Q&A – 31

Edit: See Facebook/Twitter pages for info and updates on USAPL Men’s Nationals.

PR Friday

You know the drill. Post any PR’s you made, but also post your training updates. If you don’t, WHO WILL EVER REMEMBER YOUR NAME???

Weekly Challenge

Last week’s challenge was to eat vegetables in at least one meal every day. Y u no do dis?

Next Week’s Challenge:
On one day next week, put 25 to 35 pounds in a pack, wear it on your back, and walk for 30 to 60 minutes non-stop. If you have a dog, take them. Do this after training or on a day in which you don’t have any training the next day. It shouldn’t be terribly difficult. As you do it, think about how there are soldiers who are doing the same thing at the same time as you somewhere in the world. Except they are doing it with three to four times as much weight and are probably in a dangerous location or preparing to be in one. Regardless of your country — US, CAN, UK, AUS — they made the choice to do it which allows you to not have to. Doing this will probably act as conditioning, but it’ll give you an appreciation for service members.

GR Class 186 carrying a 1200 lb tree through Georgetown last Friday

Weekly Recap

Monday we took a gander at an inspiring CJ by CC, who is coached by Ben Claridad. Tuesday I reviewed the GoRuck Challenge and explained why I think it’s worth your time. Wednesday Jacob Cloud did a solid-ass recap of the 2012 IPF Raw Worlds. Thursday I posted an excerpt from the first chapter of FIT to provoke some thought on fitness and purposeful training.

I’m in DC with NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPTION Chris Riley, and we’ll be doing some touring on the national mall today. Yesterday we walked around to see the monuments in 98 degree weather, and Chris was rewarded with severe chaffing. He’ll also be deadlifting a lot of weight at the Saturday portion of the seminar this weekend.


Aaron asks via Twitter:

hey Justin you massive guy you.. I have all of this happening to me… Any suggestion how to help it?? (link)

Yo Az,

The video explains how sitting can shorten the hip flexors and a) prevent quality extension during lifting or athletic movements and b) promote a hyper extended position in the lumbar and/or anteriorily rotated hip (which can have debilitating effects when lifting.

For everyone else, Aaron is a bodybuilder down in Oz, so hip function is important to him so that he can a) get the full ROM when training to improve his musculature and strength and b) maintain good posture to prevent injury, and c) maybe avoid a possible weird posture on stage that might make it look like his spinal erectors are less jacked than they are. If Aaron is hyper-extended habitually, it might prevent those spinal erectors from developing fully; this would also have an effect on his overall strength in squatting, deadlifting, rowing, etc.

How can we improve this? The first thing you can do is work on your psoas, and Kelly explains it well in this video. I would stress that you want to approach the psoas from the lateral portion of your torso (i.e. outside the stomach), because if you just put the ball straight on your belly, you’ll probably just set it on your intestines. You can always double check if it’s your psoas by palpating deep into the area with your fingers while laying on your back. Flex your hip (by lifting your thigh), if you feel a contraction, then that is the psoas. Put the ball there. If it doesn’t contract, then keep hunting.

You’d also want to regularly open up the rest of the hip flexors; the quadriceps, and particularly the rectus femoris, will get tight from sitting down. There will be also some other muscles stretched like the TFL and sartorius on the later side, and some of the anterior adductor fibers on the medial side. If you have a band, you can open up that proximal (upper) hip with some anterior distraction, like in this video. Keep watching and you’ll see the “couch stretch” that I do against the door. If you’re so tight that you can barely get in first position (like I think you are), then just hang out there. Shari will give you some more thoughts on this stretch, I’m sure (they’ll probably include profanity).

jcfendley asks:

WOW. Incredible mentality to not quit.

Just a quick question. I’m in the car traveling this weekend, so I’ve done zero searching on this topic. I’ve been talking to my brother in law about how to best prep my nephew for his first year of junior high football. He’s 13 and pretty big for his age, but not terribly strong. Since he’s so big hes not very quick, but he can build some speed if given time.

Honestly Ive never played, so I know zilch about the skill related prep. But I really feel like I need to give him a decent strength and knowledge base as a buffer to injury and bad habits. I really feel like I’m capable of getting him to a good place and providing enough good guidance to keep him progressing.

