How well do you condition?

Post your own conditioning workouts and I’ll tell you whether they are useful or not.
With the advent of CrossFit and other various conditioning methods out nowadays, the average trainee or lifter think they have a good grasp on conditioning. Personally, I don’t like most suggestions readers make for their programs for various reasons. Instead of giving you guidelines for conditioning (I’ve done this before and will do so again more specifically in the future), this post will give you an opportunity to post conditioning workouts that you would use in a strength and conditioning program.

I shouldn’t have to clarify, but there are two such versions: 1) a program that aims to increase strength while maintaining or improving conditioning and B) a program that aims to maintain strength while improving conditioning. #1 is the case of a person who still needs to get stronger and wants to add some conditioning in OR an athlete in their off-season who is increasing their strength base; #2 is someone who is already strong — they are fucking cocked-diesel, or have more than adequate levels of strength for their sport/activity — or someone who is in sport preparation and needs to add conditioning in.

So, post your conditioning workouts and I’ll grade them out on their usefulness in a program while making other relevant notes.

This is a conditioning picture.

PR Friday
If you’re new to the site, Friday is the day where you can gloat. Post your PR’s to the comments. They can be lifting, eating, tossing, or cloth ripping related. If you didn’t hit any PR’s, then give everyone an update on your training. The regular posters will remember your name and mostly say nice things, and the lurkers will continue to creepily stalk you. Fun!

107 thoughts on “How well do you condition?

  1. I am more in camp B, maintenance mode. I’m heading into the ‘older’ group so I am not trying to gain weight and strength as fast as the younger whipper snappers, though I am using 531. Some conditioning workouts I have used recently:

    Dune spints:
    I take my dog to the beach and we race up 15 foot sand dunes. I do this until he wants to quit. Usually about 5 times.

    Weight vest sprint intervals.
    10 rounds (20 or 30lb vest)
    walk/jog 300 meters
    sprint 100 meters (slight incline)

    I do this on the block around my gym. Beware. Wearing a weight vest and carrying an ipod with a big beard will make you look like the unabomber getting ready to detonate.
    I laughed pretty hard when I read this.

    Barbell complex:
    Without letting go of the bar
    5 deadlifts
    5 hang power clean
    5 front squat
    5 push press
    5 back squat

    This is supposed to be metabolic, so I use a weight that just starts to slow the bar speed on the push press (kinda like in starting strength). I did two sets weekly for a couple of months, increasing the weight by 5 lbs every time. fun times.
    Good call on the light weight.

    This might start to get too crossfitty for some of yall, but for my birthday I made this WOD:

    3 rounds
    3 box squats @ 65%
    3 prowler push/pulls 20ft @160lb
    33 medball situps 15lb
    33 medicine ball slams with full depth and extension (like a squat C&J) 15lbs

    One of my favorites, but might be more metcon than most people need for basic conditioning. I do this indoors on carpet, so the prowler push pull is 20 feet of pushing followed by pulling back to starting position. I was inspired by CFFB.

    The special occasion shit is always gonna be abnormal.


  2. I’m getting into TM after a funky holiday break. So, no PR’s, give me a few weeks.

    My conditioning is playing hockey every wednesday night.

  3. 5 to 15 minutes of c2 rowing at the end of my workout with some cattleball or medball push up circuits tossed in as time permits.

    This isn’t anything special, but this very simple stuff listed here by Jim would probably help the trainees wanting to maintain health. Basically it elevates your HR and isn’t going to be too taxing. If you’re lifting hard for a meet, you wouldn’t bother with this stuff, but if you’re just the casual lifter, this kind of stuff will prevent you from having to get on a treadmill or something weird.


  4. PRs this week.

    Had to buy xl t-shirts for the first time in a long time the other day. Had some minor PRs at the gym as well the shirt one is the one I’m most proud of even if it wasn’t a true xl.

  5. Thanks Justin. I also get 30 minutes to an hour of submission wrestling on Sundays.

    It shouldn’t surprise you that my program was provided by Gant.

  6. @Justin I LB played around with narrower and wider grip while it hurt. Getting in position and using the bar or 135 was fine but after the load of a heavy set it burned inside the right joint and I couldn’t lift my right hand higher than my head for a few minutes.
    My grip and placement of the bar normally are symmetrical. The best compromise was a grip about 2″ further out on the right side than the left.

  7. AND Reid has never lost a first round playoff match-up, those are pretty convincing numbers. I love watching the Clay Matthews and AJ Hawk though, hope then can get to Vick.

    And yea, I wouldn’t be surprised if NO hangs 50 on the seachickens.

