about 235-240 semi untrained (he does random ineffective things at Planet Fitness 1-2 times a week when he’s not at my house).

    I was thinking of incorporating some rowing at the end of the last workout of the week (the one with the most rest following it). Any suggestions? Also any suggestions on imporoving the programming I have laid out for him? He’s having trouble locking his lower back when deadlifting, at least from what I can see. I had him do supermans to try to get the feeling, he says he has it but just can’t mimic it when he deadlifts. Also when he supermands he has trouble keeping his legs off the ground.

    Hope this Q&A question isn’t too late or long (as usual).


  24. Front Squat 5x3x200
    Deadlift 1x5x295
    Press 5x5x85

    First time posting. Yes, I am hilariously weak, but I just started lifting a few months ago and really wanted to get involved in a community all about training. Where better?

    • Thanks guys!

      I have a question for Justin and anyone else who can help. I’m male, 6’1 and a very lean (skinny) 195lbs. I’m a martial artist, and I’m looking to add some size and plenty of strength and power to aid in that, hence starting to lift. I’m currently lifting Mon., Wed. and Fri. and doing some kind of conditioning on Tues. Either sprinting on flat ground or a hill, or some Prowler work. Sometimes I’ll do this again on Sat. My question: is this too much or am I fine as long as I eat and sleep enough? Thanks.

  25. No PR’s today. Hurt my ribs(left side where my lat covers my serratus above where my belt sits) squatting 10 days ago. Still clueless on why or what I have done, and no one that I know or am aware has had the same injury squatting(neg info on internet for particular injury). Took 5days off no lifting, on Monday I started Bill Starr’s rehab 3x25xbar then adding weight each day for 15days sans belt and re-eval.

  26. No real PRs this week, been out of the gym for awhile. I am resetting my 5×5 program
    5’9″ and a chubby 247#. Meat challenge was completed by a ground chuck and beef heart chili.
    Top weights this week
    Squat 295 5×5
    Bench 245 5,5,3,4
    DL 370 1×5
    OHP 135 5×5

  27. Managed four animals (beef, pork, chicken, and turkey) in one meal, but several different cuts at once.


    I make this meat slop, only with a lot more stuff added to it. My current batch contains 1lb ground pork, Italian sausage, summer sausage, bacon, 1lb ground chicken, chicken sausage, 1lb ground turkey, 2lb ground beef, beef stew cubes, 3 heads of red cabbage, 1lb spinach, 1lb broccoli, 3 white onions, spring onions, chipotle chiles in abodabo, half a dozen eggs, a pint of olive oil, 32oz diced tomatoes, and 42oz tomato paste. All of that filled a 3 gallon stock pot. Probably made something like 50+ servings. Divided it up and froze most of it. Been eating this for lunch everyday for about a month now.

  28. My week was messed up by a flu shot that ironically made me sick for two days and by a travel day today that forced me to compress my lifts this week into four days. I opted for a volume day on Monday and then did a pull-push split of intensity days on Wednesday and Thursday.

    M, 195, 6’1″, 34


    HB Back Squat 3×5 @285
    Front Squat 2×5 @225
    Deadlift 3×5 @335
    RDL 2×5 @225
    Bench Press 5×5 @215
    Weighted pull-ups and dips


    RDL 3×5 @225
    Deadlift 3×3 @365 (PR)
    Weighted pull-ups, farmer’s walks


    HB Back Squat 3×3 @325 (PR)
    Bench Press 3 @235, 3 @240 (PR), 3 @ 245 (failed on third)
    Dips and presses, lunges.

    The patellar tendinitis in my left knee was much improved this past week. Many thanks to those of you who wrote me with tips and advice. Ice, a knee wrap, and some mobility work did wonders. Thanks!

  29. Took this week off of lifting due to school and feeling beat up overall. Did BW+50 pullups for a triple last week. It was okay.

    Then this afternoon I get a text from Jstat showing him smoking a 200lb press. So, off to the garage after dinner for me, warm up with some speed sets, and worked up to tie my all time PR press with 175×1. Did a 145×6 backoff afterwards and would have been good for more, but I looked up and the left 45 plate was six inches away from the end of the barbell (lost my collars in the move and need to buy a new set). Oh well! Guess the pullup work and DB benching has been really helping. Good times all around.

  30. To Joel, that sounds a lot like it might be tennis elbow or what the docs call lateral epicondylitus (sp?), which I have right now despite never really having played tennis. However I like to snatch and recently learned how to get under the bar in advance of the crossfit regionals last year. I have still not recovered from it despite taking 3 months off (just squatting) and trying to rehab it.

    Probably worth getting it looked it.