I’d like to start him out for a while with just body weight movements, help him get some spatial awareness, an understanding of mechanics, and his ability. Then move into a slow LP. Then probably into something like CFFB over the longer term. Just have to get into it and find out what he’ll stick to.

What advice do you guys have?
What resources should I look to for programming at his age / ability level?
When / where should I look at starting the oly lifts with him?
Too long. Sorry.

Dear jcfendley,

These issues are typically dependent on how far into puberty the kid is. However, strength is still the fundamental capacity. Even if you had a background in football and could teach him skill dependent things, he would still get a better return on his time/effort investment if he focused on strength training. That body weight and spatial awareness stuff you wanted to work on could be used as a warm-up for his squatting, pressing, or benching. You can have him deadlift too, but don’t let him do it shitty. I’d rather see quality RDLs than B- grade deadlifts.

As for Oly lifts, you probably have a lot more simpler stuff to worry about. Can he even squat properly to depth with his knees shoved out? Can he do back extensions and RDL’s properly? Again, it all depends on his puberty development. I’ve had a 12 year old kid who was 6′, 200 pounds while another 12 year old was 5’3 and 90 pounds. It just depends. If you want him to do explosive work, just have him do tuck jumps, squat jumps, or broad jumps. You could have him do some short sprints as well. Another effective thing is to have him laterally shuffle back and forth, then give him a randomly timed signal to sprint forward. This would be my extent of his “agility” or “football” drills, because, again, increasing his strength is going to augment all of his other physical attributes. The football coaches will condition him for football.

mfgilbert asks:

Why would a strength and conditioning coach not program deadlifts?

The reason I ask:
So I was working today and happened to walk into the strength facility for a Colorado high school( a big one) with an epic almost Olympic like feel. Turns out it was designed with the help of the good folks down at the Olympic training facility. So I struck up a conversation with the strength and conditioning coach who had built the facility to his specifications(fucking amazing place to his credit) and we were talking lifting and he just kinda casually dismissed deadlifts because in his opinion the slow motion of a deadlift didn’t compute to strong, quick, powerful athletes. I told him I disagreed but I didn’t delve to deep. I’m just confused how a guy with the obvious mindset of having strong athletes can dismiss the deadlift? Does that kind of mindset happen often? Extra questions I know but they go with the overall question.


Dear Gilbert,

It’s pretty common, especially in high school athletics. For example, I never deadlifted in high school and only did them heavy a few times before I moved to Texas. We did do power cleans and RDLs, though.

The reasoning is that the deadlift, being a slow and straining type of movement, is perceived at making an athlete slow. This ignores that the deadlift can improve structural integrity of the lumbar and hips, something that will help make young kids faster, more agile, and helps prevent injury. However, I’d more so be concerned with the deadlift’s effect on recovery. For football players, heavy deadlifts are going to cause a lot of local and systemic stress and probably have an effect on football practice or other weight training and sprint sessions during the week. My guess is that the “effect on recovery” isn’t one of the reasons they avoid the deadlift, but it should be. There are many types of programs that I write or approve of that don’t include deadlifts on purpose. Some populations include, but are not limited to in season athletes, soldiers/SOF, and hikers. It just depends on what they need to do and how they are going to use the deadlift (they could be used light, but the deadlift is almost always an ego lift).

Back extensions and RDL’s aren’t a perfect substitute for the deadlift, but they can still get good muscle action on the structures. The power cleans will emulate a pull and develop power, which is important for hitting people in football.

cfitz asks:

Any thoughts on wearing vibrams for this (the GoRuck Challenge)?

Dear cfitz,

Wearing vibrams for a GoRuck would be an excellent way to fuck your feet, ankles, and lower leg up. I figured this was a troll question, but I wanted to address vibrams…again.

