Video, Toast

I haven’t been doing mobility work as much as a should, and travelling and writing all day aren’t helping. The few things that prevent me from doing it are a) efficient use of the time b) setting a clock to help me gauge the length of each stretch, and c) the prospect of getting into a pain-in-the-ass position.

This video introduces an interval timer that will automatically chime and repeat itself so you can string various stretches together. I give an example of the MINIMUM stretches a lifter should be doing. If you guys aren’t doing these stretches, then use this method. At the very least, the “3 Stretches For Lifters” can be done in less than seven minutes of time. Of course, it would be better to hold each stretch for longer than one minute, but one minute is better than no minute.
Edit: How the hell did this video get 2 views before I even looked at it?

Secondly, this thread happened last night. It’s a solid thread, but the implications are interesting. I expect to hear about this for a while from Brent. Oh, and Tom and Jacob regularly post on the site. As you can see, I kept their true identity safe from prying eyes. Click image for a larger version.

Happy PR Friday. Post the week’s personal records and training updates to the comments. Spark a discussion. Enjoy yourself. Rated R.

62 thoughts on “Video, Toast

  1. FIRST

    Meet tomorrow. Setting PR’s during. Then pillaging villages, and stealing refridgerators after.

    And solid thread by Brent, Tom, and Jacob. There’s potential, but it could use work.

  2. @ Brent
    I pressed 235 for 5 last night, just sayin.

    That’s pretty sweet. How much do you weigh? Chris does his mediumish sets at 230x5x3. AC has pressed 250×3 I believe. Brent apparently aims to do it weighing 175.


  3. That’s a useful video. I will do those things even though I sort of hate them. I’ve improved my hip flexibility by doing the verticle leg, knee on the ground one, but sitting on a chair all day just wrecks it. I’ve taken to removing my shoes sitting in the lotus position at my desk at work if not too many people are around. That helps a lot with keeping my hips loose.

    No training PRs. Life PR: finally obtained a place to hunt on private land free of charge. This will hopefully yeild several hundred pounds of venison, rabbits, squirrels, ducks and geese this fall and winter. Bow season starts September 15! You can’t beat wild meat in terms of nutrition and ethics (in my opinion anyway). I got that damn cortizone shot in my heal last week so I didn’t squat or deadlift all week to give it time to fully recover. Tonight I’ll do 3×5 315# squats and a 400# deadlift and some benching, then get back on track on Monday with a regular TM week. I’ve been restricting calories and notce visible fat loss. We’re talking abz bros. Lift hard and go heavy everyone.

  4. Rad video. Love the mob stuff.

    Squatz PR: 285 x 5 x 2 last night. Special shout-out to AC for encouraging me to get a belt and a pair of Oly shoes. I saw Jesus a bit on the last set but I think I’ll be back up in the mid-300s in no time.

    Swoleness PR: Before performing said squats, I asked the gentleman performing multiple 10-rep sets of 65-pound bro-cep curls if he was done and all he did was look at me and walk backwards away in fear from the squat rack, mumbling. It was weird, all I asked him was how many he had left.

    I also have very sore traps from an Oly workshop on Weds. I’m lovin’ it.

  5. @ Maslow
    What state are you in? Bow season starts on 9/15 here in MO as well. I’ll be too busy with school to get in the stand, though.

    No training PR’s yet for today, going to the gym in a couple hours. Dedication PR’s: Chalk arrived a couple days ago, Rogue Do-Wins set to arrive later today (probably after I go to the gym though).

  6. PR:
    Bartender needed 3 pieces of ID last night because my drivers licence and health card pictures (Only ones with photo and D.O.B.) of 120lb Mark apparently don’t look anything like current 195lb Mark.

  7. @maslow–congrats on getting started with bow hunting. i fricken love deer season. hell yes for game…great source of lean protein. how much would i have to pay you to send some to me?

    also, haven’t lifted yet today, but here are my PRs so far…

    weighted pull ups:

    smart training PR: made a smart 1lb jump on my press volume day—and it actually felt manageable and enjoyable while being a good stimulus. yes.

    How neat is that?


  8. This post is hilarious for a number of reasons:

    a) Cloud posts with his full name
    b) you neglected to black out his last name on one of his comments.
    c) all lists need three things.

    Uh, that one post with the last name is a different Jacob.


  9. C&J 146kg (1kg PR)

    – meet on Sunday, will hit 150 on my third attempt, Snatch plan on getting 120kg. 10kg meet total PR is all goes well.

  10. No PRs for me, bachelor party this weekend in Noel, MO.

    River floating + at least 100 beers.

    There’s a pretty good chance I may poop out my liver on during Monday’s lifting.

  11. Hey Justin, How/when would you incorporate these three stretches? After lifting, off days after getting warmed up, before bed?

    Thanks man, great site

    I can talk about this in a post, but it’s basically some is better than none. It depends. I’ll talk about it this week.


  12. @Maslow:
    I have been bowhunting in Maryland for a number of years and have freezers full of venison and goose breasts. Where in Maryland are you located?

    Today was the first day I have missed a lift in 3 months. I “recent PR’d” on squats (255# X 5), but the deadlift (345#) went nowhere. Hopefully I can get it next week.

  13. Whelp, after nailing all of my big strength goals (>500 deadlift and 405×3 squat) I took a week off, and am back at it this week.

    Switched off TM to a program that Jstadt7 set up for me, strength maintanence while I lose some extra fat (was at 195 last fall, weighed in at 230 last week, most of the gain not muscle)

    Still eating lots of meat and some starchy stuff, just laying off the processed foods.

