70’s Big Females – Christine

Christine has run the blog Munchies, Muscles, and Mischief for about a year. She has competed in a figure competition yet has transitioned into strength training and powerlifting. Her site ranges from ramblings to powerlifting, from training philosophy to female body image. Christine is, yet again, a prime example of a girl who is strong and looks great as a result of lifting weights.
Christine is 5’2″ and currently 140 lbs. (but cutting a bit of weight); not exactly skinny. While she has a musculature physique, she is certainly not in danger of nuclear levels of “bulkiness” that most women seem to be terrified of when discussing weight training.

Here is a video from Christine’s most recent powerlifting meet in which she grinds out a third attempt squat at 260 lbs.

Strong girls can do pull-ups anywhere

Christine missed her third attempt deadlift at 292 in that meet (an issue with her set up), but has pulled 290 in training recently. Here’s a routine set of five she did in the gym:

I hope that the continued features on strong girls like Christine helps the naysayers realize that lifting weights develops strength and the optimal female figure. It’s my sincerest hope that women don’t think that emaciation or skinniness is the female archetype, but instead aspire to be physically strong and capable women. Strength training helps generate an ideal metabolism and refines musculature that augments the lovely female body. Male readers, I urge you to share this with your girlfriends, wives, friends, family, and co-workers, but do so in a respectful, non-threatening way.

29 thoughts on “70’s Big Females – Christine

  1. I’d give my frank opinion of Christine, but Justin would just quash my freedom of expression again, soooo….nice pulling. Glasses are also A+

    Haha, the point of the post is to get women to lift, not scare them away.


  2. She would get it. You guys also did not post the “good stuff” pictures from her blog.

    They left the scope of the post. She’s gonna be back on soon to talk about body image, and the more revealing pictures are more pertinent to that post.


  3. How would you go about sending this to your girlfriend? I want my girl to see this but I really don’t know how?

    I dunno, man. We don’t know your lady or your relationship. Maybe we’ll do a post on this. I suggest bringing it up in conversation when discussing working out. Women should be adequately strong so they can take care of themselves, and strength training isn’t something that causes a detriment to health or body, but instead improves them.


  4. Dat Fitlover.

    I “know” of her from BB.com (lol) and I’ve gotta say that her transition from BBing to strength training has been pretty cool. I wish more women would follow her example.

    Also, a quick question not related to today’s post: I’m in the market for a belt, can anybody vouch for BestBelts? Only reason I’m swayed towards them over Inzer or an EFTS belt is that they seem to ship faster (3-5 days vs 2-3 weeks – prices are comparable).

    I highly recommend Quest Athletics. I was in their warehouse the other day and looked at their belts, among other things. I can vouch that they are the highest quality belt I’ve ever seen. When my old belt dies, I’ll use Quest.


  5. Djay,

    I don’t have a bestbelt, but a number of 70sbig posters have one and enjoy them. I’m pretty sure that TBone has a purple one…and lord knows TBone’s opinion is the only important one

  6. Curious, what’s your take on Michelle Obama’s figure? Eg, http://static.thehollywoodgossip.com/images/gallery/michelle-obama-fashion-sense.jpg

    Best Belts is awesome. Dean Best will work with you tirelessly to give you the belt you need, and it will be sturdier than anything else you own. You also get complimentary suede coasters from the leftovers.

    I’ve heard good things about Dean, but I haven’t seen the belts. Best and Quest will get you nice belts.

    As for Michelle, she’s just a tall, broad shouldered chick. Not impressed.


  7. @Djay

    I got my belt from Best Belts. They are very high quality. Their customer service is also great, he makes the belt for you when you order it so its fresh. Never heard of Quest but I think Justin has a pretty good grasp on this strength training stuff. Either one will be awesome.

    Furthermore, if Djay had done a search, he would have found a multitude of posts that talk about this.


  8. Off topic: does anyone know about Krill Oil as a nutritional supplament?

    I’m allergic to fish so I can’t take fish or codliver oil. I’m considering krill oil since I’ve read it’s got the same makeup as fish oil, if not better, and is even better than flax oil.

  9. Two thumbs up for this post.

    @Djay and Renee – I actually have a BLACK Inzer double prong belt. But, I’d really like to switch to a lever belt at some point and just can’t justify spending money on ANOTHER belt right now. And, yes, I would like for it to be purple but Inzer did not have purple in stock when I ordered this one.

  10. Dude, how did I, queen of wasting time on the internet, not know about Christine’s blog before this?

    It is fucking hilarious. “Cry me a fucking river. It’s my personal blog, and I’m not asking you to read it. There is a difference between voicing one’s opinion, and attention whoring. I seek attention from no one – I only state things the way I see them.”

  11. I finally got around to filming my DL form. Check it out and let me know any tweaks/fixes I should make. Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated!

  12. hahaha wow Stankrom you just moved above Brent on my 70’s big troll rankings.

    I don’t know about that. You know nothing, Lebowski.


  13. I have been following Christine’s blog for a while now and not only is she both strong and beautiful, but a gifted writer, as well. She has a knack for putting her feelings onto the page and still providing tons of compelling information. Smart, strong, and sexy. What’s not to like?

  14. does anybody want to trade their size 10 weightlifting shoes for a size 11? I have the red 2010 pendlay shoes, theyre a little big on me though.

  15. I first saw Christine’s blog by being linked from the Chaos and Pain blog, and I’m definitly a fan. It’s really entertaining, which is a must for a blog, but it also has some good stuff on there. I really, really liked this post, and forwarded it to a lot of people:


    Guys, these “70’s Big Females” updates are quickly becoming my favorite part of this site. Keep it up!

    Bro, I’m trying to have her on to do a similar post like that. Quit ruining the surprise.


  16. Pingback: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 | CrossFit Toronto

  17. you’re all fucking dipshits with 9 toed women… but srsly, if i srs post from here on out will you guys believe me??>

    I don’t think I ever believed you.


  18. I actually came across her blog a few weeks ago, and it inspired me to start blogging myself!

    Now all I need to do is convince my significant other to lift more weights…

  19. @WCM025 and kaizen

    My fiancé does not read 70s Big on a regular basis. If there are good inspirational posts or things about women lifting and getting stronger, I’ll just send them to her telling her to read them. You should probably start out small with your girlfriend/wife and find the information that disparage typical fitness magazines and dispel myths. You need to plant the seed about strength being awesome. If she is the logical type, maybe some peer reviewed articles explaining the lack of testosterone when compared to males would help her along. Cool, lifting videos of small Oly or powerlifters are good too (heavyweights might scare her). See the example conversion after watching the videos “See honey, look at these tiny girls lifting more than me…they aren’t bulky.” “Awesome! I want to do that too!” Signing up for meets and having the girlfriend/wife come along to watch could inspire them to start lifting once they see how supportive the community is and how other girls do in the meets as well.


    You can buy Inzer products from other online stores that can ship faster if you want. I have heard that Inzer has horrible shipping/customer service, but I personally have never had a problem with them. After hearing about that though, I just started buying Inzer products from other stores.

  20. Yes. Keep up the good work, lass.

    And although I understand Justin’s reason for censoring that post of JBriskin’s, I’m glad I got in before that happened..it was the creative, dirty, and hilarious trifecta.

  21. Justin that’s exactly why he topped my rankings. I’m pretty sure Brent has said some stuff he really meant on here, but Stankrom definitely hasn’t.

    Either way I’m entertained by both

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