There Is Hope

Generally speaking, I don’t hate groups of people. But I sure dislike them. For instance, it bothers me that girls and women nowadays are attracted to effeminate, poonish males. Masculinity is a dying trait in today’s world; I weep for the future. What happened to the man’s man? What happened to grizzled, yet affectionate men? What happened to flannel? Some of you may find this hard to believe, but there are actually “males” out there that are mistaken for a woman! I’ve always said, “It should be a primary goal of either sex to never be mistaken for the opposite sex.” I stand by that.

Thankfully, I heard two stories yesterday that gave me hope. The first referenced a female who lost interest in a guy because he “loved to sing”. When asked about it, she replied, “I just don’t want to date anyone that is less masculine than I am.” This girl ain’t a butch, either.

The second story is from Jacob Tsypkin. Jacob asked for a class of milk at a coffee shop, and his milk was served in a wine glass.

A regal milk serving

Then the girls at the counter were complimenting his beard (see how gnarly it is in this video). He thanked them and said, “Most girls don’t like beards.” The girl replied in deadpan fashion, “Well, you see, I like men. Not boys.”

There is hope, yet.

Do any of you have hope that women prefer masculinity and ruggedness over skinny, shorn poons?

58 thoughts on “There Is Hope

  1. For the love of everything good I hope there are still women out there that like real man. I here state that I am a man of no less than 6’2 255lbs never to be less 240lbs again if I have anything to say about it, “Every last inch of me is covered in hair” As Gaston would say and I will forever have some form of facial hair if circumstances or job allows it and I would wear flannel every day if they made 70’s big flannel shirts.

  2. A) I can’t grow a beard all that well.

    B) Flannel is awesome.

    C) If singing makes you not a man, I guess that explains why Henry Rollins only knows growling, yelling, or aggressive talking.

  3. I am sad to say I too have seen this trend of females gravitating towards skinny, emaciated “males.”

    And when the there are gals going for bigger guys, the guys seem to have misplaced their chest and facial hair while stumbling into a tanning bed.

    Whether or not this is better than skinny poons is up for debate.

  4. Never fear… there are still real women out there who prefer real men. When we stream our workouts, Spencer Moorman is clearly the favorite of the female viewers… Here is Spencer clean and jerking 400lbs…

  5. I’ve actually been completely turned off of 99% of guys BECAUSE I’m at the gym so much. If a dude doesn’t look like he gives a crap about what he looks like and what his body can do, I’m not interested. Lack of lower body definition is a deal-killer too.

    Fortunately my husband is well on his way to 240lb and I couldn’t be happier :)

  6. I once mentioned as a joke to my girlfriend that I was considering shaving my chest. She looked like she’d just found out Santa Claus isn’t real and almost started crying. I reassured her that I was just testing her, then proceeded to grow a prodigious beard-then-mustache over the next several weeks, which she hated. I’m still working on that.

    There’s nothing wrong with singing on its own. It’s an incredible skill and talent. Like every skill, it’s got to be used wisely. It’s even cool to sing something sentimental, as long as you’re baritone:

    But if you’re tenor, you’d better be a fucking badass!

    It’s always darkest before dawn. There is hope. Last night two guys started talking to me because they saw me squatting heavy and deep. They were both doing Starting Strength. Of course every other guy was either LSDing or toning his calves and working on his bis, tris and levis, but progress is progress.

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and say multiculturalism is partly to blame. Sorry, but not all cultures are equal. Some are emperically better than others and there’s no reason to apologize for knowing what’s better. Valuing virtue, strength and mental fortitude supercedes valuing faux retro nonsense and “understanding.” A pretty good guidepost is asking yourself, “What would Thomas Jefferson Do?” (unless you’re talking about slavery). He’d probably say master your craft, learn everything about all disciplines, be physically strong, mentally awake, and don’t apologize for trying hard always.

  7. I have to admit, I would love to learn how to sing. Not talking like, James Blunt, Justin Bieber shit – more like Eddie Vedder, Maynard, Dave Grohl, Corey Taylor, et al. That would be most excellent.

    I’m pretty sure Dave Grohl and Eddie Vedder fucking love flannel and they both rock pretty awesome beards occasionally.

