
Haven’t been on a computer much over the holidays (except to post on this site). Traveled yesterday, so I don’t really have anything for you today. There will be a chat room today at 5:00 EST (it will be done before tonight’s bowl game).
Chat Room Link
Note: When you enter the room you have the option of changing your name. Go ahead and change it lest you get a generic name.

If you have Facebook (and can get on at work), then check out the 70’s Big Fan Page (small updates are posted there on a regular basis).

Otherwise, let’s use the comments to talk about whatever. I’ve been mulling over some different ideas for the site, including a short podcast. I’ve got some video to edit from hanging with AC as well as Texas Method posts to write. Here’s a picture of:

John Grimek

16 thoughts on “Tuesday

  1. I’d absolutely listen to a podcast. That’d also be a great way to start incorporating interviews, which I know Justin has mentioned before.

    I re-read the post discussing coffee after having a great lift following a big cup. Dead-on.

  2. I’d listen to the podcast, though I don’t update my iPod very often.

    I just finished watching my favorite movie, “Gladiator”, and now feel the desirable want to go squat. Too bad I must wait ’til tomorrow.

    That said, Chipotle for lunch.

    Podcasts can be posted on the site too. They can be loaded on a podcatcher program like an RSS feed, but that’s not the only way you would hear about them. Right now I need to find a way to record them.


  3. Just an idea… How about in addition to the chat room, why don’t you add a tab on the home page for discussion threads where people can start their own thread with a question/topic and others can comment on it? That would allow people to ask questions and others to respond whenever they can instead of everybody needing to be at their computer at the same time.

    This is the “forum idea”. See the following comment for my thoughts.


  4. I 2nd the idea for some kind of forum. Although there are some cons (i.e., someone spewing misinformation) I think having some major topics involving training, eating, equipment, etc. in a forum setting might be a good thing.

    Keep up the good work.

    I’m thinking of staying out of the “forum idea”. There are several forums that have similar training principles as us and moderating the forum would be a huge pain in the ass. There is a discussion board on the Facebook Fan Page, though.


  5. So I’m at work and slogging through stuff today and the stair climbs and set of chins I do every couple of hours throughout the day are not keeping my from getting me off task… obviously… Anyhow, if anyone else uses Pandora, who/what are you listening to? I’d also like to find some good music to lift to since I have never really tried it.

    SOOOOOOO with that said, PLEASE drop your ideas and save me from this monotony today!

  6. Stonewalls, if you’ve never listened to music lifting, well, that’s amazing. I highly recommend trying out Tool. Get the album Aenema qued up for starters.

    I like the podcast idea. It can be a different and arguably easier way to communicate certain ideas, particularly the humor that can be tough to get across in text. It’d also be a cool way to do interviews too. I’m sure Henry Rollins would be down!

    I really like the chat room thing too. Ever considered upgrading to a video chat type thing? That way people could demonstrate exercises, awesome foods, brutal lifting faces, etc. On second thought…nevermind I just remembered the one time I went on chatroulette. Best to steer clear of the d* olympics.

  7. Music for lifting: dubstep, and gangsta rap

    Ideas: guest articles (like when bloggers take a week off and have someone guest edit), recipe roundups, guest articles where someone makes some 70s big food and posts pictures and step-by-step on how to do it, lifting equipment recommendation, posts on the different powerlifting feds, posts on Strongman comps, posts on Highland Games, posts on vitamins, better archives of posts, better parsing of comments

    Well, I’m not really looking for ideas for the site. There is only a certain amount of time I’m willing to devote to new projects on this website because I don’t get compensated. I’m in the middle of trying to upgrade my life to the point that I can earn a living doing something. If I earned a living through the website, then I’d be doing all kinds of new things.

    Additionally, I’m not going to report on something that I don’t know much about. This would mean vitamins, powerlifting federations (other than USAPL), highland games, etc. I would have to go find experts in those related fields, but that isn’t something that I’m going to take the time to do (because I don’t “earn a living” doing it). Furthermore, some of those reader submission-based ideas (recipes, videos, etc.) require that they actually be sent in. I get some interesting stuff sent to me, but half of it isn’t incredibly interesting. Whenever I do a post on stuff like that, none of you really care (in the form of page views and comments). There are more comments, page views, and general interest when I do silly shit.


  8. I’m sorry Justin, but I feel the need to point out that the Browns performance on Sunday was NOT very 70’s Big…

    No it wasn’t. I don’t even take them serious.


  9. +1 in favour of guest (even reader submitted) articles. About anything that is even moderately on topic.

    There are several regulars on this site that would be capable of writing something of value.

    Also do we have an offical 70’s Big Youtube channel yet?

    Now if you don’t mind, I need to finish my final set of Shakeweight snatches.

    I just always put the vids on my personal account: JLascek. Probably should have an official channel, but that just makes things irritating for me.


  10. Couple things, Justin I sent in a quick vid and pic to your e-mail a little bit ago, not sure if you got that and didn’t want to use it or never saw it, so I’d figure I’d mention it here.

    Also, a quick congratulations to myself for dominating the 70s Big Fantasy Football league. I rode Aaron Rodgers, Roddy White, and big surprise, Arian Foster to a 121-103 win over 70sMurphness. With Mountainous Traps placing 3rd. I know a lot of the guys that did it this year will be joining again next season, and I got some more interest after the season started. I’ll be sure to post here and on the facebook page when it’s time to get things rolling next season. Assuming there’s no lockout. God help us if there’s a lockout!

  11. MattTruss,
    congrats man, you kicked my ass. I am retarded and kept forgetting to update my roster. I am guessing I got last maybe? Well next year I’m going to to be back with a vengance. Beware. Maybe, ha.

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