
It was a rough weekend for me given that the three days leading into the workshop I probably ate a combined 1,500 calories (Note: Don’t drink from the water fountain at the park). The 70’s Big Workshop itself was a lot of fun. The updated presentation had more of a focus on programming. I aimed to give everyone the conceptual understanding of programming with guidelines so that they can implement it.

I liked programming to mathematics; there are fundamental rules that create the boundaries for the language, yet once there is a solid understanding of those fundamentals, then you can get creative in how you apply the language to new things (I heard this explained by a quantum physicist on the radio when I was driving Friday — most of us won’t ever have the capacity to be creative with math, but my analogy still makes sense). We did discuss specific programs like various linear progressions and how to program intermediate level trainees, yet I’m more interested with someone understanding the guidelines of creating a stress dose to illicit a response, and knowing how it will effect the system and local structures.

In any case, hanging out with everyone was a lot of fun.

This past weekend also marked the 2011 Arnold Sports Festival, including a weightlifting and powerlifting meet. We’ll have recaps of that over the next few days. If you went to the festival or were watching online, then I’m interested in having you type out a recap post of what you saw. I already have someone doing the weightlifting meet, but shoot me a message or comment here if you want to help out. I drove to Atlanta Friday, did 12 hours of presenting, coaching, and eating food for the workshop on Saturday, then drove back to Florida on Sunday, so I didn’t see any of the Arnold.

20 thoughts on “Recap

  1. It’s common sense not to drink out of fountains in the park, I’m pretty sure homeless people shit in those.

    A compelling point.


  2. The seminar this weekend was slathered in awesomesauce. Great times all around. Also, AC’s forearms are the size of my biceps.

    He’s going to love this comment, because his forearms are small.


    You’re absolutely right about both. Anyways, time to go hit some wrist curls.


  3. Drinking from a park water fountain could be classified as
    “creating a stress dose to illicit a response, and knowing how it will effect the system and local structures.”
    Justin is practicing what he preaches.

    BTW, I drink from those all the time. So good!

  4. Are you sure it was a water fountain?

    Just ordered the “I like guys who are 70s Big Shirt” I’m going to give it to my dog to wear around the park because my dog fucking hates chihuahuas.

    OK actually I’m getting it for my girlfriend, who also hates what she calls “little rat dogs,” and generally doesn’t hold weak people in high regard.

  5. This may be the single most important and relevant thing I’ve heard to keep in mind when it comes to programming (or anything, really):

    “As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles may successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.”
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

  6. ^Nice quote

    Although i dont really have a recap since i just watched on and off i did see Kendrick Farris pass out on a 197kg clean and jerk.

    They said he was fine but he did limp away and the bar did come back down and hit him in the shins some.

    All and all the Arnold was kind of disappointing to me. I expected a better showing of some of Americas talent. (In regards to Oly lifting as i didn’t watch anything else)

  7. Looking forward to seeing the Arnold’s recap since I was too busy being outside and doing stuff to watch the streaming internet site. Kendrick’s bomb/pass-out and Mendez’s…”humble showing” are especially of interest – and on a more positive note, I’d like to see more details/stories on Pendlay’s crew, since they seemed to have done pretty well.

    Tsypkin – that quote is super mega awesome. Good find, haven’t seen it in awhile.

  8. Great seminar Justin!!! I enjoyed the camaraderie of fellow 70’s bigsters and the programming discussions were spot on. I’m finally getting enough information and experience to have some confidence to venture out with my own programming customizations.

    Turns out AC is not a bad lifting coach himself.

  9. Justin, the SPF meet in Tennessee was also insane. Chad Wesley Smith posted a huge raw total. Rob Wilkerson hit a 1000 lb. raw squat (as always with some debate about depth, but those that were there said it was legit). And don’t forget the Arnold Strongman Classic, big Brian Shaw dethroned Big Z with a huge win.

  10. I watched the olympic part of the Arnold this weekend. Overall I thought it was pretty good. I’m glad Kendrick Farris isn’t hurt, that was a scary lift. I heard Pat Mendes was recovering from an injury or something, but whatever it was, he didn’t do as well as I thought he would.

    Anyway, I had a question for you Justin. I’m doing the program you suggested for getting into weightlifting (2 day SS style lifts, 2 day oly lifts), and I’m wondering about where / when to start putting front squats in there? I’m still building back up from a back injury last November that I mentioned on here, so right now I’m planning on back squatting until I’m around where I was pre-injury, then alternating front / back on strength days. This sound reasonable?

  11. @Paul

    Thanks for the links. Those both deserve a sticky, or a post of their own.

    Chad’s Juggernaut Method received a great write-up in this month’s “Muscle & Fitness”. I bought his E-book from EliteFTS when it was first released and the article in “M&F” outlines the entire progression. The only differences between the article and book are that the book has more detail on how to incorporate explosive work and conditioning.

    I’ve been following the Juggernaut Method for 10 weeks now and really enjoy it. It’s almost like a beefed-up version of Wendler’s 5/3/1, but volume increases are small enough that I still feel like I’m getting stronger and don’t feel beat-up or worn-down.

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