Podcast – Ep. 1 – AC

I’ve always been interested in talk radio and wanted to start doing podcasts. They will allow me to interview various people and get the information to you succinctly. I aim for my podcasts to be short and to the point — no more than 15 minutes. As always, I aim to inform, educate, and entertain. To get my feet wet, the first 70’s Big Podcast is with our own AC. AC is a young, raw powerlifter who has won several meets and has benched a paused 380 at 212 lbs. We discuss various topics like his training history, karate chops to the throat, and why he’s on such a power trip lately.

RIGHT CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD and “save target as”.
Episode 1 – AC (11:22 long)

If you have questions for AC in a future podcast, put them in the comments.
Feel free to submit a “Reader Mail” question that will be addressed in subsequent podcasts.


13 thoughts on “Podcast – Ep. 1 – AC

  1. you don’t have to be a bouncer to see that bars are fucking shitty places

    i’ve hated every bar i’ve went to and also hated every person there, sometimes INCLUDING Justin and Chris at the time

    jesus christ they are shit holes

    i’d rather train at a globo gym than spend time at a fucking bar

    I always remember that one time we went to a bar, and Chris was dancing really crazy, and you were just sitting there watching him.


  2. Justin, in the future podcasts, can you add a couple of questions about the specific diets of the crew of 70sbig, and more about the kind of training they have seen the best results (TM, 5/3/1, etc)?

    Sure. I could splice together those questions with each person. That’d probably be good.


  3. AC–The other day I returned to the gym after a week off and did the TM volume session. The next day I had to go to Costco, which meant carrying huge heavy crates of my food and big bags of potting soil up some stairs. It felt damn ironic that I was almost too weak and worn down to do it. I definitely felt like that 9 year old girl who squatted 187 could have beat me up at that moment.

    So I’m wondering how you handle soreness as a professional ass kicker? Like say you had to take a week off of lifting for a trip and upon return did a real heavy volume session. The next evening you’ve got to go get paid to beat people up but you’re so sore that moving around at all is tricky, much less running across a crowded room to choke a bitch?

    Normally I would drop the weight on the volume by a few pounds after a week off, but the soreness is inevitable, you’re right. I just hope I don’t get scheduled to work the next day or so, but it’s not easy to work when I am sore. Ha all I can really is say that it sucks and you gotta handle your business. Luckily I don’t work alone.

  4. My only complaint is that it was not longer. And thankyou also for sharing your guys special moment from the day you two met. That was heart warming. By heart I mean wang (kind of homo?).

    Hmm, I figured more people would listen if it’s shorter. AC will be back on (unless I kill him in cold blood first).


  5. >My only complaint is that it was not longer.

    A) That’s what she said.

    B) The people also demand Glenn Pendlay.

    Recording Pendlay tomorrow evening. I’m sure we’ll have several of them. Tomorrow’s recording will be a whammy.


  6. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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