    Oh, and I don’t do conditioning right now, I breathe heavy enough after 5 heavy reps.

  8. Haven’t posted in ages; been getting a Master’s degree. By the way, PR on getting the Master’s degree.

    Training suffered for the past semester, so not many PRs.

    Press: 165 lbs x 1 (5-lb PR)
    Squat: 255x3x5 (50 lbs from PR)
    Bench: 200x5x3 (20 lbs from PR)
    Deadl: 335×5 (30 lbs from PR)
    Press: 130x5x3 (20 lbs from PR)

    For conditioning, I’ve done
    1) 5-10 hill sprints, adjusting rest
    2) 5-10 40-yard sprints/runs/walks carrying a 100# sandbag in various positions, adjusting speed and rest duration
    3) 3-10 sets of burpees, adjusting rest between sets and reps per set

    I’ve done conditioning work once or twice a week. In a Monday, Wednesday, Friday routine, it would be on Wednesday after the strength training and/or Saturday when there’s still a day to rest.

    This all is good to go. The conditioning isn’t invasive, and he probably does them at pretty high intensity.


  9. Training: TM/SS on the main lifts training every third day due to work.

    Conditioning: Prowler work every third day at work, alternating heavy/short (190-250lbs and 20-30 yards) days with longer/lighter days (50-100lbs and 40-50 yards). This is in conjunction with any fires or training that happen to come up on shift.

    I have to really watch my recovery and sleep on my rest day or fatigue accumulates much too quickly.


    Here’s a guy that usually trains twice a week and still needs to watch recovery. You gotta do what you gotta do to make progress.


  10. What’s an office wife?


    A work spouse is a co-worker (usually of the opposite sex)[1] with whom one shares a special relationship, having bonds similar to those of a marriage; such as, confidences, loyalties, shared experiences, and a degree of honesty or openness. The work spouse is a potentially key relationship when one’s actual spouse or boy/girlfriend is not able to be there. As people work more and more and spend less and less time at home, these hybrid relationships have begun to spawn more and more.

    …and they don’t like it when you eat a dozen eggs and half a pound of cheese.

  11. @Robert
    Pressing with a wide grip (ie same as most people bench with) is a hard thing to do. I’m pressing 20lbs over bodyweight and use a grip just barely inside shoulder width. My index fingers are 1/4″ from the start of the knurling.
    The stronger your shoulders get the more viable it becomes, yet many great lifters of the press era did not use a wider than shoulder width grip.

  12. Were you accustomed to heavy reps when you hurt yourself on the heavy rep? Were you an experienced deadlifter at that point?
    Quote my questions in your response since there are so many comments in this post.


    No, I was pushing up into the “heavy” territory for the first time (I’ve always been a shitty deadlifter). I was doing 5 reps once a week, adding 5 pounds per week. I had been up in the 360-370 lb area before a layoff, but this time pushed up to 410 lb and the 5th rep is where it all went wrong. I’ve always had a hard time with my proprioceptive feedback, particularly with my lumbar extension during deadlifts, so I’m sure that played a big factor. I remember that my lower back was a bit rounded as I was doing it, but completed it anyway. After that, I didn’t do any other heavy deads, but heavy squats re-injured it pretty badly, particularly the 180kg third attempt in my first PL meet in November (didn’t attempt deads at the meet).

    I haven’t done anything over 185 lbs since then, and although it does seem to be getting better, the pain is still there. The chiro said it would be 4-6 weeks when we met the first time in late november / early december. I’ve been at home with the folks for the past 2 and a half weeks so no chiro for me until monday.

  13. i like to go to judo class at my university and wrestle fat chicks for 20 minutes or so 2 times a week. Its fun, i work up a sweat, and the fat chicks seem to enjoy being manhandled. What you think? Go or No go?

    Haha, this’ll do. Community service too.

    If you’re doing it just for some conditioning it’s fine. If you were working towards a specific goal, it may not be optimal. Stuff like that is challenging though.


  14. PRs:

    Deadlift, 335 x 5 (

    Press, 170 x 1

    Also just started to cut some weight, and down a few lbs from 194.4 to 190.0. Not sure how low I’m going to go, but my BF% is definitely higher than I’d like it.

    You’re not really at a body size that needs to cut, so I hope there’s a good reason. Also, get your chest up more in that starting position. You might be a dude who needs lots more protein and not as much shitty carbs in your diet. Oh, and are you lowering the DL because the gym employees yell at you? That’s gonna use up a lot of energy.