    Still working on the body hair myself and can’t wait till it’s a bit cooler so i can lift in flannel – Johnny Pain style :)

  8. Justin

    You are 100% that masculinity is a dying breed. Mainstream society favors the tight, skinny jeans, emo hair cut, eye liner wearing, rocker bunch nowadays. Especially now with the existence of the “metrosexual” which is just another term for “gay, in the closet and feminine” but i digress.

    Cheers to the men who grow beards, lift heavy weight, drink milk and eat flesh. Keep it going!

  9. I am an adult male and my girlfriend is attracted to me.

    I don’t understand why guys like to look to like coke addicts, like it’s actually cool to wear skinny jeans, constantly look hung over and live off there parents the rest of there life (I am talking about hipsters). However, I do enjoy being larger then them and knowing that if they fuck with me I can break them in half.

    @Antigen, not to undermine your guys study but he states a lot of things matter a factly, and doesn’t cite many scientific articles. He just kind of states stuff like scientists are gravely distrubed and worried about birth controls influence on natural selection. He mentions a couple of psycologists, but I think its a bit of a stretch to link all that to birth control.

  10. It’s not just America. Russia has seen the once great athletic culture of the Soviet Union devolve into a generation of skinny-fat metrosexuality.

    It’s less about build and beard than attitude. My father never broke 180. He was fit, bald and bearded. He never said no to a beer or a bratwurst and when he gnashed his teeth people took notice. My father-in-law, a Soviet himself, once hoisted 145kg overhead at a 67k bodyweight. He’ll still fight at the drop of a hat but can recite classical poetry for days. He never has been able to grow a beard.

    Some men have been small forever but they acted like men. There was 70s big and then there was just plain 70s man, but men they were. Now they’re bros and dudes: they’ve never owned a pair of work boots, they sag their skinny jeans and wear weaves, they’ve never swung a fist in anger or struggled through a heavy set of 20 that should’ve been racked at 10. But there’s hope still. We must repopulate the manscape so that our women aren’t fooled into settling for the Michael Ceras of the world. It will be hard fought but nothing worth having ever comes easily.

  11. Gentlemen… Trust me, there are still women who not only prefer real men, but WON’T settle for anything less!!

    1. I can lift more than you and/or
    2. Your legs are skinny/you wear skinny jeans and/or
    2. I can beat your ass and/or
    3. You can fit into my jeans or any article of clothing that I can fit into and/or
    4. You don’t have hair AT LEAST on your chest and/or
    5. You don’t eat meat

    move along…or I WILL beat your ass (and believe me, I can) and shove a steak down your throat to help you gain some weight, FREAK! :)

  12. with regards to singing: look up the blackhawks national anthem tradition, simply awesome. Also, even though it seems a lot of london is 90’s small dudes, when the Patriots played at Wembley I thought it was pretty awesome how the entire stadium sang the English anthem.

    with regards to society: I can’t find any fucking dress pants that fit anymore. Although after doing some research, apparently men with leg jackage was the reason pleated pants were invented, looks like I will have to find some.

    With regards to women: my wife doesn’t want me to get “too big”, mostly because I have to fit into a suit that I bought and haven’t yet worn, for some wedding this year. After finding the pants of said suit to be pleated, I decided to again pursue acquiring jackage, after a few months of maintaining. Currently a light 85kg lifter, I constantly ponder going up to 94kg for the heck of it.

  13. ilcrawford, that attitude is among the reasons why the fem-male is so popular. The difference is that we are not old men; we’re concerned and able to do something about it.

  14. Thank you, Glenn, for pointing out that some of us have a thing for Spence. Mmmmmm.

    I like heavys and superheavys, although yes, there are some 94s who will do. Bigger guys who do not shave their body hair are infinitely more fuckable. That’s just the way it is.

  15. @smithb9–nothing like getting fit for a tux/suit and day of the wedding finding out your legs, shoulders, and chest grew such that you were ready to blow out of the thing at the first sign of an “electric slide” line dance. Happened to me at two proms in high school.

    I’m looking forward to it happening again for a wedding this summer although my wife has taken notice and put me on alert to try on the tux one month before.

    The starved look is just a passing trend and they will only attract weak women anyways.

    Strong men will always attract physicaly, mentally, emotionally strong women.

    A big neck will get you laid.

