PR Friday

PR Friday

Submit your week’s personal records to the comments. Or say hi. Or update us on your training. Or talk about football. Especially talk about football, because Brent doesn’t like football (conversely, football doesn’t like Brent).

Beard of the Day

My lady took this picture of Glykon's Herakles

Update: Oops, stuff came up. Training, errands, and F-22 Raptor pilot graduation. I’m sorry I’m not sorry.

71 thoughts on “PR Friday

  1. PRs:

    Deadlift: 335 x 5
    Overhead Press: 135 3×5
    at bodyweight 186

    Going goose/duck hunting tomorrow morning, the first day of the season, in a great spot. Should yield several solid meals.

  2. Week one of 5/3/1 so light weight.
    Bench: 165×10 PR
    Press: 115×10 PR
    DL: 365×8 PR

    Squats were off. Really liking the new program. Got to remember not to hit the conditioning too heavy before squats/deads though.

  3. 265 # PR in Clean and Jerk.

    Ate a family proportion of ravioli with meat sauce + a half pound meatball on Saturday.

    Raiders are going to smash this weekend coming off the bye!

  4. clothing PR: ripped my boxer shorts on Wednesday, and my “loose fit” jeans are now very tight in my thighs and ass.
    Up 5# in b/w since last week when I decided that I would go up from 165# to 181# at my next USAPL meet in February. I want to be at 185# or so until the meet, compete, then it will be time to reassess.

    PR on box jumps yesterday: 42″ for 2 sets of 5.

    Not bad for a 40 y/o guy who’s only 5’7″.

  5. PR Update:

    I just went to the gym and hit a deadlift PR of 340 x 5 and a Bench Press PR of 250 3×5.

    Anger Management PR: I worked out yesterday but it was really shitty because I was very tired so I didn’t finish all my sets. Then this morning my computer screwed up and I lost a file I’d been working on for several hours. I channeled that anger into the barbell.

  6. Got rejected by this girl with the usual excuse “Im hanging out with my friends”..Bitches be bitches(Ladies of this site, please dont take offense, justin, delete this if you feel it doesn’t contribute).

    Hit 325 for a set of 5 deadlifts from a 3 inch defecit.

  7. Ripped my first pair of shorts doing a set of front squats.

    Shoulder is healing up slowly but surely. Should be back to Oly lifting and pressing/pulling soon.

    Overheard my girlfriend telling her friend I had “a mean beard right now” That was good.

    @Kyle F: Go Raiders!

  8. I ripped a pair of shorts once doing a squat. Unfortunately it was at a globo gym with no weight on the bar. I pretended it didn’t happen. Ha world! See the Aquaman underoos and fear me!

    It is my first meet tomorrow also. I have not shaved nor trimmed my hair for it. I am excited! It’s gonna be cool! Competition is the best training!

  9. My last workouts this week all 3×5
    Squat: 275
    Bench Press: 265 (missed last rep)
    Press: 160
    DL: 345
    Body weight 241

    My 6 yr old daughter must have an exaggerated image of me. I showed her the Doyal Kenady 902 deadlift video and I told her, “look how strong he is!”

    She said, “You can do it with one finger, and spin it!” As she pointed her finger up and with the other hand made a spinning motion like you would spin a basketball on your finger.

  10. @ Nicola and Cainiac

    Are you competing at the Maryland States tomorrow? If so, I will see you there!

    Last night was one of the most boring games I had seen in a while, classic Bears football.

  11. OHS 108 didn’t do anything else heavy this week because I’ve still been feeling like crap all day everyday.

    Good luck with your first meet Nicola and Caniac. Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

  12. Hello, I’m new to 70’s Big. I’ve been reading for about a month and decided to join; I really like what I’ve been reading.

    I just maxed out my Bench this week, added 15 pounds since last month. I’m up to 275lbs. on my BP.

  13. Went to Rip’s SS cert last weekend. Really fucking awesome. It was surely the best money that I have spent on any sort of training seminar, even though I am still suffering and working on the exam tonight. I hope that my SS certificate has gold foil on it. The CrossFit Level 1 certificate has gold foil on it, and it only costs $1000 and is super useful, so I’d really like Rip to give me a sparkly certificate also because ooooo, shiny!

    I clarified a bunch of things at the cert. First, I need to low bar squat because I am terrible at high bar anyway. Second, I haven’t spent any additional time since the cert analyzing the pull from the floor on the clean and snatch to decide what I think. However, I kept an open mind at the cert, and on my second power clean rep, I threw the bar down and told Rip he was an asshole for ruining my picture perfect Oly universe. Because that bar was fucking closer to me on every pull at the cert. No lie. Fourth, Rip does not like my hair curly or with red shit in it, so I should grow it long again and blow dry it straight and not dye it stupid colors. Fifth, Rip said I am still too skinny, and I need to gain another 20 lbs and lift in the 75kg weight class. Finally, Rip thinks that you’d have to be an idiot not to find me fun, and I am interesting to the point that “all other women pale in comparison” to me, so OBVIOUSLY, the man is a genius.

    PRs at the cert:
    Power clean – 3 x 133 lbs. Basically this was a PR only because I haven’t power cleaned heavy in months now that I am only Oly lifting, and god knows when the last time I did a heavy power clean triple was.
    Bench press – 6 x 95 lbs. This was a PR because I’ve never benched before. Ever. So, Rip was guessing on what I could do and we were also seeing how my fucked up shoulder handled it. So, I got up to 5 x 95 lbs, which felt pretty easy, so he told me to do another rep because I had it in me.