  15. Lifting:
    Monday- 5/3/1 Squat
    Tuesday- 5/3/1 Bench
    Wednesday- 3,3,3 Clean
    Thursday- 5/3/1 Press
    Friday- 3,3,3 Deadlift

    Monday- 10x 60yd Sled pull (45lb)
    Wednesday- 8x 100yd Sled pull (45lb)

    Maximum enswolleration is the goal.

    Too much? Too little? Consolidate? Ideas?

    This program is set up pretty well — you’ll have a hard time overtraining on it. The sled pulling is appropriate. If you pull the same thing every week then you should alter work/rest ratios as you improve (less rest, in this case).


  16. Texas Method + 1 or 2 days of short conditioning.

    Conditioning typically consists of Tabata Row one day, and sprint intervals up to 100m the other.

    Occasionally when I feel bogged down I will scrap intensity day and do some barbell complexes to give my CNS a rest.

    Squats are at 370, 310, and 415 for the respective days.

    Bench: 235, [only press on light day], 255.

    Press: on light day only – 170 3×5

    Halting: 465×7
    Rackpull: 495×5

    Lookin OK, Justin?

    Ahh, it’s okay, but I have problem with scrapping the intensity day. Your volume day should be adjusted instead of scrapping the intensity day since the intensity day is what you want to drive up if you want to get stronger. And it isn’t a “CNS” thing for recovery — the central nervous system isn’t the thing that is tired. It’s your neuroendocrine system responding to the stress it’s undergoing. It’s a pet peeve of mine that the internet strength training community cites it as a CNS problem when it’s the hormonal system all out of whack because of the improper stress imparted on it (improper meaning too much to the point of overtraining).

    Tabata Row and short sprints fine, though.


  17. Here’s my two conditioning workouts:

    -5 minutes light jogging (warm up)
    -30 second sprint/30 second jog X 20 reps
    -5 minutes light jogging (cool down)

    20 X 30 meter sprints, with walking back to the start line as the rest

    I use 1) for a tougher work out, and 2) for a lighter workout for when i am injured, or have less time, or have a tought weights room session comming up.

    R P McMurphy

    If you flat out sprint for 30 seconds 20 times, you’re not human. Tabata sprint will have a person do 8 at the most, and it wipes people the fuck out. I’m not a fan of that one because it lasts 20 minutes and, because of that duration, can’t get energy output levels high enough to be a significant, quality stress. Number two has a little too much volume too — is it for speed? Is it for conditioning? Hard to say without work/rest ratios. Depends on what you’re training for, though.


  18. I don’t do any conditioning right now except for warming up with double unders or a short row. I’m starting to breathe heavy during sets of 5, so maybe I’ll do something about it soon. Since I can still stomp every girl at my gym in double unders and rowing, maybe I won’t. If I was going to do conditioning, it wouldn’t be anything stupid, and it wouldn’t involve kipping pullups or kipping muscle ups or 75 power snatches for time.

    As for training, I officially switched to high bar squats this week, since I promised Glenn and my Oly coach that I would. Then, I squatted high bar on Monday and almost had a nervous breakdown. So, I cheated on Thursday and squatted low bar. I went to train with my Oly coach today and was all prepared with my argument of why I should continue to squat low bar. He basically said that it wasn’t based on logic at all. He had me squat high bar, and I squatted a PR for a high bar triple. Sigh. Whatever. I’ve agreed to drop low bar. Again.

    I also switched my front squat programming to a ladder, which I totally love.

    Bench – 3 x 5 x 110 lbs
    HBBS – 3 x 80 kg

    You can see why I hate HBBS. My last LBBS set was 3 x 5 x 193 lbs.

  19. Have an army physical fitness test coming up in a month. Started doing 400M intervals once or twice a week and adding 1 each session. I’m not looking to max the run, just run somehwere around 15:00-16:00 minutes for 2 miles, so my I am running the intervals at a 6:30 minute pace.
    Since I am a month out I plan on going with 1 day of intervals, and another of a 2 mile run.

    Once that is over then I plan to implement strongman type conditioning, and buddy carries at the firehouse.

    Don’t neglect the use of quality Tabata sprints…They may help quite a bit. Consider alternating a max 2 miler with Tabata every other week.


  20. Squat: 350 3×5
    Press: 160 3×5
    Bench: 240 3×5 *not quite a PR
    DL: 435 1×5 *

    As for conditioning I do these workouts from time to time:

    -6 hill sprints with as much rest as needed between efforts… hill is very steep and just under 200m
    -“grace” 30 reps of 135# C+J
    -tabata box jumps…burpees…double unders..ect (only 1 or 2 per workout to keep it short and brutal)
    -Your 8 dip, 8 box jump, 5 pull up, 8 DB swing workout
    -the bear complex, keeping it on the lighter side with more reps…anywhere from 5-10 reps per exercise based on weight used for as many sets as I can get in under 10-12 min.

