Some videos

I don’t know Spencer, but he seems like a happenin’ guy. I like his reaction to hitting 197kg; the slow six shooters. Then he hits 200kg. And he’s 19 years old.

I’ve never met Donny Shankle, but I’ve heard that he’s, uh, unique. Here’s a vid of him talking about hand care:

I actually know Chris and we’ve used speed squats (AKA dynamic effort) with a lot of success in Chris’ training. Here is a video from about a month ago — he’s doing doubles on the minute every minute for ten minutes at 385 (I watched him do around 400 the other day when we were in San Antonio). The focus is on a ferocious bounce. Technique is secondary to getting the sharpest bounce and fastest ascent possible:

21 thoughts on “Some videos

  1. Good info on hand care. The darth vader mouth breather in the background hypnotized me also. Donny Shankle is scary as fuck.

    I think I’ve got a case of plantar fisciitis. ( Anyone else ever had to deal with it? Were you able to cure it?

    Man, I love that garage. If it had brewing equipment it’d literally be my dream. What is the purpose/benefit of getting the sharpest bounce and fastest ascent possible?

    It’s speed squatting, brah. Maximal motor unit recruitment won’t occur if he’s not moving as fast as possible of his own volition.

    And how’d you develop the injury? Roll your foot on a golf ball, particularly right in front of the heel.


  2. And he’s C&Jing 200kg while pulling with bent arms as soon as the bar gets to knee high.

    He stuck the shit out of the 200kg jerk like it was nothing.

  3. You just became TBone’s best friend.

    @Maslow – Not sure if I had that or not, but I had some foot pain awhile back and every night for about 2 weeks I did lacrosse ball work on the bottom of my foot. Rolling my foot around on that thing hurt like hell, but felt awesome afterwards. After the 2 weeks I felt good and just do the same routine every now and again. I’d also pop my shoes off at work when I could and roll a baseball under my feet, that helped a ton too. There’s a video of the routine somewhere, but I never bookmarked it. It was basically rolling the ball around, then pressing down and curling your foot around the ball like you’re trying to pick it up w/your foot. Basically just get a lacrosse ball under your foot and massage it until you can’t take it anymore.

  4. Any other metalheads disappointed with the passover of For Whom The Bell Tolls to listen to the song that brought Napster down in Chris’ squat video?

    Very interesting Donny Shankle video. Definitely will help with my callouses.

  5. Donny made something that could be considered as rather homo (Not using this term to cause offence), the most manly, interesting and relaxing thing I have ever watched.

    How would hand care be homo?


  6. I had plantar fisciitis, it is pretty painful.

    Rolling on a golf ball especially first thing in the morning can help get rid of that horrible pain.

    Also, it is important to find out was is causing it, and remove that stressor.

    For me it was a bodyweight gain and doing hiit on concrete pavements.

    What day does chris do his DE work on? FRiday or monday?

    (and if anyone is interested, the first rap song chris is listening to is a remix of ‘wipe me down’ by foxx – a very cool song)

  7. Mmmm, Spencer. I told him I watched that vid about 25 times the other day for inspiration. And, I did.

    @Eric – Spencer does NOT miss jerks. If he racks it, it’s going overhead.

  8. i’m confused on the DE day rest periods. do you squat on the minute or you squat 1 minute after you rack the bar??? hahah hope it made sense

  9. i guess by definition, that is what you would do.

    however, why would you do sets on the minute if the set itself takes 45 seconds? that would be a 3:1 work:rest ratio.

    he is only doing doubles for this exact reason: they are done quickly. he can unrack, do both reps, rack it, and rest up (briefly) for his next set.

    got it now?

  10. I think I got the heal pain from wearing my work shoes every day(rockport leather dress shoes) far past their prime, and possibly from not stretching/mobility working my calves enough. I really don’t know though. I’ll try the ball massage (laughs) thing and see how it goes. I’m going to foam roll my calves a lot too and do some of those mobility wods. It’s just annoying pain at this point, not anything that keeps me from moving around.

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