Q&A – 38

PR Friday

Hello friends. Some of you may be new, and you’re welcome here. Post your weekly PR’s or training updates to the comments. If you have a training log, link to it.

This is relevant.

Weekly Challenge

Last week’s challenge was to do a set of continuous push-ups (no stop, no rest) until failure, rest 20 seconds, and then do another continuous set to failure. Record your reps in the comments.

Next Week’s Challenge: After each training session, do side plank holds (on the elbow) for 30 seconds, three sets on each side. If you have a wonky lower back issue, then note how you feel the next day.

Week In Review

On Monday we raised Ali McWeeny about $4,000, no big deal. But seriously, we had a review of her story and how she sets an example for not giving up, and then we helped donate a bit of money for her to get a prosthetic that will let her increase her activity significantly. Tuesday consisted of some clarification of some misused terms; I didn’t have to try hard to offend people. On Wednesday I provided a video to help folks find their psoas so they could give it a nice little stroke (yeah buddy). Thursday I did an AMA on /r/weightroom (on reddit).

You can find the “Ask Me Anything” here, and it will act as this week’s Q&A. I spent 5 hours answering questions, so it’s worth a read.

Other Stuff

Here is a quick 2 minute hip opener that all of you should find easily accessible prior to training. Make it a point to do it, especially if you’re one of these “I sit down for over four hours a day” people.


I’ve been thinking about bringing the weekly chat room back. Thoughts?

[poll id=”39″]

Don’t forget the fantasy football stuff. We have some spots open for the main league and need league managers for the regional leagues.

87 thoughts on “Q&A – 38

  1. first set of pushups – 60
    second set of pushups – 39 quite the dropoff in reps..
    Thank you for looking up my technique on squat at AMA’s i wanted you to see the side view of my squat http://youtu.be/wg9c59ewlfQ (lighter set 150kg ) as far as not sitting back enough – could it be that ive got too much of a heel in my squat shoes ? im gonna work on that sitting back..

    no big PR’s – i will hit front squat PR (i plan to ) next week, so wait for it !:)(gonna film it for sure)

  2. If I can’t do that stretch against a firm surface like a wall yet, would you recommend using a surface with a bit of give to start off with? I’ve been using the end of my bed because my mobility is terrible at the moment.

  3. Couple gems in that reddit thread but a bunch crap to wade thru.

    No PRS this week, too much time in ceramics so ive been ultra mobbing to keep the back feeling alright

  4. Dear Justin,
    First of all, I want to thank you for your knowledge display all over this site. I follow 70’s big since it’s beginning though I was only a lurker till then haha.
    So, I am coming back to olympic weightlifting after 2 months of one training per week, then from 1 month without training at all, for a total training time of OL of 4-5 months (finishing a Ph D :s ).
    I am still quite a beginner since I can only do the standing (power?) variation of the movements although I already had one meet (72/100, -85kg).
    Next meet will be in october and my team mates (it’s a team championship over the year) wants me to get a “regional” level there (195 kg total at least, which seems doable with full lifts, ie not standing or power).
    I believe I will have the time to train 3 to 4 days a week. My biggest weakness is in the frontsquat, with a 1 RM of 110kg (rack flexibility?).
    Would you have some advices to share to me in order to raise my frontsquat (or clean recovery) strength and how to display this kind of training without debilitate my legs so much I can’t do the olympic lifts?
    Thank you and please excuse my english (I am a fucking french who was absolutely stunned by the USA ‘s landscape (100 meter tall trees!) but so tired of the local food ;) hahaha, just a joke!).

  5. First post.

    Weakness v Me = Weakness Winning. 33 Push Ups first off. Second set 26.

    Following Linear Progression after a fall out with Crossfit. Currently 4 months in.


    Real mans man you know.

  6. Only did a light squat because i had been coming forward out of the hole and getting into my knees too much, which caused some tendonitis/osis.
    Last squat session Wednesday: 355x5x3
    Bench 205x5x3 ezpz
    Dead 315x5x1 felt goood
    First time pulling 3 plates since early june when I did something to my low back, been rehabbing since.