  21. pretty happy about this week

    my left arm seems to be healing up quite nicely, and though my legs needed a little break, they are recovering nicely

    Weight PR: 185lbs naked

    Bench: 300lbs 1RM
    Power Clean: 155lbs x 3 x 5

    i’m real happy about my bench… i probably could add another 10-15 pounds, but i didn’t want to get carried away

  22. @Antigen Impressive lift. You’re right about it being much harder with a bench width grip. I never knew what “keep your elbows under the bar” meant until i fixed the grip and it was immediately obvious

  23. New to 70’s Big

    This week, my BW is 195 lb, my one-rep C&J max is 190 lb, my snatch one-rep max is 155 lb. In addition to doing my olympic lift work, I do crossfit metabolic conditioning once a week.

    I cheerlead at a major D-I college, so I have to get stronger and bigger. Yet I am having trouble putting on just muscle without putting on a ton of fat. Also eating a paleo diet with an emphasis on alot of meat.

    I guess I have to believe I can get 70’s big!!

    If you’re having trouble, first look to the food intake (particularly protein) and look at the program. You’ll need more moderate volume with at least 5 reps each set to get a growth factor.


  24. Today, was a weightlifting day, I took the day off from Crossfitting today. Did the 225 Max workout these were my stats, I workout alone so, I didn’t push to the extreme due to safety concerns….

    Squat- 20 reps
    Bench- 7 reps
    Deadlift- 20 reps

    as prescribed with standards, no cheating and 225#.

  25. I am in the SOF community, and I love seeing a broad range of answers about the conditioning question. The “pop fitness” community, IMO, uses way WAY too much volume when a simplistic workout would, in all reality, provide more benefit than a complex “chpper” or “metcon”, two buzzwords I abhor.

    I stack this into my “hybrid mutant TM/SS/Greyskull” LP that I am currently experimenting with, 1 day after my moderate squat day and 1 day after my heavy pull day. I only condition 2 days a week, and still- magically it seems- to be in the top 10% of operators on our run. Works for me, so hey, there you go.

    wearing a 40lb vest:

    1st Go: 20 box jumps, 20″ – 1 min rest
    2nd Go: 20 box jumps, 24″ – 2 min rest
    3rd Go: 10 100m sprints, :20 rest in between, 4 minutes rest after the 10th sprint
    4th Go: 2x200m sprints, 3 minutes rest
    5th Go 1x400m sprint.

    Everything is done with max intensity after a good warm up. Performed after normal “B” workouts or after your core lift. Start out with no vest- military, LEO- work up to your full kit (minus helmet, just trust me on this one)

    Seems to round out pretty well while stilll allowing for adequate recovery- well, ish, but sometimes you have to pick the wrench, my friends.

    Good stuff, amlove21. Feel free to share your other ideas or experiments any time.


  26. amlove21-
    Im in SOF as well, and I totally agree on the volume issue you bring up. Ive been in my unit for 5 months and my boss has been on a program that has simply continued to up volume and crush and crush him. Then he wonders why he is dragged the hell out at the end of the week. Recently I decided to cut back to 3 conditioning days a week and three strength sessions with “finishers”. It’s been great so far and I feel able to recover better. The temptation in conditioning workouts that has been fueled by crossfit, gymjones and militaryathlete is to continually up the ante on these sessions. I think this is misguided. Just because something is harder doesn’t mean it will get you the response you want nor does it mean that what you are doing is helpful in acheiving your goals.

    I completely agree. Good to have both of your insights on this.


  27. sure, well said. At this point, I really dont care that you have a 2:30 Fran or a 2:00 Grace. That sort of thing may correlate to fitness, but if you can only squat your boyweight and gas after anything longer than 10 minutes- well, you know the rest.

    Doing that sort of thing consistently does done thing, unquestionably- it makes you better at doing that stuff. How beneficial that is remains to be seen.