I fucking hate when people lift in vibrams. It’s inefficient (i.e. bad mechanics), and efficiency is the same thing as safety in lifting. It’s one thing to do your “functional fitness” portion of your workout in them (though I would still recommend against it), but it’s another to wear them all the time in the gym. Besides, wearing vibrams isn’t something that is going to strengthen your feet properly; proper foot mechanics when barefoot is what will strengthen your feet properly . Most people have externally rotated hips that result in their toes pointing out. Most people have navicular drop, which is a collapsed arch (that results in a totally FUCKED ankle joint). Most people walk around slapping their feet like ducks instead of transitioning from heel to toe evenly across their feet. This has a direct effect on efficacy in athletic movements, preventing injury in any movement (from running to rucking), and lifting. If you realize that you have crappy feet or mechanics, then it will require mobility and strengthening exercises (see post one and two for more on this). It won’t improve over night, and it certainly won’t improve by continuing to move shitty with vibrams on due to simply being “barefoot”.

I’m fine with people wearing vibrams outside; they help protect the soles of the feet for soft-skinned folks. They are effective on the beach, in rocky streams, and during kayaking. First, learn what good mechanics are. Second, start implementing the good mechanics in movement. Third, work on your feet with proper mobility and strengthening. Lastly, get outside in your bare feet and practice good mechanics. It’s all irrelevant if you’re repetitively using shitty mechanics.

And to bring this back to the topic of rucking, only a fool would ruck in vibrams. I would expect significant strains int he tendons, ligaments, and fascia of the foot, ankle, and shins. Shoes have a purpose, people. They protect our feet from extraneous forces.

96 thoughts on “Q&A – 31

  1. About to go and lift this afternoon, and I got to train jiu jitsu last night for the first time in weeks. With a three week old and a two year old at home, I’m just grateful to get to train when I can.
    Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. Schedule PR: trip postponed so I can go to tomorrow’s 70sbig DC workshop.

    Justin, I paid this morning which I assume is allowed since the button was still up and working???

  3. Went to #OccupyStrength last weekend in Baltimore, and hit a couple PRs:

    Clean @ 250# (used a split clean, since full squat was verbotten).
    Deadlift @ 505# (this was only my second time at or above 500#).

    Not bad considering I weighed in at 178# that morning.

  4. Deadlift: 157.7kgx5
    Not so happy cause in the last rep my set-up wasn’t what it should be and my lower back rounded.

    What about going barefoot in the goruck?

  5. Thanks for the lesson. Over at the CFFB site someone had mentioned Rips latest article from Starting Strength and that made some good points about leaving Deadlifts out of a program too.

    A point about the 5fingers, I hate the toe shoes. I love the Merrill version with a full toe box though. The same concept though in terms of support. I went to the top of Mt. Evans(14300ft) in my Merrills and loved it. That was 4 hours up then down(I only hiked the last 2000ft), not 12, with a ruck but I don’t see why the shoe would be any more damaging than the actual event done in boots. You do have to watch out for devil rocks(pointy little bastards that can be devastating)and ankle rolling is a problem, but I consider strong joints from the knees down a benefit from doing so much outdoor barefoot sprinting.

  6. I’m getting PRs for getting jacked and tan every week, but especially this week. Oh, yeah.

    On the shoe subject, the key is that you have to build foot strength over time. I’ve hiked hundreds of miles, backpacked all over the country, and been to the top of lots of peaks and state high points in my NB101’s (which are pretty minimalist), but it’s not something I just jumped into. Most people have to start with some support and slowly reduce it as their feet get stronger. Just as with everyone else, it takes training. I used to do a lot of this in Vibrams, but they stink, are a pain to take on/off, and offer no real advantage, other than as a discussion point with weirdos.

    As a side note, even for a weekend backpacking trip, I never carry more than about 20 pounds. My overnighters with water and food are usually under 15. But I’ll carry something heavy next week.

  7. Did a 315# front squat Monday morning. I was stoked because that had eluded me for a minute. I ate tons of veggies, mostly because of the pickled carrots they serve at taco shops. I love those things. After the Highland Games on Sunday, I’m switching up my programming. Going from 3 lifting days a week with 3 throwing days a week to 4/week lifting, 1/week throwing/strongman events (because they’re fun), and fasted morning conditioning. I’m also adding conditioning/gpp/whatever you call it to my program. And eating cleaner as well. I’m not cutting, but hoping for a gradual body recomp from these changes while still gaining strength.