  16. rpbrown, I’m 42 and have heard, or been part of, a version of this conversation as long as I can remember. Hell I think Socrates complained about the youth during his time. I just find it funny a bunch of 20 somethings are doing it.

  17. CBOS is correct. Fashion whims change all the time. It’s about time for some version of grunge to come back around and we can all look trendy in flannel. :)

  18. ilcrawford, I’m proud as hell that at 31, I’m already well on my way to being a crotchety, opinionated, experienced, and scarily hairy old man. We should all be so lucky.

    I think I’m gonna buy some flannel off a bum today.

  19. @JacobMFC hah, I still have my flannel from the 80s.

    Fashion tip: Anyone wanting to get in on the leading edge of flannel fashion, hit the thrift stores. The clothes will look worn and not like you just bought it at Old Navy. :)

  20. 1. Good call Justin

    2. Spencer Moorman is my hero.

    3. SMC nailed it with his post.

    4. Good call Jacob, the new flannel in bright, neon like colors is gay.

    5. What happened to social icons like The Duke? Fuckin’ real men back then.

  21. This post makes me want to go put on a Pendleton wool flannel, some old Danner boots, sip back some Pendleton Whiskey, and chop down some Oregon trees.

  22. I think women just like those kind of guys becuase they know they can whoop their ass if they get out of line and control them easily.

    I think it’s only a “fashionable” trend passing by. In which case it’s pretty weak. And those weak little girls and go run off with weak little boys. I’ll take a real woman instead!

  23. Sadly, flannel has become the new badge of lameness for skinny-jeaned coked-out hipsters from Seattle to San Francisco. Could somebody please tell these assholes that they don’t look anything like lumberjacks if they only weigh 150 lbs? Just because you live in Portland don’t make you a stevedore.

    And for the record, the crap Standard American Diet is partly to blame for the lack of sexual dimorphism in today’s population.

    Whatever. My old lady likes my beard.

  24. I’m not sure if this was mentioned yet but everyone should read Manthropology. It basically details how pathetic modern man is in every way compared to ancient homo sapiens.

    Ps I’m reading this in Germany on business where they find it perfectly natural for a meal to consist of 4-5 different proteins, potatoes, and big beers. Viva manliness!

  25. @TBone thanks for the support, I think it is something I’m gonna pursue. I’m the same height as J North so it wouldn’t be too far fetched. Could always gain strength at 94 then go back to 85 if its a better fit for me.

    Also, congrats on posting a total at your meet, hopefully you will be able to go heavy again very soon.

  26. I left JC Penny’s the other day practicaly in a rage. I went in looking for some Levi 569s that have been touted around these parts as fitting nicely on manly legs. 75% of the fucking jeans there had the word “skinny” or “slim” in the title. Seriously? No 569s to be had so I bought XL sweat pants and got the hell out of there. LAME

    And I’m guessing the dude this chick in the story left wasn’t singing the likes of Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, heavy metal, hard rock or things similar, but rather N’Sync or Backstreet Boys. I hope anyway.

    @smithb – my pleated dress pants are all that still fit me, they have an elasticy waist in them, they are excellent, Van Huesen FYI. I dread trying on my suits, but I need to eventually here. So I can sell them and buy new, oh well.

  27. Also, wanted to mention proudly that all the important women in my life, my mother, sister and wife have all chosen a real man as their husband or boyfriend. All over 200 lbs, strong, and hairy. My sister’s boyfriend has about 8 inches on me and 100+ lbs, he’s a beast that rocks a red beard. She’s about 5’6”, 120lbs. I can only imagine she’s the envy of all her friends.

  28. @MattTruss and everyone else

    Dockers has come out with a manly “wear the pants” campaign as of lately, and offers nice chino/khaki pants in 4 different fits (D1-D4) D3 and D4 being most likely to fit the kind of people who post here. Very nice quality too.

  29. @smithb9 – Be brave. 94 awaits you.

    Yeah, the meet was a much, much better experience than I expected. I got my total and I just filled out my application for Masters Nationals. I see my orthopedic surgeon and my PT again tomorrow, so…

    I just bought a Pendlay 15kg needle bearing bar and a set of colored Elite bumpers, and the Universe wants me to lift with it all soon.

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