PR Friday, Videos, etc.

PR Friday

State your PR’s or update us on your training. Feel free to ask questions, I’ll check them throughout today. Also if there are specific topics you’d like to hear about, I can do my best to write about them.


The first video shows Chris squatting 500×10 — YEAH BUUUUUUDYYYYYYYY! Brent has already chastised Mike for his camera work, so I won’t do it here. He moves behind Chris towards the end of the set to spot him.

The second video is Mike squatting 430×10 in time period where he’s cutting weight for a PT test. Chris doesn’t say much; he must be tired from his set. Good lifting, fellas.

Do you have a video of you hitting some PR’s in a good training environment? Send them to

Edit: There may be some additions to this post throughout the day. You can also see more at the 70’s Big Facebook page.

64 thoughts on “PR Friday, Videos, etc.

  1. Small progress in the squat this week: 410 (5 pound PR). I’d really like to get to 500 by the summer.

    The bad news is that my squat is now equal to my puny deadlift. my grip is the limiting factor there. I can feel the power for a better DL in my legs and back, but I can’t hold on to the bar. I’ve started doing a lot more grip work, including the sets of 30 DB rows recommended by Gant, so hopefully that will change. I’ve been hesitant to use straps so far, as I don’t want my grip to fall way behind with respect to my DL, but I’m seriously considering them at this point. What do you guys think?

  2. Being awesome PR: I got Tamara Cohen (AKA T-Bone) to get in her first powerlifting meet. Not that she needed much convincing, but…I’m still going to take credit.

    Later today I’m going to squat 370×5 and bench 235×5, which are actually just PR ties.

  3. aight–starting to work my way back into real squats after a shoulder injury and hit 3×5 at 245. Felt good and had some good presses afterwards, but still don’t quite feel like I’m ready for power cleans or deadlifts.

    In more pressing news, on the message boards, ‘the porch’ in particular, their trying to say that UGA needs to adopt Crossfit as the new UGA football S&C program. Some of them even tried to say that crossfitters are “more explosive” than UGA football players. You up for setting them straight Justin or are you over this argument?

    I’d consider going on there and saying something just because I like UGA for the most part (I grew up an hour away, root for them, but am not a die hard fan). Link me.


  4. PRs:
    Deadlift: 350# x 5
    Barbell Row: 165# 3×5
    Chin Ups: 30# 6, 5, 5
    Bodyweight: 192#

    Took some video of myself doing all these lifts this week, which provided great feedback for teaking a couple things on my form.

    Every video of Chris rocking out and lifting in his garage makes me want to ditch the apartment thing and move out to the suburbs so I can have my own power garage.

    Since you asked I’d appreciate a post on how powerlifting meets work, how to prepare for one, and any other tid bits that you wish you’d known before your first meet. I’d also like to know how your training is going. Any PRs in the pipleine?

    Do a search on meets, I think there is a little bit of info. I can synthesize it since you aren’t the first person to ask.


  5. Squated and Deadlifted for the first time in 3 weeks due to a nagging knee injury…

    Squat 315×5
    DL 405
    (both well below my PR but still happy to get back in there doing it)

    Question: I watched this training video by Dorian Yates who said decline benching works the entire chest better than flat bench. Thoughts on this? He’s a massive specimen so I feel like he might know what he’s talking about.

    In my experience a lot of people, coaches or lifters, don’t like decline because of it’s injury potential. It doesn’t work the “entire chest better”, but he may have found it gave him better results with the copious amounts of drugs he was on. Are you on copious amounts of drugs and have similar body dimensions to Dorian?


  6. just curious as to why all the high rep squats?
    although i would rep that weight if i could

    Mike is cutting weight for a PT test. He was hoping to maintain 90% of his strength or so. I’m sort of speaking for him, but it’s going better than he planned (he just PR’d on press this past week). The sets of ten and journey to try and get 405×20 will help with his conditioning and give him something hard to do during this time when he can’t hit heavy (500+) weights.