  8. PR C&J: 1 x 210#
    PR Snatch: 1 x 130#
    PR HBBS: 1 x 330#

    I can Muscle/Power Snatch much heavier than when I do a full/squat snatch. Any thoughts on this Justin ? Could it be a mechanics/mobility issue, (Ie not being able to get in the best position) or could it be that my overhead squat is dog shit ? Maybe its both and I just have the strength of a 14 year old girl ?
    Cheers, Al.

  9. Hit a low in body weight that I haven’t been in a long time. Got depressed, then decided to stop being depressed and start GOMAD instead. Now on Day 2 of that. Looking to put on 20-30 lbs.

  10. I’ve been a lurker for a few months, and I love the site.

    I’ve kept up with the last few challenges. I usually keep a day or two of conditioning, do a little mobility everyday, always eat almost all of my protein from animal flesh, and veggies are a must in every meal. This week’s challenge will be a little tougher. I’ll throw some weights in my pack for the hike this weekend though. As you say, it could be a lot worse.

    I haven’t posted my PRs because they always come on Friday afternoons and I never remember to post them once the weekend starts. I figured this week I’ll post up front and come back and verify that I’ve done it. Today I’ll be LB back squatting 295 lbs 2×2. It’s my 1RM that I’m attempting to make a 2RM today.

    I wear Vibrams for deadlifts. How big of a problem is that? What’s a good alternative?

  11. kinda pr- 3×3 snatch @ 70k, supposed to be 75 but had a brain fart…also 3×3 clean @ 100 w/ 1 or 2 jerks a set… did get lots of vegetables in on 6 of 7 days so not too bad…ill have to find a day to go ruck while pushing the baby and walking the 4 crazy dogs

  12. I did a 3RM weighted pull-up @ 80# last night. Honestly not sure if that’s a PR or not. I got about 2.9 reps with 88#…just couldn’t get my chin over the bar.

    LP Status-
    Squatted 3x5x310
    Benched 3x5x210

    Bro PR – Did some cable tricep extensions after my bench day. Got a nice pump and feeling real sore today.

  13. Squat 5×5 435
    Clean 4 singles >= 340 (2×340,345,355)
    Front squat 4 singles >= 410 (4×420)
    Squat 5RM 510
    Jerks 4 Singles >= 340(2×340,345,355)

  14. First time posting and I ate veggies everyday at two of my meals.
    Also I find myself really struggling with deadlifts. Some days I can smash out 405 like its nothing. Then some days it is glued to the floor.

  15. Squat PR. First for a long time:

    175kg 3×5

    Deadlift, Press and Clean are getting there. Bench is still a bit iffy.

    I’m buying all of my meat from my local butchers as opposed to the supermarket. I think it’s helping.

  16. training going well- hit 90kg snatch off of knee blocks 3 times yesterday in my 100 degree sun room. hit 110 clean and jerk off same blocks with new aramnau jerk technique 2 times. Willnot be at 70s big seminar but will be lifting with nova at annandale xfit from 630 to 830 am before the seminar- woo! will instead be rolling down to atlantic city for metallica- you better believe it mofos- anyone else with me?

  17. Training is going ok. Switched from volume/intensity model to 5-3-1 because I was getting banged up. Adjusting to higher reps, even at lower weights, particularly on the squat, has been challenging. I’ve started incorporating conditioning into my training as well because it’s been a couple of years (barbell complexes, walking, sprints, jump rope). Diet has been good with lots of fresh veggies and good meat.

    As for PRs, last night I chinned 45lbsx1x5 (295 lbs total w/bodyweight).

  18. these italics are the cats meow.

    PR this week deadlift 1x5x375lb.

    My bench has just been f’n awful lately. I watched a few dave tate videos on benching and realized I was just doing it completely horribly, I look like some brolio trying to bench. So I’m going to be working on that till I get it in check, probably use vibrams while doing it, i heard they’re good for an extra 40lbs on the bench.

