Stop giving a shit

Observe this public service announcement from Spencer at California Strength:
(this was supposed to be a PR set of five)

I want to point out that the red and black NWO has been dead for years, but Spencer doesn’t give any shits; Wolfpack 4 Life. Secondly, Spencer was all set to squat 235kg (517 lbs. for you uncultured Americans) for a set of five. And then he went insane AND FUCKING DOUBLED IT UP. He’s the type of guy who says, “Ma’am, that’s not nearly enough pancakes.” He’s the type of guy who lays down six aces in a friendly poker game. He’s the type of guy who is still shredding the air guitar after the song is over. He doesn’t give a shit.

It’s not like he doesn’t care about getting better or getting stronger; he clearly cares about that. But he’s not worrying about the minutiae in the moment and when it’s go time, he fucking brings it. Trying to hit a weight, and then summoning all your energy to fucking annihilate it are two very different things. When you’re hitting a set, get reckless.

Did you watch the ending of that video? Spencer isn’t allowed to take dbol, so he makes his own…by being a fucking man.

32 thoughts on “Stop giving a shit

  1. Hey yo. The only thing this video is missing is some Tony Schiavone and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan commentary or perhaps throwing a toothpick at the camera.

    Nevermind. This video is perfect.

    When is Spencer gonna do a podcast?

    He can do it whenever. He is formally invited. NolanPower is gonna be first though.


  2. I just showed this to Spencer, he said it was great then said “I’m like the honey badger, I just don’t care”

    If you dont understand that, search youtube for honey badger.

    Some lifters punch holes in the wall when they miss, Spencer bangs holes in the wall with is head. That pretty much says it all.

    Spencer also said to tell you guys thank you for putting this up and he will do much more for both 5 and 10 reps very soon.

    The honey badger doesn’t give a shit, he’s just angry. Good analogy.


  3. more beast mode: Kendrick does 243kg (535lbs) x10

    Good video, yet different circumstances. Kendrick — and I’m a huge fan of his — set out to do ten. Spencer set out to do five and went insane…while wearing an NWO shirt.

    Side note — someone should tell Kendrick to upload videos to YouTube. He’s clearly not getting views on the Twitvid and could get more exposure.


  4. While I was going to write a post on Spencer’s vid, I want to thank Brent for a couple good bullet points for the content of the post.

  5. @Maslow: Its always squats and deadlift that get me hungover, never presses.

    Anyways, I think classic wrasslin shirts need be brought back. I’m a DX man myself.

  6. serious question guys, if you’ll allow it. sorry to divert conversation from Spencer’s badassedness, but how do I tell other trainers clients at my gym that half squats with your feet at hip with and toes pointed straight ahead aren’t going to get you anywhere? I work at an LA, So I kind of expected this, but I don’t *really* want to be a douche…

    any suggestions on how to correct this without pitting anyone on the spot?

    thanks. a lot.

    Well…it’s not really any of your business to tell someone’s clients anything. They aren’t paying you and you’ll just end up pissing people off. Just get better results and if you’re ever asked, then present a concise, logical reasoning. When I go somewhere new, and this includes when I moved to Texas, I never go out of my way and say, “Hey, you should be doing this,” or “You’re doing x wrong,” because that’s faggy.

    Just take care of your own shit and let results and actions speak for themselves. People will notice eventually.


  7. Can I do a podcast?

    Present a quality reason why you should be on a podcast in tomorrow’s post and I’ll think about it. Do you look like your avatar?


  8. i know this isn’t nearly as cool, but it was pretty fuckin reckless on my part….i set out to eat a porkchop for dinner and i ended up eating five of them. huh.

    I lol’d.


  9. thanks Justin. I already knew the answer but I needed to get that out there. it just sucks because I was talking to that kid (the client) about starting strength and compound lifts and he seemed receptive, and then he got taught them wrong.

    shakin’ mah head.

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