Could Leave It

Nate took me to the air bus shuttle from Monterey to SFO around 5 yesterday. Flight was at 10:30 PM. Got delayed a little. Got in to Atlanta at 6:30. Got home at 8:30 AM. Slept till 4:30 PM. I’d rather leave that. Also, the weather is 30 degrees warmer here and it’s overcast. I got sweaty using the john. I could leave this.

Here’s a quick video upload.

Here’s a pic of me trying to throw Brent off of a pier at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

More tomorrow.

12 thoughts on “Could Leave It

  1. Speaking of crap: That’s how I have been feeling of late and I belive it’s because of too much meat and potatoes and not enough spinich, ya’feel me? Anyone else out there have to tweak the “gettin big” diet to keep the fudge factory up and running?
    I went from Zone Nazi: “Carrots are really high on the glycemic load scale so I stay away from them.”
    To: How many pounds of beef and cupcakes can I eat before I pass out?

    So you’re asking how to not eat like a silly person?


  2. I notice that brent at the bottom of the OH squat stage of the snatch has his elbows pointing down/biceps facing the sky.

    I notice when I snatch/OHS, at the bottom, my elbows point slightly behind me, and not directly down.

    Is this an issue?

    Yeah. What you described in Brent is external shoulder rotation. What you described in yourself is internal shoulder rotation and is an excellent way to dislocate an elbow when snatching. I guess be glad you hadn’t gotten the snatch heavy enough to do that?

    You can fix this by putting the bar overhead (probably when warming up) and rotating your inner elbow upwards. It’ll probably feel more secure.


  3. Jaybles, imo the vitamins and nutrients one gets from fruits and vegetables are an important part of the gettin big diet. The body needs this stuff to perform optimally.

  4. RPMcMurphy.

    Mate sounds like something to do with internal/external rotation…

    I’ll let other more knowledgeable people comment from here on in.

  5. @ Jaybles when I was trying to really bulk up fast I found that cauliflower, broccoli, or anything that really packed a lot of fiber into a small amount of space was crucial for sphincter survival.

    But if you’re not on an anything-goes mega-bulk then your poo should be alright if your diet is balanced. At least mine is.

    Sometimes I can pound down a bunch of BBQ and be golden while other times I can eat health food for a day and have things not turn out so well. It’s kind of a CRAP SHOOT LOLOLOLOLOL.

  6. Is it just me, or has brent kim become one angry asian? I remember the video a couple years back where he danced around the WFAC with a smile on his face(with that 70’s big haircut). And now he’s cursing off other asians and flippin the bird all willy nilly.It’s guess that’s allowed tho if you are pushing bigger weights in life.

    You can still smile while being periodically angry.


  7. I am SO confused right now. Why is everyone commenting about shitting? Did Justin edit something out of his post or something?

    No, it was Puke’s comment that did it.


  8. “Yeah. What you described in Brent is external shoulder rotation. What you described in yourself is internal shoulder rotation and is an excellent way to dislocate an elbow when snatching. I guess be glad you hadn’t gotten the snatch heavy enough to do that?

    You can fix this by putting the bar overhead (probably when warming up) and rotating your inner elbow upwards. It’ll probably feel more secure.


    Yes, that is exactly it.

    I consciously try to have my palms facing the roof (externally rotate). But I have noticed that at the bottom position, I can’t keep them that way, and my elbows internally rotate a little, although my palms are still facing the roof. I suspect this is due to forward lean of my torso at the bottom.

    As I stand up, they externally rotate, so this issue is only occurring at the bottom.

    The only famous lifter I have seen do this is Marcin Dolega.

    Link a video of Dolega doing it. I’d be surprised if he’s internally rotating.


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