    Justin, any advice for fixing this coming forward thing? Ive been thinking about “sitting back” and “driving up” with my hips, but I can’t get it figured out. I think it might be related to hamstring tightness. Thanks

  7. Big milestone: 100 kg Snatch!
    Other than that, Clean deadlifted 425 lbs, with double overhand grip. Could have gone heavier, but there wasn’t any room on the bar, thanks to these cheap bumpers…

    Oh, and I somehow caught a cold. It sucks.

  8. Thanks Justin for the AMA stuff. I appreciate the idea of benching and pressing 2 times per week. Does this seem like a sound split to you?

    Mon: Squat 3×5, bench 3×5 then press 3×5, weighted pullup 3×5
    Wed: Squat light 2×5, PC 5×3, HLR 3×12
    Fri: Squat 3×5, press 3×5 then bench 3×5, DL 1×5, weighted chin 3×5

    Would you approach the press/bench as LP each time or do heavy then 80% 3×5 for the 2nd lift?

    Nothing monstrous lately, working out of a reset on squat/deadlift due to illness/traveling. Squat 415x5x3, Press 150x5x3, Bench 240x5x3, Deadlift 435×5. Watching Ed Coan and Kirk Kawoski and wanting to simultaneously lift everything and quit lifting.

  9. I voted for Wed but Tuesday would work also for chat. Football is almost upon us, that is my only slight against the other days.

    PR – Deadlifted 300×5. First time heavy in a while. The weight flew up, I was actually surprised. The extra ab work and the extra deadlifting volume at a lower weight seems to be helping.

  10. 5-3-1 3+ week.

    Press: 192.5×3
    Deadlift: 445×3
    Bench: 225×6
    Squatting tonight, going for 385×3.

    After posting in the reddit my current training and asking Justin’s advice, I’m debating switching to the Texas Method. I’ve been toying with the idea for awhile, but I’ve been making good progress on 5-3-1 (at least with deadlift and press)

    I’m going to give it a try with Squat I think, and if all goes well I’ll transition my other lifts when they begin to stall. For squat, I’m going to do Volume 5×5 on Monday after press, light squat on Wednesday (my off day) and go for intensity on Friday and see how that works out.

        • Goals changed, I want to do more body recomposition, I’m sure I’ll be coming back to TM once I’m where I want body wise.

          I’m sure I could have modified TM to fit more within this but I wanted to change. I did SS for 8 months, TM for 4 months and just switched to 531. TM was awesome, I had never squatted more then on that program.

  11. Finally have some PRs after fixing some mobility and technique issues!
    Squat 380(172.5kg) x 3
    -weight PR

    Bench 275 x 3
    -also a weight PR

    Dead 440(200kg) x 1
    -slight weight PR, have done 195×5 in the past, but have neglected heavy DLs for about a year, maybe less due to back issues. The lift was really easy but my “strings” were smoked after the squats.

    Feels good man.

  12. General awesomeness PR: Split the seams on the ass of my shorts whilst squatting this week. Luckily it was on my heaviest work set, so I finished my reps like a boss.
    Training has gotten back on track now that baby girl is ( mostly ) sleeping through the night.
    Would like to give a shout out/rec/backed hard mention to Outer Banks Crossfit. I got to work out there a few times while on vacation last week, and they were super nice. Didn’t do any xfit classes, but their open gym policy is really refreshing, and the gym itself is pretty well equipped. The only real rule they had was “Don’t do anything stupid and clean up your stuff.”
    Also got to teach some may thai classes this week, which was pretty awesome and makes me want to teach more often.

  13. I’ve been doing that particular hip stretch for a couple weeks along with doing 3rd world squats as much as possible. These two things alone have made my squats feel so much better in such a short amount of time. My hip pain went away completely and my depth and form have greatly improved.

    No PRs following an LP reset, but today squats at 245x3x5 felt good after stalling at 250. Hoping to be crushing 315 by thanksgiving at least.

