Fantasy Football

Last year I tried to have a variety of leagues linked to each other, and ended up failing miserably (i.e. it didn’t happen). The result was just a single ten-member league that was okay. It’ll be better this year (because people who didn’t check the team will be kicked out).

There were at least 40 people interested in fantasy football last year. This year, we’ll make it more accessible to you guys. We’ll have at least five leagues.

1. The main league that features regular readers/contributors.

2. Northeast Division

3. East Coast Division

4. West Coast Division

5. Central Division

If you are interested in becoming the league manager for your region’s division, post in the comments here (or on Facebook or Twitter). We need people who will actually participate and actively run the leagues. If there are tons more people interested, then we can increase the number of leagues. Note that the leagues won’t be competing against each other, but it’ll just be neat to see readers competing against each other. We could take all of the winners of each league and total their points or other data against each other for a final ranking. At the very least, league winners will get something neat like a t-shirt or book.

The only mandatory “rules” are that the leagues will be hosted on ESPN with 10 members and standard scoring (it’ll keep it consistent). Each league needs the name “70’s Big – X Division”.

So, if you’re interested in hosting one of the regional leagues, comment here or on the social media. We also will need at least two or three members in the main league (maybe more). Note that admission to the main league is dependent on whether or not you’re a) regularly commenting on the site and b) actually a football fan who will check his team every week.


28 thoughts on “Fantasy Football

  1. I’m interested in playing. I tried fantasy football last year in a friend’s league and it was pretty fun. I’m not a football fan and didn’t watch much football but will check my team at least once a week.

    I second a international division especially a league in the Japan/Korea/Australia timezone

  2. *elbow drops Jacob the Cloud Steamboat* WOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Brother Patrick “nature man” Stroup will be back to defend is WORLD UNITED STATES INTERCONTINENTAL TELEVISION 70’S BIG CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE, AGAIN this year. WOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo!!!!

  3. Broaconstrictors returning after a disappointing 3rd place finish in the NE Division last year. Things are looking good after a year of mobilizing proximal hip tissue and taking a lax ball to the t-spine.

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