    As for Chris, he was supposed to go heavy that day, and felt tired. So he probably knew what Mike was going to do and decided to go for 10 reps at 500. As far as the program goes, I worry that this might have an undesirable effect (since it was pretty high volume on a day that was supposed to be low volume), but it may or may not matter. He was feeling RECKLESS.


  7. Off topic but something that I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned here before. Do other people have problems with stretch marks on thighs and arse cheeks? I don’t really care too much, but I’m just interested to see if this is a common problem with other lifters. If this is the only side effect on my path to 70’s Big-ness…so be it!

    I have them in my groin area, but not anywhere else.


  8. Justin, Can you give me advise on how to get a nice bounce at the bottom of a squat?

    I like to drop with some speed, as i notice that get a really nice bounce. I see many good o-lifters do this, like pat menmdes, however I am doing a low bar squat.

    I am told that dropping fast is dangerous, and that one should drop slowly, to the point where the ascent is faster than the descent.

    Can you clear this issue up?

    many thanks,

    ps After readig you arnold post can i give you a book reccomendation. It is not really strength related. You should read Atlas Shrugged by ayn rand.

    I’ve never read Atlas Shrugged. I hear it’s a chore to get through. A friend gave me “Anthem” — are Rand’s books always focused on libertarian principles? If I read one, can I get the gist of all of them? Or is there exemplary plot and character development in Atlas Shrugged?

    And I’ll get to the bounce issue in a minute.

    Second Edit:

    The bounce is going to be dependent on technique first. If your knees aren’t out, then the adductors and hamstrings won’t be stretched and tight. Rip talks about this all the time in his books and I’m sure there are some topics on his message boards. If your knees travel forward at the bottom, then it’ll loosen up the posterior chain as well. Shoving the knees out will help them from going forward, so think of that cue first before messing with anything else. Then when that is good, you can think “knees out, then sit back” to ensure proper stretching in the p. chain for bouncing.


  9. I’ve been doing 5 sets of 5 reps with the same weight across and have made good strength and weight gains, but I’m having trouble recovering in time. So I have been doing the workouts only 2 times a week.I got a quick question. Would recommend keep doing what I’m doing or switch to 3 sets of 5? I’m 17 and weigh around 210 and play basketball around 3 times a week and eat a lot of food and milk and get 8-9 hours of sleep a night and I really wanna get to weighing around 230. Please respond.

    Squat: 275 x5
    Bench: 165 x5
    Deadlift: 295 x5
    Press: 135 x5

    Yes, this is one reason why the 5×5 linear progression poops out quickly; it’s a lot of volume. That’s also why 3 sets works better in a Starting Strength program. 5×5 should be primarily for competing lifters, and then they’d vary it differently anyway.


  10. On Monday I deadlifted 475×5 and it felt good. More importantly, my grip hasn’t been sucking as much the past few weeks.

    Squatted 460×4 on Wednesday and I probably should have done another but I wussed out. After a few minutes rest I did a single @475 as punishment for being a wuss. I figured I could do it but it went up easier than I thought. Not sure I’ll be ready to make an attempt at 500 before the end of the year, but if all goes well I’ll get it in January.

    If I could get my upper body to catch up with my lower then maybe my bench wouldn’t suck so much. :P

    And I agree with Nicola: Keep your fucking knees out. haha

  11. PRs This week, peaking week with 5/3/1, feeling good, going to be bored during deload week.

    Bench: 175×9 PR (old 1rm was 205)
    Squat: 330×5 (5 lbs off PR)
    Press: 130×6 PR (by 1 rep, but still)
    Deadlift: 390×8 PR

    Been throwing in some sprints, burpees, and light KB work as well, feeling great overall, ready to hit the next cycle.

