Urlacher, Videos, etc.


Chris and Mike continue to make abnormal videos when they train. This first one includes Chris squatting 600×2, and Mike squatting 495×3 (amidst cutting weight for his upcoming PT test).

The following video includes Mike squatting 405×12, Chris’ shaky camera work, and some random narration by Chris.

Urlacher is 70’s Big

Duane weighs 225 and grew a beard, so he thought he was kinda big. Then he met Brian Urlacher at the airport (after that Thursday night game the Bears won last week), and Brian makes Duane look like a kid.

For you noobs, Brian is a very good linebacker in the NFL. He’s big, fast, and explosive. He’s also a strong lifter; I have a friend who played football with him at New Mexico, and Brian power cleaned 405. Probably looked like this:

PR Friday

Post any PR’s you had this week. I’d prefer if we kept the weight gain postings to yesterday’s Thanksgiving post.

30 thoughts on “Urlacher, Videos, etc.

  1. What is Mike doing to cut weight for his PT test? Cutting back on how much he is eating, adding in more conditioning? Both?

    I have the army tape test and apft coming up also, necessitating a change in programs to get ready for the 2 mi run.

    Mike eliminated half his carbs right off the get go. He’s really meticulous with what he eats on a regular basis (i.e. on a routine) and had a gauge with how much he was removing. I can get him to go into detail, but his main goal is to satisfy the waist circumference.


  2. First Posting after about 4 months of checking in everyday.

    I am a collegiate soccer player (so hardly the typical 70’s big candidate) but I love to lift nonetheless.

    Squatted 315 and deadlifted 395 at 185 bodyweight this week. Also hit an all time weight high of 194.1 at the end of thanksgiving last night. 8.9 pounds in a day isn’t too shabby

  3. Got my squat workset back up to 170 lbs, which was where I was over the summer before I switched rep schemes. And, it was fucking ugly over the summer. Now, it is pretty. So…

    Squat 3x5x170lbs

    I’m squatting twice a week adding 5 lbs per workout, and it’s going well other than me wishing to die instead of getting back under the bar.

    I got back to doing some pushups, chinups and ring dips this week. I have a whopping 6 dead hang chinups right now, which is actually a surprise because I’ve gained almost 15 lbs and haven’t done chins in months. Think I can get back to at least 10 fairly quickly. I am hoping this will all be very good for my sorry ass shoulders.




    Deadlift 365# 4×1 (grip slipped @ rep 5)

    Also, passed my training certification test. I want to get some sort of powerlifting cert/attend a workshop so I have something tangible to offer aside from reading S. Strength, watching Rip videos, and this site. Thoughts?

  5. Got a pretty easy squat PR of 5x255lb and a really tough Bench PR of 5x155lbs then I got a really nasty sprained wrist power cleaning.

    Anyone have experience training with a sprained wrist? I’m thinking of continuing with the squat portion of my workout, then adding some good mornings and maybe weighted planks and calling it a day.


  6. I feel like a baby compared to everyone on here. I weigh 173 lbs, and I’ve gotten a lot of PRs this week.

    3 sets of 5 PRs:
    Squat – 235
    Bench – 210
    Press – 125
    Pull-ups – 65 (lbs)
    Dips – 100 (lbs)

    5 sets of 3 PR:
    Power Clean: 145

    1 set of 5 PR:
    Deadlift – 285

    1RM PR:
    Snatch – 148
    C&J – 200 (really happy about this one)

  7. The most impressive part, is that Urlacher was power cleaning 405 while still in middle school.

    Anyways this week I squatted 303×3, but missed 303×5. My lifting schedule is messed up.

  8. haven’t hit PRs in awhile now, been out of the gym for about 4 weeks. first with a groin injury, tied in with a crazy work schedule, and then last week/this week with the birth of my second son. So, family growth PR anyway, we added 6lbs 11oz of future 70s big stud on 11/18. Pretty solid, can’t wait to get these boys liftin heavy and eatin big! Back to the gym Sunday I hope where I’ll take a big reset and start the progressing over again. Looking forward to getting back to it!

  9. PRs:
    Registered for Richmond Open BP/Powerlifting Championship on April 16–my first meet.

    Deadlift: 345 x 5
    Bench: 250 3×5
    Press: 135 3×5
    Row: 160 3×8
    Geese: 3

    I PR plateaued at 305 on squats, and failed four workouts at 310, so I deloaded 10% on squats, down to 275 last week. I’ll be doing 290 tomorrow. I hunted and ate 3 geese. I bought 4 gallons of whole milk last night. I’ll be drinking a gallon a day until I reach 200 lbs and hopefully I’ll set some new Prs. I think I’m going to compete at 198. Right now I’m about 187 and I the last thing I want to do is go down to 181 even though it might make me more competitive. I’m hoping to lift the following weights at the meet in April: Squat 350, Bench 275, Deadlift 400. I’ve had pretty steady linear progress up until now, but I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll hit a wall soon, especially on bench press.


  10. @Willie – wtf is the matter with you? I literally said “oh fuck” out loud.

    PR – Bench Press 210 x 5 and 207.5 x 3 on Monday/Friday, respectively

    Haven’t been able to Squat, Front Squat, or Deadlift in over a week now (or Power Clean in 2 weeks) due to a lower back injury (left side of lumbar region). No clue what the problem is, especially considering it just barely started hurting after the 2nd set of Squats and I have a VIDEO of the 3rd set: (outside of it being high-bar, I don’t see much of a problem in it, either):

  11. Pr’s this week:
    SQ – 310x3x5
    DL – 365×5
    PC – 175x5x3
    Both presses are on a reset, should be pr’ing them next week. Squats were really tough this week, i’ll probably have to reset those soon. Hopefully I can get 315 first.

  12. Even in middle school, Urlacher was a man among boys. I would love to meet Brian one day, especially being that he is my favorite player, in a certain city, with a certain former coach, on a team known as Da Bears.

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