70’s Big Female Essentials

You’ve got a 38 inch ass and you need guidance on what comes next. It’s okay, we’re here for you.

1. Training Partner

Keeps training energized.

2. Transportation

Dying 1990 Taurus not mandatory.

3. Beer

Self explanatory.

4. 70’s Big Man

Ignore this guy’s shorts.

5. 90’s Small Skinny Guy

Sorta like midgets, but by choice.

70’s Big Female Tasks of the Week:
• Compile your list of 70’s Big Female essentials! Post to comments.
• We want to hear more from the 70’s Big Female community – submit to Justin if you would like to be featured in the weekly edition. We would LOVE to hear about you!
— Cori & Ellee

38 thoughts on “70’s Big Female Essentials

  1. Could you two please fly to Japan and help re-educate everyone here? And bring Justin, AC, and crew with you as well.

    The current ‘ideal’ over here right now for males:



    The current ‘ideal’ over here right now for females:


    http://www.qety.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/akb48_01.jpg (bathing suits featured)

    A nice re-education for both genders would be nice.

  2. CSB – RIP to your uncle, hope this gives you and many others some closure.

    On a much lighter note, Cori is no joke, wish there were 70s Big Females like her in my neck of the woods. Keep up the good work!

  3. not to be a douche or anything, but I’m not so sure having a man (70’s big or 90’s small) needs to be a requirement for the ladies. just like having a woman need not be a requirement for being a 70’s big male.

    I mean, I love my 70’s big girlfriend, but I’d hate to think a partner is ‘essential’.

    besides, isn’t cori single? (I’m certainly not calling anyone out. I’m positive its a case of dudes being intimidated or too lame for her.)

    Cori has a boyfriend, jackass. Additionally, get a fucking sense of humor.


  4. @ Justin and @cori
    I apologize for unintentionally throwing Cori under the bus, I thought I had read that she was single in an earlier post. A sincere congrats to both her, and the lucky man. Also, I will work on finding a sense of humor. Are those over by the squat rack or the oly platforms?

    No harm, no foul, brah.


  5. I’ve been in uh, touch with a girl, and I’m convincing her to squat. Bodyweight squats, mind you, to kick things off; she was pretty receptive to it. She currently has a job where she’s always on her feet, and her feet are tired by day’s end, to the point where she stopped her regular, several mile runs because of it.

    I’m sure squats over time enhance one’s ability to stand comfortably for long periods – anyone know of evidence of this? Or how this would occur anatomically?

    Loaded squats would since they are increasing the strength of the muscles that generate the force (quads, hamstrings, glutes, adductors, etc.) as well as the supportive structures (hip, sacral, lumbar, and the rest of the back since they are isometrically contracted during a squat). Same thing with deadlift. If she’s totally weak and un-trained, then body weight stuff may help. If she is against putting a bar on her back or deadlifting, you could have her hold stuff in her hands as she squats (DB or KB) and have her do RDL’s with the little barbells that go up to 100 pounds. If she’s against lifting, then that means you shouldn’t make her sore (because she’d be kind of a pussy). More than a few sets and more than just light weight at first will prevent too much soreness. Take her to a steak house.


  6. Cut down a tree recently(with an ax mind you) and cut it up into a big log for flipping and into big stumps for tossing like a keg. Oh and I think i’m a fan of team deadlifts now.

  7. Justin, thanks for the answer. She instinctively said she “didn’t want to get big,” which every girl says. I figure, tactically speaking, that these girls need to experience the benefits of light or unweighted squats, before they’ll agree to anything worthy of this site.

    And I thought they were supposed to be made sore…

    Well, that’s what the Monday posts are for. Look back at the last four Mondays — there are some good things that would be good reading material. There will be other girls that are featured who are absolutely not big, have ideal body types, and are very strong.


  8. Kind of random here but I know there are a few other Redskins fans who read this site. I just got a youtube “friend” request from Phillip Daniels. His primary video is of him deadlifting 400#+ plus heavy chains and working up to a total 645 lbs.– and making it look pretty easy. Dude is such a beast! I like how the video shows him setting up carefully for each lift. Seems like he’s focused on doing it with good form and execution. Hail!

  9. My 70’s Big female essentials:
    Protein – lots of it
    70’s Big t-shirt
    Lifting Shoes
    Booty pants – preferably Lululemon
    A bearded gentleman on my arm

  10. @Charles Martel – Actually, every girl does NOT say that they don’t want to get big. Some of us are actively trying to get bigger. It makes us even that much more awesome.

    Also, I have to agree with @kpow1979. Lululemon pants are definitely on the list of 70’s Big female essentials. Nothing makes your ass look better than a pair of lululemon pants.

  11. TBone, be realistic: more girls say they don’t want to get bigger than those who say they do.

    Awesome post today.

    CSB – I am happy for you and your family, now that that monster is dead.

  12. @Maslow, Daniels’ youtube channel is full of him making fantastic lifts. Plus his son DaVaris is a pretty amazing athlete – some great highlight reels of him in the channel as well. Cool stuff!

  13. 1. Point to Ellee on car pic
    2. Right click
    3. Save Picture as…
    4. Set as background

    Thank-you for this. (I say this now as a recently single guy)

    There needs to be far more women like these two in this world.

  14. @WCM025 – I am realistic. Charles said, “She instinctively said she ‘didn’t want to get big, which every girl says.'” I just pointed out that not EVERY girl says that, especially not the girls that I hang out with. Again…awesomeness.

  15. Love these girls more at every post.
    Particularly now that there’s beer involved.

    Question for the gals: I am the father of three and back in the iron game after close to a 15 year hiatus after college. Loving it.

    My oldest is 6. Cori, given your background what do you suggest to get her ready for her athletic career? Broomstick snatches and C&Js?

    Justin, could be a good future post on “kids and weightlifting”…there’s a lot of horseshit out there on the interwebz.

    My youngest kid experience is with 12 year olds. I can probably find someone to chat about this in a podcast (Penlday comes to mind).


  16. @CBOS I started with the broomstick when I was probably 5. My brother and I would practice our squats and benches. I started lifting (oly style) with a “kids bar” when I was nine. Never really lifting anything “heavy” until I was 12 or 13. Its never to early to ingrain a decent barpath into a young mind!

    @70’s Big Females – great work with the lists…let’s keep them coming! I also agree that nothing has helped my ass more than a good pair of Lululemon pants. I will agree that the tops are not nearly as flattering as the bottoms! Here’s hoping that someone can design the same type of pants for much cheaper (seriously breaking the bank every time I step into that place…ugh.)

    Who is sore from squatting this week? (raises hand, omigosh)

  17. Could I ask where the 70’s big ladies like to buy non-workout pants? My wife has a tiny waist with an “athletic” butt and thighs and is constantly complaining that she can’t find pants that fit her correctly.

  18. Alecks –

    I’m sorry. I wish that I could be of more assistance. I don’t really understand “fashion” and have never possessed the patience for shopping. To make matters worse, after my pants explosion ==> ass exposure, I pretty much gave up on buying anything that isn’t largely comprised of spandex. I continually attempt to pass off my training pants as dress pants: professional setting, gym, bar = same damn type of pants. In all honesty, I understand that this tactic fools no one, but it never deters me. In addition, my shoulder:waist:hip ratio is totally incongruous with the typical American female build. Like a Barbie Doll on roids (minus implants). This makes it difficult to find any article of clothing.

    Bottom line – ALLLL SPANDEX!!

    Also, I think Chuck Norris was onto something with his “Action Jeans: unique hidden gusset which allows greater movement without binding or ripping”.

  19. Pingback: healthy body images | batty.us

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