PR Friday, Motivation, Not Dying, etc.

PR Friday

Post your weekly PR’s or training highlights to the comments. We can also talk about sports and food or anything else. We should also make fun of Jake Briskin for apparently eating the same three meals over and over for the past few months.


70’s Big boils down to having fun while training hard, but some times times may get difficult. There are hundreds of reasons your training can deteriorate, and even more reasons that can prevent you from striving for success in life. Most of the time your mindset is the primary culprit or beneficiary. I saw this picture yesterday and felt kind of bad about myself. Then I heard he had an assistant, was majoring in creative writing, and probably paid for some credits. I’m still impressed that he has a successful acting career and wants to get an education, despite this.

In any case, I have an interest in successful people. I came across this article about a guy who graduated from California State University with two degrees in three semesters (no summer school). If you aren’t impressed, his degrees were in Computer Science and Mathematics. He talks about fully committing himself to a given goal and eliminating anything else that would inhibit the process of achieving that goal:

Think about what would happen if you elevated one of your goals or projects to the level of “mission” or “purpose” and became deeply committed to it for 30-120 days, ruthlessly triaging out of your life everything that wasn’t connected with that purpose. Some type-A behavior patterns would naturally emerge, such as being driven, hard-working, and busy. But the negative side of type-A (aka “hurry sickness”) need not be present. That type of behavior is in fact induced by a lack of clear focus, trying to label too many things as urgent AND important instead of taking the time to discover the core of what’s most important and meaningful to you.

Too often people will create excuses, avoid risk, and convince themselves that they aren’t capable of something. I think that life success is more important than training success, but training can create the foundation to other successful routes. If you’re struggling with decisions in life or a commitment to training, evaluate what’s important, where you want to go, and push forward with a committed mindset. There isn’t such thing as luck, so start putting the time in. I know I will.

Strength Makes You Harder To Kill

You’ve seen quotes about how strength can help you survive in various ways. Well, there is actually some research that shows how strength can improve a man’s survivability. Dr. Kilgore has been using an article from the British Medical Journal since it was published, and has even put it on a t-shirt (use the code “70BG” without quotes to get 10% off any order over $25). The article, Association between muscular strength and mortality in men: prospective cohort study, is a great step towards mainstream health and fitness appreciating the utility in strength.

Conclusion Muscular strength is inversely and independently associated with death from all causes and cancer in men, even after adjusting for cardiorespiratory fitness and other potential confounders.

There have been several sites that summarized the article, such as this one, and they had this to say:

After adjusting for known risk factors for cancer, heart disease, and death, the men with the lowest level of muscle strength had:

* 1.46 times greater risk for death
* 1.59 times greater risk of death from cardiovascular disease
* 1.24 times greater risk of death from cancer

Cardiovascular fitness did appear to have a stronger beneficial effect than strength training. The benefits of strength training carried across all age groups. It also appeared to provide benefits even if a participant was overweight or obese.

The large sample size and variation in age and medical conditions in this longitudinal study makes the findings very interesting. Additionally, this study used 1RM leg and bench presses to measure strength as opposed to the often used hand grip test (there is a correlation between hand grip strength and overall strength which is why it’s used in epidemiological studies — and it’s easy to implement). This study continues the trend in other related studies that strength is inversely related to mortality rate.

This isn’t profound to what we do; this website has a mantra of strength as a primary goal and then using that strength to get conditioned for something. Yet this BMJ adds to the growing mantra that strength = health.

And we have a winner…

Novemburly Beard Contest

Josh from Quebec pulled a stunning Joe Namath-like upset by declaring himself the winner, and aiming to get 1870’s Big. When the polls closed he was beating Trampas by a pube of 142 votes to 136. Honorable mention goes out to Tallahassee’s Robert with 124 votes. Thanks to all the man-men who submitted their beard pics.

Josh is the winner with his 1870s beard

70’s Big Euro Tour

My Irish pal John Benton and I are creating a diabolical plot that would bring the new and updated 70’s Big Strength and Conditioning Workshops to Europe. John has sent some feelers (I guess feeling is an Irish thing) and the following cities are potential hosts: 2 venues in Dublin, 2-3 venues in the U.K (Manchester,London, and possibly Cardiff Wales and Newcastle), Copenhagen, and Basel, Switzerland.