  19. Do people seriously still have these vibram questions? Seriously?

    PRs- My Black and Grey bands came yesterday. I also ate about 5 pounds of meat on Tuesday. It was ok.

  20. Also, as a postie, I do the challenge every day – our bags weigh 16kg and we walk for four hours, along with a 110kg cart to push up hills. You pansies.

  21. Rucking in vibrams would be disastrous. The less rucking you’ve done the worse this will be.

    In my younger years (3 years ago) wednesdays PT would be a full gear ruck march of no less then 6 miles every week. This meant 45lb ruck, plus 20lbs of IOTV (unloaded), and rifles.

    Post deployment, RSLC, and about 8 weeks of this weekly rucking I went on a ruck in my vibrams. Mostly on sand trials, 20ish lbs in my pack, and about 5 miles.

    I could barely walk the rest of the week.

    I’m pretty sure I’m not a huge pussy, so heed the advice and stick with boots.

  22. I felt great last week hitting 315×1 for a new PR but thanks to your recent article I am driving at 405 like it is wearing a miniskirt. So today I hit BS 315 for two doubles and a single.

  23. I regularly walk for an hour cross country wearing a 15kg weighted vest and have never experienced any problems. That said I have done a lot of rucking. PR rucks ? 12 miles with 225lbs (I ain’t joking) and once did roughly 15 miles a day over mountainous terrain with 55lbs for 4 weeks straight. That will fuck your body up for quite some time, not recommended !

  24. On my second round of 5/3/1, hit 255 for five last night on squats. I guess the good thing about dropping weight is that practically everything winds up being a PR. I also got some arginine/glutamine powder and am dicking around with fairly large timed doses of both to see what it does. I think I’ve pretty much tried every supplement short of AAS/HGH at this point. BTW this shit is nasty.

    I conveniently ordered a new pair of work boots today so I will defs take the challenge with hound in tow. I already eat my daily share of veggies so last week’s wasn’t a big deal. I did make a large, tasty pan full of roasted broccoli with whole garlic cloves, which I would very highly recommend to everyone here.

  25. melody! when are we going to lift together again?

    –this actually happened last week, but i forgot to post it–

    front squat 135×1

    on my way to the gym now. maybe i’ll be back with some PRs.

    as for training updates, i decided to get back into tennis. i’ve been playing high intensity matches 3-4 days per week lately, and it’s been impacting the quality of my workouts in the gym…so my training needs to evolve with me. haven’t quite figured out what i’m going to do yet.

  26. No PRs this week, just took the week off from lifting as it’s been a while since I’ve done so and I’m doing the Irvine Lake Mud Run tomorrow and wanted to let my hips and lower back recover fully. I’m going to do it wearing Vibrams for a few reasons:
    1) It’s short (5k) on natural terrain (dirt/grass/mud)
    2) They don’t get filled with mud like running shoes.
    3) They strap onto my feet so I won’t lose them in the mud.

    We’ll see how it goes. Oh, actually I guess I have a bodyweight PR: hit 212 earlier this week, down from 221 at the end of April, ultimate goal is 195 but more importantly I want to lift at a meet in September at 200, 20+ pounds lighter than my last meet in April, and put up the same or better numbers (last meet: 385 squat, 450 dead, 260 bench, hoping for 400 squat and 275 bench at least, not overly concerned with deadlift right now).


  27. only great sessions, yet no PR,
    squat 190kg x 3
    press 70×5 (kinda not fluid)
    deadlift 200kg x3 – my upper back kinda give in a little..well overall felt powerfull, next week should be some bench/squat/dead PR’S!

    oh also ive been eating my veggies like a good boy that im …till todays night, fucking ice creams =/

  28. Still working back from a 3 month lay-off. Sounds gay, but I realized I wasn’t taking nutrition seriously- probably because I’ve seen these weights before. But they’re new all over again, so time to protein-up and get strong again.

    I ate vegetables like crazy this week; mixed green salads, colorful peppers in omelets, tried a rutabaga.

    Excited to carry 35 pounds around next week.

  29. All things italicized now?

    I hit 355 on the squat for 3 singles.
    I’ve continued the previous weeks challenge and have been doing 2 complexes a week.

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