    Lifts of note (no PRs)
    Dead: 450×5
    Press: 140x5x3

  14. I reset my squat a few weeks ago, today after doing 275 3×5 I decided to try for 315×1; nailed it. I realize I’m still a weak little shit but it felt good to squat 3 plates.

  15. @Justin

    I’m a largein. I’m 6 2 270. I squatted 500×3,pressed 235×5,and DLed 520×5 yesterday. I feel my press is pretty good compared to my other lifts.

    Yea fuck AC, I was trying to stick with him for a while when he started posting his training then he just started pounding out heavy weights and I couldn’t keep up.

  16. What would you guys do if you had a meet in two weeks and were not making any progress? Not only that, but I’m failing singles that I should be able to get. Seriously, I need some help here.

    Sounds like your program and recovery are problematic. I bet you’re over worked.


  17. Press: 175 x 3
    Push Press: 205 x 2
    Push Jerk: 225 x 1
    Deadlift: 275 x 10

    Nothing to great but have had a cold streak so I needed to get back on the board.

  18. I can’t get my arm flat on the ground like yours in that first stretch, does it just take time?

    Shoulder tightness can inhibit that particular rotational stretch. It’s not a big deal. You can use a dumbbell to hold your hand/shoulder down if you want/need to.


  19. My PRs are nothing to brag about, but I’m recovering from a left labrum tear, left bicep tear, and left bicep tendon strain earlier this year. I started over using the bar only, after several months off.

    Today I got:
    Squat: 250 -5×3
    Press: 125-5×3
    Deadlift: 315 x5, 325 x3, 335 x1

  20. @Terrible, diet is good but could be better. Sleep is good but could be better. I am doing my best to improve both of those factors.

  21. @Maslow – I live in Baltimore and hunt around the Columbia/Ellicott City/Fort Meade area for deer, and Eastern Shore for ducks and geese. Where is the private land you’ll be hunting on?

  22. PRs:

    Press: 140x5x3
    Bench: 203×8
    Squat: 285×6
    Deadlift: 405×2

    Bought and read the Greyskull LP eBook. Highly recommended reading.

    In regards to the photo, I’d like to point out to Jacob Cloud that a million yen is quite a bit of money. With the current exchange rate, that would be about $12,000. Quite a bit of money to pay out on a bet.

  23. i told you my deadlift PR was coming this week!

    i pulled 105 kilos for a solid set of three.

    (at about 231, that’s an 11 lb PR. i am very excited about this one)

  24. Just ate at Ooohs N Aaahs in D.C… Had shrimp, chicken, greens, string beans, yams, and macaroni n cheese. Fuckin huge meal leaves me feeling good, man.

    No PRs this week but did make some improvements on 3x3s week:
    Press 175×4
    Deadlift 420×3
    Bench 295×1
    Squat 305×3

  25. PR central today!

    SQ – 360×4
    BP – 215×3

    AC, you would’ve been proud of the frenzy I was in when I did those intensity sets. Almost was on the verge of tears before my squat set, I was that pumped.

  26. Press PR – 100 lbs. About fucking time. Did it right after getting in a car accident. More badass that way.

    I’m at School Age Nationals watching a bunch of kids who can kick my ass at weightlifting.

  27. PRed in sucking yesterday. Just completely ran out of gas, probably because of not eating enough. The Do Wins did arrive in time and the form help was noticeable, but again, I was so shot it hardly mattered.
    Squat: 275x5x3 – Only 4 on last set.
    Press: 140, 1 set of 5, 1 set of 2
    Power Clean: 1 set of 3

    Time to redouble my efforts at eating and especially on the protein shakes. Made up for sucking by eating two double cheeseburgers and a chicken burrito within a 5 hour shift at work (I work at a big burrito/fast food restaurant, and we more or less can eat whatever we want).

    One time I did run out of gas, and it was because I sucked. Luckily I only had to push my truck about half a mile to a gas station.


  28. PR’s in the last couple weeks:

    170# Press
    365# Squat
    475# Deadlift

    All these PR’s are on the low side especially squat and deadlift which are likely 30-40# higher with rest.

    Finally hit the 1k CFT that as a former Crossfitter is kind of enjoyable.

    In the past 6 months since I decided to make my own program and focus solely on strength and ultra running I have:

    -Completed 2 ultras (1 50m and 1 50k)
    – Squat: 285-365#
    – Deadlift: 375-475#
    – Press: 125-170#

    I’m hoping to complete 2 more ultras before the year ends while also hitting a 405# squat, 500# deadlift and 185# press.

    Side note, does anyone have any advice on how to increase arm size? I’ve been doing curls and eating lots of protein but I’m not seeing any more gains. I’m not one to be vain normally but I feel like just getting a pump each session isn’t cutting it anymore. Should I LP barbell curls or something?

    This is interesting, well done. You’re probably the first reader (I know of) that does ultras. I read Dean Karnazes book a few years ago.

    As far as arm size goes, it’s sort of limited by your body weight. When BW goes up, arm size will, but that doesn’t mean you can’t affect it. If you’re a guy that has genetically small arms (or even long ones), then it’s harder. You’ll have to be consistent with probably two sessions each week training them. This isn’t an arm workout, but just tacking 3×10 of barbell or dumbbell curls heavy. Also, heavy rowing movements (wtd pull-ups/chins, DB or BB rows) will aid in that along the way (but may add too much stuff in your strength + running program). Do them twice a week with a barbell for the next 8 weeks and see what happens. At that point, you can do one BB and then one DB and see what happens.


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