  14. pressed 77×1
    benched 90×3
    squatted 182.5×4

    both my press and DL got stuck this week–the 77×1 was supposed to be a triple, and i couldn’t even pick up my last set of DL. i’m going to eat a few extra handfuls of beef, egg and salmon and get an extra couple hours of sleep tonight and try both lifts again tomorrow. will keep you posted.

    oh yeah! and i will be signing up for the minnesota state open in early february. i’ve only ever competed in olympic lifting, so i’m really excited to try a powerlifting meet!

    one more thing, CoolStoryBro—do you think maybe there could be a legitimate reason these bitches are turning you down? i mean, i know bitches will be bitches, but this is often in response to tools being tools…just sayin…

  15. PRs
    Squat 245 x 4
    Bench 170 x 4
    DL 275 x 4
    Shrug 315 x 20

    Also got up to 140 this week, slow progress, need to eat MUCH more.

    Mild tendinitis in my knee, may deload next week if it doesnt heal this weekend from all of the cryotherapy im gonna do.

    Any thoughts on deloading?

  16. Long time reader, extremely infrequent poster.

    This is 2 weeks late, but I had a PL meet on Nov. 6th. Squatted 475, benched 245, and deadlifted 440. Don’t ask me why my squat is so much better than my other 2 lifts.

    Took a week off then started olympic lifting. Training with Keith Minikus who I believe you (Justin) met at nationals. As of tonight my PRs are:
    40Kg Snatch
    50Kg Clean
    155Kg Front Squat
    I guess I need some serious practice.

  17. Deadlifted 295 x 5
    High-Bar Back Squatted 245 x 5 x 3
    Front Squatted 245 x 3
    Benched 207.5 x 5
    Pressed 147.5 x 5

    Also acquired a series on injuries, including a sprained pinky finger (playing basketball–ironically, the same finger I broke about 5 years ago in a basketball game), some pain in my right elbow (hopefully not tendinitis), and tonight, I appear to have pulled a muscle on the left side of my lower back. This is in addition to the chronic pain on my left trap that first occurred in November of LAST year (when I also strained or tore my rotator cuff).

  18. Justin,

    I remember in an earlier post you mentioned that your linear progression took your squat to the mid 400s. I’m curious as what you ended with on the other four lifts (DL, PC, BP, and Press). Thanks!

  19. Solid week of training. We had a new guy move into our house this week and he asked me to help him to get started on a strength training program after he heard I gained 45lbs. I handed him Starting Strength and said told him to read it and told him to drink all the milk in the fridge.

    PR’s for the week:
    Squat: 110K 3X5
    PC: 85K 5X3
    DL: 127.5 X 5

  20. let’s talk football! sunday will be vikings vs packers! ooh…

    i live just a couple blocks away from the metrodome in minneapolis.

    i can’t wait to see all the drunk vikings fans tossing slurred disses at the drunk packers fans.

    and poor favre with his sore shoulder. does he not squat or deadlift or eat steak? wouldn’t he be a lot more resilient to the wear and tear of football if he was a little heavier and could toss some serious weight around?

  21. Dunno why my post didn’t post before. Anyway, I squatted 360×5 (not a PR), benched 225×5 (not a PR, pathetic), and did some farmer’s walks, 225 per hand x 30ft x 2 trips.

  22. PR Deadlift 315: 5-5-5

    Felt good. Resetting my squat and making sure hips go below my knees is kicking my ass. I’m sore for 3 days.

    Bench is still creeping up and will hit 195(5-5-5) next week. Press is stuck and has been for a year, not sure how to push past it. I’m trying 3 presses, 3 push presses, 3 push jerks without racking the bar. Not sure if it is helping any.

  23. Where’s the article? I keep checking back Justin. Shit. And we need to have a Thanksgiving weight gain contest. I gained 8lbs that day last year, I will beat it next.

    I’m far from a feminist, in fact, I think feminists devalue the high calling of motherhood. But your “bitches will be bitches” term is fucking retatded. You sound immature and uneducated. I belive you aren’t and just said something stupid.

  24. I didn’t get much training in this week. I spent several hours wrenching on my truck, and consider that to be a 70’s big worthy activity.

    I trained today without access to a belt for the first time in months today.I knew I would not be setting any pr’s but i was happy with my training.I did set one PR but know I have much more with a belt and I have not attempted a max Squat since February.

    Squat PR: 315 x 1

    My work sets with a belt are 305x3x5.

  25. Squat – 405x1x3
    Bench – 265×3
    BW – 185

    Getting more and more interested in the Oly lifts. Right now, I am using my recovery day (Wed) of the Texas Method for technique work. Good or bad idea? Any suggestions for a better way to program them in?

  26. Bitches will be bitches
    (I am a girl and I approve this message)

    Finally hit 100×5 on my press. Gonna now focus on my bench so I can hit the numbers I want at my first meet in Feb.

    Also went to go see a USAPL meet in Laurel, MD to get an idea of what a meet is like. Brent was there but his traps were so intimidating I couldn’t bring myself to say hello, lest he wrest me to the ground and smother me with them in retaliation for disturbing his euphoria of staring at the ladies.

  27. I was at the MD PL meet yesterday. It was fucking awesome. It was my first meet. The whole universe disappeared when I walked on the platform. It was a great feeling. I want to do it again, I have no idea what I was lifting. My coach turned in the card and it was easy to tune out the weight when they loaded because that shit was in kilos. I could estimate, but didn’t know exactly. I like it that way, just lift, don’t think. I made all of my lifts. The guy who was before me was great. He was deaf, and the head ref cued him silently. Then he went total ape shit when he made his last attempt on one of the lifts. It was awesome!

    I wish I had talked to more people. I did make some new friends, but that was easy because they were from another CrossFit Affiliate. I am not quite sure how to approach people in this venue. I mean this is goofy – “Whadya bench?”. Anyway, everyone was cool.

    My next competition is the Baltimore Open in January.

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