70’s Big Attitude

70’s Big has always been about getting stronger, but in order to persistently get strong you need a kick-ass attitude. This whole “ass kickery” has developed into a demeanor that defines 70’s Big. Intense, hard work warrants a congratulatory, “that’s 70’s Big”. This is why we have the “70’s Big Face”; executing such a glare lets everyone know that you aren’t fucking around.

Ed from the picture contest is PISSED

Intensity is another defining feature of 70’s Big; we all remember Chris and the third attempt deadlift (children will hear this story for generations). That’s why I like the 105kg Olympic weightlifter Dmitry Klokov so much; the guy wants to lift the bar overhead and then break it over his knee.

Klokov is PISSED

Intensity is effective, but it’s useless without old school toughness. Recently Jeremy, Chris’ brother-in-law, played in a high school alumni football game. Jeremy grew up in Bowie, Texas shooting stuff, drinking beer, and bulldogging cattle. Unfortunately it had been over ten years since Jeremy could legally hit someone and take them to the ground, and that’s why he was excited to put the pads on one last time. Jeremy was an imposing force at middle linebacker against rival Henrietta …right up until a brawl cleared both benches at the end of the game (Texans take their football real fucking seriously). Even though Jeremy’s days as a weight lifter are behind him, he still exudes the 70’s Big attitude.

Jeremy at the game, and then on an average Saturday

Everyone who reads this site may not win medals or achieve fame, but maintaining a strong attitude and vigorously intense determination are qualities that will permeate into this thing called life. Go forward and attack each day, and you too will be 70’s Big.

AC attacks the day, because he is PISSED

64 thoughts on “70’s Big Attitude

  1. Way to be fired up T Bone.

    Finished first mesocycle of 531:

    +70 on DL to 490 (goal is 550 before Xmas)

    +25 on Sqaut to 431 (goal of 500)

    +5 bench to 310 (350 goal)–performed badly here

    +0 Press 220 (again shit)

    BW 250 — excited to be back lifting some real weights for the first time in 15 years or so.

    Looking for big bench and press gains in second meso.

    Will deload this week and do a little assistance, hill sprints, eat like a bear.

    Any thoughts from the forum on de-load week?

    Food PR:
    Made Texas chili for the first time. Pretty good for a yankee.

    Also rocked a massive steak and cheese calzone. I will post that one. Had to make it and eat it first as a test run.

  2. Request a stay of execution on the TSC and would ask Gant and Co. to keep the challengeopen for another week until the 9th.

    I really want to do this one but fucked my forearm up doing cleans with a shitty bar (no spin Justin!) a couple months back and aggravated it practicing one arm snatches this week…

  3. @ THE SCOTT
    Get your arms checked out, sounds like what I have (micro tears in the tendon). If it is you need to take 1-2 weeks rest from upper body movements to heal up or it will stick with you and potentially rip off when doing a heavy DL.

    @CBOS – I am a fan of the deload week…always feel like a homo in the gym doing ~50% 1RM stuff but it gives you a chance to throw a bit more conditioning in for the week and move light weights which is good for all of the connective tissue..tendons/ligiments etc.

  4. Ryan,

    lol. I’m not a red head.(brown) I don’t know what my parents were thinking when they named me.
    Here’s my 315 deadlift…sadly this is what I look like most of the time.
    I need some negative lbs. bodyweight PR’s. lol

  5. Ginger,
    My apologies! Since it’s mostly guys around here I assumed Ginger just meant you were a red headed guy. Haha. Nice deadlift! Where are you from? We’ll be at the meet in OKC with a few people from our gym in Amarillo.

  6. Female, 28

    Squat: 180 X 5
    Barbell row: 90 X 6 X 4

    “Light” weight for distance (20 lbs): 33’9″

    Justin, I think you would be impressed with my 70s big attitude on the scottish games field. I am constantly told I have the best holler when throwing.

  7. The master of the house has just started letting me train her on the barbell lifts this week and since she isn’t a member (…yet – give me time!), i’ll post her PRs for her.

    DL – 1x5x60kg (132lb)
    PR – 3x5x22.5kg (49.5lb)

    She’s doing an awesome job so far and says that she is enjoying this type of training more than “cardio” stuff – duh!
    Seriously though, i’m super proud of her and she’s picked up the DL and PR pretty easily so far.
    Squat racks arrive Thurs/Fri next week, so looking forward to cracking on with squats and bench as well.

  8. Busted a sweet short-term goal of mine this morning that I feel like sharing, my old 1RM for 5×3. Good stuff! Any comments on my form, or any other tips you guys notice are welcomed. The more knowledge the better:

  9. @Ryan, yes, haha. I write the way I talk. Plus, I sound like an innocent virgin next to the guys at the Gorilla Pit.

    @CBOS, thanks. It’s good to be fired up about lifting (relatively) heavy shit.

  10. Oh, and I should have mentioned my food PR. On Thursday before I deadlifted, Ty “made” me eat a McDonalds Sausage McMuffin. I promise that I have not eaten one of those in…10 years? I can’t even remember. I’ve basically implemented the Ty Phillips diet for the weekend, and I’m enjoying posting pics of everything I eat on Facebook so that all of the Paleo cult members can have heart attacks. The cheeseburger, onion rings, ranch dipping sauce, lemon pie and beer combo seemed to go over exceptionally well.

  11. Bench 265×4
    Strict Pullups 29
    95 1.5 pood snatches in 5 min

    I finished my first cycle of 5/3/1 and did the TSC instead of my 1+ deadlift day. It’s working very well as a program I can improve my lifting by and still make progress at gymnastics practice.

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