    Deadlift are still a fairly new exercise for me, but I feel so weak only DLing 15-20lbs more than I can bench. I am hoping everything evens up by the time I exhaust this LP.

  14. Hey Justin I am a 17 yr old lacrosse player and have been making steady progress on tm for about a month while using the 5×5 on Monday. In addition I had been doing intermediate programming like bill stars 5×5 for a couple months before that. This past week I decided to alter my programming to one similar to the football template showed in the shire speed and strength video. I plan on doing the “baby progression” for snatch and clean and jerk on Monday and thursday. I also plan on lb squatting and benching on tues and front squatting and either press or push press on Friday. I am either going to continue progressing squat and bench with a 3×5 on tues or maybe do doubles or triples based on prilepins chart. On friday I think I will do a 3×5 if I press and if I push press and for the front squat I will work up to a max triple and just progress that each week. Anyways what are your thoughts on programming those strength lifts into this program?

  15. Great week of posts Justin– I’m not sure what the fuss was about regarding proper semantics (and why Stroup didn’t dash to your defense), but I have to agree with you: if you care about this shit you might as well use the correct language and mean what you are saying. That said, doing Wendler and 5/3/1 seems to have become synonymous, so that may be a lost cause. I guess a lot of dudes want to do him.

    I wish I hadn’t missed the AMA session, but I was commuting, working out, cooking and then eating. All critical activities for a growing boy like myself.

    No PR’s last night, but getting close again.

  16. Not a lifting PR but I was asked to feature on the semi finals stage of the National Poetry Slam this past week. Though, being at this event is why I dont have any lifting PRs. Bad Lennon.

  17. PR’s:

    Snatch: 200
    Push Jerk: 3×225 (#3 may have been a pressout, but I uppercutted myself with the bar on the way up so I’m counting it)
    Clean: 240 (should have thrown in a jerk to make it a C&J PR, but didn’t think about it)

  18. Finally started training after my collapsed lung ordeal last month. Started extremely light with just some push-ups and pull-ups/chins throughout the week. Looking forward to ramping my training back up next week.

  19. Only PR – squat 270#x7
    Press is sucking – stuck at 132.5#x4 for the 2nd time.
    Like Justin, I’m not a fan of constant program switching, but I’m about to change back to the 70s Big S&C 4-day split from the GSLP 3-day split. I felt better on the 4-day program and felt like I made more gains.
    Goals for this week: MOB like a mofo

  20. Pressed 185 for five doubles, another volume PR on that. Also sumo pulled 385 for three singles which is a sumo PR (and I failed it completely for a single three weeks prior).

    Also a phone swimming PR. Had my Galaxy S3 less than a month and took it in the Atlantic with me. Hopefully the insurance comes through next week when I go to replace it.

  21. Had a sports massage earlier in the week and it definitely helped a little. Going to need a few more though.

    Also think that I may be able to high bar squat without any back issues. Tried to low bar this afternoon and at three plates my back really tightened up.

    And again thanks Justin for the psoas video. I think your hyperlordosis post was one of them most important and widely applicable posts on the site.

    • BCM, Daniel Defense, Spikes – you can build a beast.

      I went the lazy route and bought a Daniel Defense M4 Version 5 and just added a red dot and called it done. My next AR in 308/7.62 though I plan on building, can’t wait.

      • Nothing wrong with that, Daniel Defense is great people who make great stuff.

        308, have you checked out LaRues offerings? Think I’m going the SCAR route myself, one can have too much black rifle :)

        • The SCAR looks amazing one of my best friends who was a Marine is buying one here shortly. I can’t wait to shoot it. Only problem is the FN SCAR isn’t easy on the pocketbook.

  22. got my new pair of Risto weightlifting shoes yesterday, totally awesome. ordered too big of a size and had to send them back last week…talked to the owner of the company on the phone before sending them in, and he had me send in a outline of my foot…shoes fit perfectly now, real leather and solid wood heel. very highly recommend going with these guys (been involved in weightlifting for like 30 years). would much rather give my money to a small company (who by the way uses profits to fund a non-profit for weightlifters) than some multi billion dollar sports shoe company. oh also i ordered them online late saturday afternoon and the shoes were in my hand thursday, was expecting it too take much longer.

    hey, does anybody have any tips on improving the bottom of my snatch? can get under weights above my pr, just having issues standing up/ controlling it.