  28. PRs
    Squat 125kg x 5 x 3
    Press 72.5kg x 5 x 3
    Bench press 100kg x 5 x 3
    Weighted Pull up @ 22.5kg x 5 x 3
    Bodyweight 86kg PR
    I crossfitted between 2008- 2009 at 70kg and 6′ tall. Start of 2010 I followed cffb for 2 months while drinking a gallon of whole milk a day, and I put on about 12kg. I switched to the novice weightlifting program on this site, the one with a ss strength day twice a week and 2 oly days. i injured my back doing 125kg x 5 for the first time, so I had to stop. Switched to crossfit stuff again. Once the back felt better I tried doing Average Broz training. In my wisdom I tried immediately training every day going to max and then doing sets of snatch, c+j and squat. I did this for about 3 weeks and got PR’s on snatch and clean and jerk, but injured my back again. I had acupuncture and chiropractic treatment which sorted my back out after a length lay off. I started university in september and followed crossfit pori programming for the term. I built my strength back up and started to get PRs- 205kg deadlift, 135kg squat x 2, press 75kg x 1 etc. To say this was my first term of university and I was also enjoying the alcohol and not getting a lot of sleep this was decent progress for me. I’ve decided to pursue strength training again now. Last year took me from a small guy to a medium size guy. This year I want to get big and strong. My goals by my 22nd birthday in june are-
    240kg deadlift (pr 205)
    180kg squat (pr 140)
    140kg bench (pr 115)
    115kg power clean (pr 97.5)
    90 press. (pr 75)
    105kg Bodyweight (currently 86)

    Conditioning is taking a back seat for the moment. I don’t mind losing my 6 pack if I’m on my way to getting brutally strong. I may add the bear barbell complex in after my deadlifts, but right now my priority is pushing up my lifts every session.

  29. @atomichop – I promise that the universe will not end if you lose your 6 pack. The universe is much happier that you are no longer a 6′ tall male who only weighs 70kg. Good job.

  30. DL 290×3

    The VA women’s state USAPL DL record is 320 (as far as I can tell from looking at the stuff on their website). I’mma shootin’ for 350 in Feb, and it looks like I’m going to get there!

  31. hi guys,

    long time reader, first time poster. I am currently following the Texas Method.
    height: 178 cm
    BW 90,5 kg (finally an adult male with ~200 lbs)

    Today´s PRs:
    Squat 152,5 kg x 5
    Bench 110 kg x 5
    Deadlift 182,5 kg x 5

    Greetings from Germany



  32. Agilitly Docs? I better check my email.

    Also, to everyone who wrote off the Hawks…fuck you, 41 points

    I rooted for them, but thought it was a lost cause. Can’t wait for the next round.


  33. I am currently back to LP after back injury layoff. I do firefighter specific conditioning. Today was exercise bike 30 seconds hard with high resistance/ 90 seconds rest X 3/ Stairmaster at 125 SPM for 60 seconds/ 3 min rest X 3, 300 meters on C2 rower as fast as possible/ 2 min rest X 3.

  34. I didn’t get any PRs this week but I did get a little video camera as a Christmas present to myself so I videotaped a couple sets of my workout today.

    With the conditioning article kind of along the same topic, I am announcing my rejection of the 200lbs obsession. At 5’7”, I am not one of those 6’+ guys who need to be 200lbs or they risk blowing away in a slight breeze. In December 2009, I competed in the 165lbs weight class for a powerlifting meet where I signed up for the deadlift and I hit 200lbs about a month and a half ago. I made those weight gains with insane food consumption. I also rejected pretty much all conditioning to try and make it to 200lbs+. My running ability went from signing up for an ultramarathon on a whim and completing it to sucking wind and walking after jogging a mile. I am back down to 190lbs with increased running and portion control. While I grew larger and gained strength, I didn’t feel like I got that much stronger from when I was 165-175lbs. I’m pretty sure I can find a happy medium of strength and conditioning that will affect where my bodyweight will be at, and I don’t think having to be 200lbs+ is where that will be for me.

  35. @kittensmash – YUP! Open mouth, insert foot! That was an unbelievably awful showing by the saints D, but man, Seattle played like they were gonna win that game start to finish. They’ll definitely get murdered on the road next week though.

    And I got my wish as a Pats fan, the Jets are comin to town, hope that one doesn’t bite me, but it should be fun to knock them out!

  36. My program is Everett’s 12 week technique development cycle from the book with 40-60% 1RM loads, mostly 40-50% plus CrossFit with 50% 1Rm loads and 50-70% intensity on the effort. The 12 wk program is 4x/wk and CF about the same.

  37. I bet Marshawn Lynch Has a pretty squat and press.

    Yeah, he ran like a fucking man right there. The announcers didn’t do it justice. They got all quiet. I was yelling on the couch and they were confused.


  38. Only one PR last week, on power cleans (i think this is my new favourite lift!)

    3x5x50kg (+5kg PR)

    Still can’t do a power snatch, though… Bullshit!

  39. Hmmm, don’t have that much more to say, but really want it to get to 100 comments… Have any other posts cracked 100? Can’t remember if that one about BFK’s traps did or not.

  40. I forgot to mention in my semi-rant against being 200lbs is the fact that I can barely fit in any of my clothes anymore and I don’t want to buy new clothes.

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