    Question to anyone who knows: How many reps should I be shooting for on my top sets in terms of increasing my training max? Wendler says increase sq/dead by no more than 10 and bench/press by no more than 5. I was looking at reps, and thinking raise everything by those numbers, and then stop/slow my raises when/if my reps get down to 5 on my final sets for the cycle. That sound reasonable?

    Wendler’s advice is that way for a reason. If you’re an experienced lifter it would make sense to listen. If you are still kinda new and you low balled yourself, you might be able to make progress faster. I’d listen to Jim first, though.


  12. If you haven’t been on Facebook, we’re going to do a test run with a chat room. I want some kind of chat to be a weekly thing. If you’re interested and can’t get on Facebook, say so and I’ll keep you updated here too.

  13. On Monday, squatted 355x3x8 on :90. Incredibly hard. Just starting to feel recovered today. Barely.

    Next Monday starts a 6 week strength/power cycle, then will transition to my in-season training 2 weeks from the start of the rugby season.

    I am growing my hair and beard, unfettered.

    Good things are coming.

    Unfettered is a good word. Nice job.


  14. Press: 175# x 4 (completely stalled on 5th rep)

    Deadlift: 385# x 2

    Grip always slips on my last deadlift rep. Need some grip work badly.

    You’re alternating the grip, right? Using chalk? Where do you train? The bar may be thick if you’re at a commercial gym.


  15. Getting back into the training groove and running out my third set instead of cutting off at 5 and it feels great.

    Also rocking the mohawk and beard. While some compare to Mr T it is more an homage to Soap MacTavish.

  16. Justin

    During Texas Method, which day would be the appropriate day to go for a 10rm? Intensity day would make sense to me… but would that be too much volume?



    Intensity day. You can run your TM to have the 10RM repeated. You may need to alter volume day though. If 5×5 is too much, you could reduce sets, increase reps and reduce weight, or whatever. Just depends on your goal.


  17. I wouldn’t really consider a 10RM “intensity.” I mean, it’s intense, like, fucking HARD, but intensity in the context of TM is load dependent, and a 10RM isn’t going to be a high percentage of 1RM.

    Indeed. He could use it as his intensity day if he wanted. I’ve had Ace and Brent do this.


  18. @Gregor
    I get stretch marks very badly. Through my armpits, front to back, on the corner of my pec coming out of the armpit and on my left bicep. I also have some on my inner thighs. When I was heavier and my legs were bigger there were stretch marks on the back of my knees too.
    I used to weigh under 140 less than 3 years ago.

  19. Unfortunately no lifting PR’s for me this week but the good news is that I’m back in the gym.

    12 weeks pregnant and I have already packed on 8 lbs. I have a new found love for chicken wings.

  20. Bench: 295 for 5 singles. The most weight I’ve ever benched.

    Squat: 395X10. I’ve Box Squatted more but that was to a high box.

    Front Squat: 155kg X 3

    Deadlift: 405 + 170 in Chains. It’s the most I’ve ever done Sumo. Conventional is my style of choice but after blowing out a disk two years ago this is the heaviest I’ve gone in the Deadlift, so Sumo might become my new style of choice out of necessity.

    I also PRed in Muscle Ups too, but I doubt that counts as a 70sbig lift.

  21. Just started working out again following an 8 month hiatus with a broken femur. All numbers below are 5RM:

    Body Weight: 188
    Deadlift: 295
    Squat: 185
    Press: 130
    Bench: 230

    I can’t wait to see these numbers increase!

  22. Squat:

    Front squat:

    I now outsquat 90% of the guys at my gym, and I’m not even strong yet. This really fucking pisses me off. It’s not magic. Man the fuck up and squat more. Or keep your abs and be outsquatted by a girl. Whatever.


  23. @Jake – Oh, sorry Briskin. I didn’t read the comments before I posted. Yes. You deserve credit for this whole PL meet. I have a crew of girls lined up already, and this will be everyone’s first PL meet. Ooo, Being Awesome PR for you.