  23. Hang power clean and press: 120lbs x 5 singles on the minute.
    Squat: 255lbs x 5 singles on the minute.

    Light and easy. Rec league softball playoffs are tonight so I was just looking to prime the pump.
    Got my first pair of weightlifting shoes last night (Pendlay). I noticed I was much stronger out of the hole on my squats due to not losing force into the sole. Also, got the green band from Pendlay. Pretty excited about what I’m going to be able to do with that.

    • Hit 2 home runs all summer….I hit 3 tonight to help put the team in next weeks championship. I really think the work I did earlier in the day with the green band had something to do with it.

  24. Currently on a 2 week vacation in the Sierra Nevadas. Climbed Mt. Whitney for the second time yesterday. 22 miles in one day. Started at 2am and finished the round trip at 5pm. Looking to find a local gym to get in a lifting session or two. Have been fooling around at the local high school with the stadium stairs and pullup bars they have there in the mean time.

  25. Pressed 240 after some pretty draining squats. I didn’t take a rep over 175 in the last month, so I am quasi-confused. I think I can hit 250 fresh. MAYBE.

    This last training block has been a lot of volume and accessory work. Should have some solid rep PR’s in the next four weeks, a deload week, then things are going to get real serious. My accessory stuff has been a lot of paused everything, DL’s on the minute, fat grips, and curls.

  26. The gym I recently joined here in College Station works primarily with Olympic Lifts for strength training so it is my first ventures into these after focusing mainly on low bar back sq, dl, and presses. So my PR on Split Jerk at 160 lbs is also the first real time I tried it. This was only from the racked position but did get to 135 from hang clean start.

  27. Hey guys, with my hip issues I have been squatting to just past parallel instead of a2g and I feel better. Still probs have to get surgery though lol. Fucking impingement.
    150×7 press

  28. New poster here. I’ve been on SS for 6 weeks now and just set a definite PR on my press, 5×3 160 lbs. Before my 1RM was 165. I have been doing CrossFit for the past 3 years but has plateaued badly on my strength, so decided to work on that a while. It really feels like the change is paying off.

  29. No lifting PRs this week. Just wrapped up my first week of medical school classes. Thanks to Justin for the advice to take it day to day on lifting. Not having time or energy, or sleep has really messed with my lifting.

    That being said, I did have a fun time today lifting in the school gym. Did a bunch of goblet squats with 95 lb DB since there isn’t a rack or bar.

    Then I loaded up the EZ curl bar with 4 wheels for some deadlifting. Lifting on a bar that has no knurling and isn’t straight is hard, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

  30. Felt unfocused today, but I still managed to get some PRs.

    Squat- 2 sets (first one 5 reps, second one 3 reps) @ 305#
    Power Cleans- 3×5@150#

    Trying to work on hamstring and lower back strength so my butt doesn’t tuck under my back when I’m low bar squatting. Meanwhile, I’m still at 190ish pounds BW.

  31. Yo what’s it gonna cost me to enter this Fantasy Football league ya got? I’ve never done it before but have always wanted to. I think I’m ready to go for it. Put me in, coach.

  32. Some weak PRs for this week.
    Press: 205x1x5
    hook-grip DL: 367×5

    I lost about a year of training to two successive groin tears (one lifting related, one not). Hopefully real PRs will be coming soon!

    I regularly do side planks. They keep my back healthy. They are my favorite ab exercise.

  33. Decided to try for a PR single in the press.

    180×1 was good.

    190×1 was a valiant effort but I ran out of steam. And strained my neck in the process. And that was the end of intensity day. Fuck.

  34. Squat: 167.5kg/369lb x 4
    Bench: 112.5kg/248lb x 4
    Deadlift: 180kg/397lb x 5

    PRs all round but was shooting for 5 on squat and bench. Next week…

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