If you are interested in attending or hosting, then let us know in the comments, on the Facebook fan page, or e-mail me. The more venues or attendees there, the more likely the trip can happen.

Chat Room Vote

We are going to start a weekly chat room meeting. During this time readers can ask questions to me or anybody else (AC, Chris, Mike, Brent, and others assuming they are present) about pretty much anything.
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No Excuse

Edit: Continue voting on beard pics if you haven’t already. Results will be posted tomorrow.

Paul is a reader on the site who is 31 years old and has been strength training for about a year. We’ve had a few posts that urge readers to commit to competing, and it motivated Paul to enter in his first strongman competition.

I had a great time, met some cool people, and had fun trying something unlike anything I had done before. If anyone is on the fence about competing in one of these, I say go for it. I went in with my only goal being to not fail an event, and I was successful in that.

Paul was in a class with lots of very strong guys even though it was the “lightweight novice” class. All the competitors weren’t rare physical specimens; one competitor who was at least 10 years older than Paul busted his ass just like everyone else in spite of pre-existing injuries.

I think a lot of people feel intimidated by strongman, powerlifting, etc. because they think they’ll be ridiculed by huge, strong guys. My experience was exactly the opposite and it was one of the only competitive environments I’ve been in where competitors were cheering and pushing each other to all do their best.

We may see videos or here stories of top competitors vying for victory in ultra-competitive environments, but local powerlifting, strongman, and Olympic weightlifting meets are always full of good natured people willing to give some advice to a beginner. Paul realized he no longer had an excuse for not competing. If fearing failure is the only thing you’re worried about, then you don’t have an excuse.

Thanks for sharing, Paul.
Edit: How awesome is Paul’s wife?

Beard Contest

Not everyone can grow a beard. First, someone may have missed out on the genetic trait of beard growing. Second, someone may have a job or wife that prevents them from growing it out. Third, someone may lack the testicular fortitude to grow one. These are the men that ignored all three obstacles, and got burly during Novemburly.

#1 - Scott from Chicago, 6'4, 220

#2 - Brian

#3A - Zac

#3B - Zac again, I thought both were kinda funny

#4 - Trampas (see info below)

Trampas’ e-mail included the following stats/message:

Ht: 6’6″
Wt: 285
Linear Beard Progression:
Time: 29 days
Length: 1.25 inches
Animals housed: 2 deer, 1 rabbit

Merry Christmas! Shitter was full!

#5 - Milton, 6'1, 235

This is all I got in my direct e-mail. If you have a gnarly beard, send it in today and I’ll add it throughout the day. Happy lifting.

#6 - Mathis, 5'10, 220

#7 - Nick

#8 - Paul, recent strongman event (write up coming)

#9 - Brian

#10 - Jake, beard project while in Pakistan

#11 - Gabrus, rugby player and comedian (see link below)

Gabrus, the comedian

#12A - my friend Robert

#12B - I liked this one of Robert too

#13 - Sean, 5'10 and 240, likes to party

#14 - Josh from Quebec, self-proclaimed victor of contest

#15 - Harrison makes his way into another pic contest

#16 - Craig pulling the beard off at work

#17 - Kris, gained 20 pounds in Nov, and squatting old 1RM for 3x5

#17 - the forgotten Matt

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PR Friday, Videos, etc.

PR Friday

State your PR’s or update us on your training. Feel free to ask questions, I’ll check them throughout today. Also if there are specific topics you’d like to hear about, I can do my best to write about them.


The first video shows Chris squatting 500×10 — YEAH BUUUUUUDYYYYYYYY! Brent has already chastised Mike for his camera work, so I won’t do it here. He moves behind Chris towards the end of the set to spot him.

The second video is Mike squatting 430×10 in time period where he’s cutting weight for a PT test. Chris doesn’t say much; he must be tired from his set. Good lifting, fellas.

Do you have a video of you hitting some PR’s in a good training environment? Send them to

Edit: There may be some additions to this post throughout the day. You can also see more at the 70’s Big Facebook page.