  31. So, after (re) injuring my right knee over a month ago, I haven’t done much in the way of lifting, other than presses. But, tonight, I started my rehab squatting LP. I really wanna focus on upright torso, and stable knees this time. Last time I injured my knee, I did an LP to come back, but my form wasn’t consistent: by the end, I was doing a high bar/low bar combo (i.e.: hips back), which, while easy on the knee, isn’t so great for Oly lifting, or my rounding lumbar… So, this time I’m gonna build back up, and hopefully my lifting will be the better for it…

    Back Squat: 60 kgs x 5 x 5
    Overhead Press: 30 kgs x 5 x 5
    Standing Calf Raises: 60 kgs x 5 x 5

    I really wanna full clean, though…

  32. Oops, posted earlier but not about the challenge. Tailgated Monday night, Bears vs Lions game, had beef and turkey burgers and dogs, pork roast, Italian beef, chicken breast, lamb kebab, and venison jerky.

  33. Squat 275 2×5, 1×10 – 2 rep PR

    I’ve only eaten beef and whatever is in braunschweiger this week (which is probably like 7 animals but who knows)

  34. Squat: 190 kg (~ 419 lbs) x1x5
    Switched to 5 singles after last week´s failed triple and a shitty volume day. Felt heavy but okay.

    Press: 73 kg (~ 161 lbs) x4
    Wanted to hit 5 reps. Fuck.

    Deadlift: 215 kg (~ 474 lbs) x1 –> PR
    Backoff set: 182,5 kg (~ 402 lbs) x7
    I´ll use this setup (heavy single + backoff set) for the next couple of weeks and see if it works.

    Also, I´ve decided to put on a few pounds. Current BW: 93,5 kg (~ 206 lbs).

  35. Only one PR this week:

    Bench 1 x 140kg

    Testing 1RM for SQ, BE and DL next week, so will be good to see the progress in the last 6 months of (proper) strength training.

  36. PR’d on my press this week. 5 x 130# (bwt 160#). Still nowhere near where I want it to be, and the 5th rep was fairly ugly, but I’ll take it.

    Rugby PR: scored two tries in a practice rugby game. Yeah it’s practice, but I was still pretty happy with that.

  37. I am new to the 70s Big scene but intend on embracing it fully, starting with the 5 animals I ate last night; swordfish, beef, pork, turkey, and lamb. Admittedly I was at a buffet but a decent effort nonetheless.

    Newb question: Can someone tell me if a question for Justin goes in these replies or somewhere else?


  38. I have strained my right adductor muscle and really cannot squat very well at all right now. 49 yo male. I am planning on laying low for a while, just doing upper body, aside from walking with a pack of rocks with the dog 20 or 30 minutes. Can anyone give me an idea on recovery time? I do plan to mob it a bit. Thanks.

  39. didnt intent to lift anything for max this week, but when i walked into the gym and a few guys were maxing deadlifts together i couldnt resist. got 475 so easy it was scary, but couldnt get my goal of 500 off the floor. this of course completely screwed my squat program, as i was supposed to go up to to 95% of my max for 4, but i was fried by my first of 3 sets at 90% so i went home. knew better than to DL heavy when im supposed to squat but oh well…
    i think i corrected a flaw in my jerk form, but since making the change i have dropped about 20 lbs from my max with bad form.

    DL-475 x 1…25 lb pr

  40. Lifting PR:

    Squat: 395 x 5, 4, 1

    Compliment PR:

    While I racked the bar after the first set of squats:
    Random bro: “How many reps did you get with that weight?!?!”
    Me: “That was five.”
    Random bro: “That made my butthole fall out just watching it.”

  41. 1st post. Just completed my 1st weak of TM after reading the E book last week .
    V squats: 285 x 5 x 5
    v press: 115 x 5 x 5

    For my “off” day I did some light weightlifting work just to keep my form (Snatch % C&J). I stopped focusing on weightlifting in order to increase my overall strength on the tm. I am hoping this all translates into some WL pr’s as well.

    ID Squat 335# x 5
    ID Press 135 x 5 (155 x 3 and failed on #4)

    So I suppose those were PR’s. I definitely felt like I left some weight on the bar at Justin’s recommendation from the book. Can’t wait to go again on Monday and push it a little more. Thanks and looking forward to being a part of your community.

  42. DL 420×4 – missed rep 5, form started to break down. First rep flew off the ground. Missed reps on squat and press today too. Not happy. Gotta up the meat intake.

  43. No PRs but I haven’t posted an update in awhile. Probably because I’ve been out of the gym for over two months so this week was light to get back into the swing of things.
    Mon- Snatch 145 one every min for 12 min. HBS 245 3×5. Pull ups and a nice bb complex.
    Tues- c and j 185 every min for 12 min. Dips. Rdl 135 3×10
    Thurs- snatched up to 165 then did it 3 more times. Fs 165 3×5. Chins. Then I did some rope and rope ladder climbing, which was fun.
    Friday c and j up to 210. Deads 295×5. Shrugzzz 225 3×20. Farmers walk with 60kg kb in each hand. Made it about 70 yards first carry second about 45 and third was I’d rather not say.

    Feels good to be consistent again.

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