    @Ginger – Other than calling people a pussy to their faces, I’m not sure how to solve the problem. I asked my husband if he realized how fucking retarded it is that he can bench more.than he squats after not having benched for 9 years. I’m sorry, I must have missed the memo about ball slams and knees to elbows being more valuable than squatting more than a fucking girl. Surely, if you are training for LIFE you must realize that. Fucking training for life. Awesome.

  24. TBone! killer squat!

    i didn’t hit any PRs this week, but i forgot to post last week…

    Squat 188×2

    my previous was 185×1, i was going for one rep with 188, but it was so damn easy i just had to do another. i wish i would have put more weight on the bar!

    btw i have been doing 531 for about four months now

  25. mostly modest PRs this week, but PRs nonetheless:

    Press: 115×11 (ties a PR)
    Deadlift: 240×15
    Bench Press: 190×12
    Squat: 220×10

    inching ever closer to manhood

  26. I’ve got a question. I recently wanted to switch to double overhand grip thanks to chris who just looks badass. I’ve always warmed up with it and then switch to mix grip for the workset. But last deadlift day i just did double overhand and my hands were burning. Is there an easier way to ease into it or just be a man and switch and the pain will eventually go away?

    Chris not only hook grips, but he has large hands. Do you meet these requirements?


  27. lifting prs:
    Dip +135×2
    Bench 265×4

    logging prs:
    completely filled up my ‘Basic Barbell Training log’ In a little under 2 years, making the average 3.3 workouts a week since January 09.

  28. Today marked my first meet (australian national deadlift challenge)

    cut 8kgs to compete at 90kg weighing at 89.9

    went 220kg 1st attempt
    260 2nd
    Missed out on 282.5 for a National record. Pretty happy for my first meet, although 282.5 is my all time pr@96kg today was my strongest day at 90

  29. Wow. Bloody awesome videos, guys – insane hitting that kind of weight for 10 reps! (And they looked a shitload prettier than my ugly-arse form at nowhere near that heavy. *sigh* lots of work to do…)

    Think i might have to switch to front squats for a while, as back squats (and pressing movements) tend to aggravate one of the muscles in my inside upper left arm. I’m not sure if it’s part of the biceps or triceps but I do know it’s a real pain in the arse!! Might have to have a physio look at it, as it’s just holding me back.

    Anyone had anything similar to this, and if so, how did you tackle it?

    You need to fix your grip on squat. That’s all I can say without seeing it.


  30. “I’ve never read Atlas Shrugged. I hear it’s a chore to get through. A friend gave me “Anthem” — are Rand’s books always focused on libertarian principles? If I read one, can I get the gist of all of them? Or is there exemplary plot and character development in Atlas Shrugged?

    And I’ll get to the bounce issue in a minute.


    It is a MASSIVE book – You could do 4″ deficit deadlifts on it.

    But…It is basically the best book that she has done, and pretty much summises her opinions of everything (with a lot of libitarian stuff, not only in relation to politics but also relationships). In particular, the positive side of
    capitalism/production. I tend to be more of a liberal guy, but even then i view it as showing the good in capitalism and humans striving to be be the best they can.

    If you read Atlas shrugged you will get the gist of all her books.

    The pace of it is very detailed, and there are literally 20 plot lines and themes, ranging from politics to love.

    You’ll either be bored by the pace or you’ll love the detail.

    If reading is not your thing, there is a great unabridged audio book version. I tend to commute a lot so, listening to an audio book is perfect.

    It is well worth reading just so you can have an opinion.

    R P McMurphy

    PS Despite the title, there isn’t much shrugging in it. So probably not one for brent fucking kim to read.

    I like reading; this year I’ve read more books than any other year. A book of that size is daunting, and I’ve heard the pace is difficult (actually, Rip told me that).


  31. “PS Despite the title, there isn’t much shrugging in it. So probably not one for brent fucking kim to read.”

    That’s comment of the fucking month right there.

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